**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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I'm sure I'll repeat what a number of others have already said but here goes.

Watching Ewan McGregor reprise his role as Obi-Wan is like comfort food, it just feels good. So that element right there puts a level of rose-tinted glasses over everything.

That said as usual I thought it was a typical mixed bag.

A quick summary would be that I loved Obi-Wan, Owen, Bail and young Leia. The fact that the story is centered around Leia at all was a Grogu level twist for me, which only worked because of how fantastically cast that actress was. I can't believe how well she looks and acts like how I would picture a young Carrie Fisher Leia to be in my mind.

I thought the Inquisitors were quite lame and just as I feared from the trailers Reva is quite possibly the worst villain in the history of Star Wars. She could singlehandedly destroy this entire show depending on how prominent they make her in future episodes.

I did like the overall vibe and aesthetic and changing locations and I thought that the expanded look at Alderaan was great.

The music was very mediocre despite JW's involvement.

I loved that Obi-Wan didn't come to Owen's aid. That was very "Jedi-like" and set the stage so nicely for Owen's attitude toward Obi-Wan and Luke following in his father's footsteps in ANH. That one scene was a perfect example of why he would have no love for the Jedi (they don't save you and only cause problems) and why he'd want Obi-Wan in particular to stay far away from his family (since Beru almost became a widow and Luke became fatherless right then and there.)

Unfortunately the flipside of that is the entire logic behind the Inquisitors' tactics. "The Jedi can't resist being who they are. They'll hunt themselves, expose themselves if you just give them a reason." Huh? Since when? Jedi were always capable of being aloof and detached when the greater mission called for it. We saw countless examples of that in both the PT and TCW. Opportunities where they could free slaves, come to a certain planet's military aid, even help clones that they had become friends with, only to refuse to give aid because doing so would create a greater problem. Hell as far back as ESB Yoda was urging Luke to not even help his best friends.

Did the writers of this show learn nothing of the whole concept of "attachment is forbidden?" It's one of the primary criticisms against the Jedi and would be the opposite of a major weakness that enemies could potentially exploit.

Sure I could see Jedi helping people incognito but not out in the open like that one guy in the cantina at the beginning. Then the moron immediately flees and heads straight to Obi-Wan! :slap How the Inquisitors didn't think to just track him to Obi-Wan's lair I really don't know.

Which leads me to the Inquisitors themselves. Such wishy-washy third rate bad guys. The two male inquisitors were borderline good guys with the way they never wanted to shed innocent blood?? WTF? lol. Grand Inquisitor is always reprimanding Reva for basically acting like an evil murderer? Hello does he know what side he's on, lol. And then he lets the first Jedi flee and does not tail him? That was it? Expose the guy and then let him go on his merry way, the end?

Yeah I know the guy later died and got strung up but I can't help but wonder if he simply got depressed that Obi-Wan wouldn't be his friend and just hanged himself, lol.

Death of Grand Inquisitor was very strange, did they just downgrade the entirety of Rebels to Legends status, lol.

Expanded Order 66 was super cool though I must say it felt weird watching a show open with gunmen charging into a children's classroom with a female teacher this week of all weeks.

At first I was totally distracted by the casting of Kumail Nanjiani but ended up finding his obvious improvs to be really entertaining. But the writing made very little sense. He went from swindler to full blown sacrificial hero in the span of 20 minutes? To the point where he was literally impersonating a Jedi face to face with a freaking Inquisitor?? And then not only does his character seem to do an immediate 180 Reva's persona also does an immediate 180 by just roughing him up a bit and letting him live? What??? This was a character who sliced off a woman's hand for talking back to her just a few scenes earlier and was constantly wanting to kill any and everybody who got in her way but now is apparently cool with a guy being bold/stupid enough to impersonate her arch-enemy, lie to her face, and he just gets a light shove into a wall? The whiplash over who did and didn't have plot armor from one moment to the next was making me sore, lol.

Also going back to Leia that light jog she did in the forest to evade the briskly walking bounty hunters was downright hilarious, lol. I love that they're setting the stage for how well TLJ Leia is able to slowly evade any and all pursuers, lol.

I thought that bit with Obi-Wan having compassion on the clone beggar was a nice little moment. I also really liked witnessing the moment that Obi-Wan realized that Anakin is still alive.

Like most I just want to see how things play out with the two of them. Continuing to focus on Reva will pretty much kill the show which would be one of the stupidest things that Disney has done with SW yet. Unfortunately I'm fully braced for that to occur.

That being said I'm still pretty pumped to see how things continue to unfold.
These are all really good points but shows how nitpicking can hurt enjoyment and critical assessment.

Reva didn’t kill the impersonator because it would be a waste of time. She was cruel to get information. Here she gained it through force interrogation or mind probe as it is known. Killing him would be pointless. She isn’t torturing or maiming for fun it is objective based. She already has what she wants and continues the pursuit. That’s all in character.

