**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Dude I still vividly remember the night you posted that photo of Fett walking up the steps flanked by his scooter gang holy crap I was crying then I blinked and 20 pages had gone by lol

The screams of agony that provoked manifested as a great disturbance in the Force, right up there with the destruction of Alderaan.

Watching that show was like a series of left turns, each cranked a few degrees tighter than the last until you ended up in entombed in a box with no exit, screaming. Instead of enjoying Boba Fett tearing up the scenery, we were left with our tell-tale hearts.

I am still not over it.
The screams of agony that provoked manifested as a great disturbance in the Force, right up there with the destruction of Alderaan.

Watching that show was like a series of left turns, each cranked a few degrees tighter than the last until you ended up in entombed in a box with no exit, screaming. Instead of enjoying Boba Fett tearing up the scenery, we were left with our tell-tale hearts.

I am still not over it.
Very poetic, though for me TBOBF was more akin to having my nuts slammed in a car door for 35 minutes every Friday night.
Like traveling in the back seat with your little brother repeatedly poking you and hissing "are you mad yet?!" just quiet enough so that the parents wont hear.

New Boba would've sat there and taken it with a big toothy smile.

Original Boba would've calmly reached over, opened the car door and pushed him out. :monkey3
A friend just said to me "I don't get it, Bail is leader of a whole planet, can't just send his army after her? Send a covert unit if he doesn't want anyone to know about it."

I think there was some lame explanation why he wanted Obi to go, but yeah...
A friend just said to me "I don't get it, Bail is leader of a whole planet, can't just send his army after her? Send a covert unit if he doesn't want anyone to know about it."

I think there was some lame explanation why he wanted Obi to go, but yeah...

After they'd put down, "Obi-Wan sits in his cave and peeps on Luke", the writing staff were stumped.

Then some bright spark suggested turning the attention to Alderaan's cross country running champion instead...
The entire idea of Inquisitors is stupid. It was just another way for the Clone Wars cartoon to keep having people fighting with lightsabers. I mean, for the Jedi to be all but forgotten by the time of ANH, you know with "ancient weapons and hoaky religions", there sure were an awful lot of people running around with lightsabers in the years after their supposed extinction.
This debate is as old as the PT really. And yes it doesn’t really make sense how old and detached the religion of the Jedi seems in ANH when it has only been 20 years since Order 66.

However here are the usual justifications/rationalizations:

1. Most citizens of galaxy never witness a Jedi - trillions vs 10,000 or 100 million people for every 1 Jedi

2. The Empire outlawed Jedi being mentioned or revered and Order 66 convinced most to turn against the Jedi

3. Control of information / Propaganda/ Holonet censorship - the talk of mysticism and old ways are talking points that secular Imperials use
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For all the love Disney gets, no one seems to realize they haven't created anything new in a very long time. They regurgitate what Walt created and they have been making millions on others work ever since.
What does this even mean? Disney is a company not one person. They hire and acquire talent just like any other company and saying they don’t make anything new in a long time is patently false. Frozen, Moana, Encanto etc are original works. What do we even consider original anyway, even their classic stuff is just retelling of folk tales and mythology but so is Star Wars in all honesty.
A friend just said to me "I don't get it, Bail is leader of a whole planet, can't just send his army after her? Send a covert unit if he doesn't want anyone to know about it."

I think there was some lame explanation why he wanted Obi to go, but yeah...
The lame reason was because Bail didn’t want his political enemies to know he was target of kidnapping or vulnerable. He also ran the risk of disloyalty if the kidnappers were able to infiltrate they may have insiders working with them. With Kenobi he knew how important the twins of Anakin were and the delicate situation to hide the truth of their parentage.
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