The impersonator knew enough about Jedi and their idealism to impersonate them in the first place while also believing he helps others (for a fee of course). He even says as much more than once. When he realizes Kenobi is a Jedi he’s compelled to help him because he knows what the Jedi were and admires them. This is all consistent. If he was a true scammer he wouldn’t provide any service or benefit. It’s not just about the cost of his service but also his belief in helping others.
It united us all. Definitely a top 3 moment since joining SSF.

It was the moment we all came together with one voice...

Yeah. Maybe she remembered how much of a pain in the ass she was to Obi-Wan and just decided it'd be best not to bring that up, lol.

"Obi-Wan, you served my father in the Clone Wars and then were outed as a Force using Jedi because I kept running away when you were trying to hel--crap, nevermind. R2 erase that and let's start again," lol.
It’s also important to remember that Leia made the recording when being invaded by Imperials suspecting/accusing of her aiding the Rebellion. Admitting she knew Kenobi personally or discussing she evaded Imperials as a small kid with his help wouldn’t help her attempt to feign innocence.
Or a poorly written one.

I didn't see that, and I've seen the film a few times. It just looked like they were going at it and neither could get the upper hand.

Right, which is why I charge the film with bad writing. It doesn't really make sense.

Either relent and try to save your broken brother while he's helpless anyway, or finish the horrible task your position and his actions demanded. Don't just walk away.
Walking away after watching him burn and chastising him for the pain he caused was closure. Letting him suffer was in some ways satisfying because it was a form of justice after Anakin’s crimes. Obi-wan was saying goodbye to his brother and voicing his frustration over the whole Chosen One prophecy. Obi-wan has been following Qui-gon’s last instruction for a decade and lived through the pain and horror of that one decision. As some others said Obi-wan let the force decide Anakin’s fate and it was a good decision ultimately.
This is the real shame of the Prequels. So many good ideas just wasted when Lucas could have had anyone in Hollywood help him if he asked.
Lucas asked Spielberg to direct and he declined. He also had assistance for the scripts of AOTC and ROTS after he realized with TPM he couldn’t do it alone. So yes Lucas was blinded a bit by hubris and overconfidence with TPM but it’s not true he never asked for help.
Starting from about five years old, me and my dad had a Birthday Footrace every year around my birthday, natch. This continued till about age 15, at which point my mom cut too much of a fuss because she was worried dad would have a heart attack, his heart having been compromised by exposure to a toxic chemical at work some years before. We would race for about 30 yards or until the victor was apparent.

The victor was my dad. Every single year. Easily.

Men are like lightning. Those three guys should have had her cornered in like 15 seconds. When you are racing someone whose legs are twice as long as yours, its just a matter of physics. Brat Princess should have had zero chance.

But this is Disney we talking about.

Whoops i just saw the post above mine
Cute anecdote aside, not all men are fast and one of the kidnappers looked female to me so I guess that one is objectively slower based on that logic. They are different species as well with only the leader being human from what I can remember. I do agree the scene is silly but Leia does go into small spaces, brambles and roots to evade capture for a while and in the end she is caught anyway. The real question is why they didn’t just stun her using some device like the ion blaster stun setting in ANH. Maybe that tech is too expensive for low rate kidnappers?
But even beyond cheap CGI and bad BR look it's just sooo poorly done even on a basic logic level. It very nearly takes out the moped chase in BOBF as one of the worst chases ever filmed.

e.g. - lil' Leia is levitated onto the ground then Obi Wan arrives to her from TEN stories up seemingly just seconds after she lands (and wasn't he in the middle of a laser gun fight on the roof...)? Then he leaves with her, but minutes later they cut back to Sista and she's still ridiculously Neo-ing across rooftops as if the chase is still on?

It's not helped by perky-whiny Cheerios commercial girl (who says she's ten but looks/sounds 6 or 7) who comes across as a puppet more than baby Yoda ever did.
What in the world, this is being misremembered. This is what I mean about nitpicking to the extent that it negatively affects perception and critical assessment.

What really happens is Obi-wan has already finished the blaster fight and arrived to see Leia hanging. He uses the force while she is falling and she is levitated a foot off the ground. Reva is still in pursuit because you don’t stop chasing just because someone has moved to another area. Yeah kid Leia does seem smaller than 10 but Leia was always petite. I wonder if the actress is 10.
These are all really good points but shows how nitpicking can hurt enjoyment and critical assessment.

Reva didn’t kill the impersonator because it would be a waste of time. She was cruel to get information. Here she gained it through force interrogation or mind probe as it is known. Killing him would be pointless. She isn’t torturing or maiming for fun it is objective based. She already has what she wants and continues the pursuit. That’s all in character.

The impersonator knew enough about Jedi and their idealism to impersonate them in the first place while also believing he helps others (for a fee of course). He even says as much more than once. When he realizes Kenobi is a Jedi he’s compelled to help him because he knows what the Jedi were and admires them. This is all consistent. If he was a true scammer he wouldn’t provide any service or benefit. It’s not just about the cost of his service but also his belief in helping others.
Yes I was less bothered by his seemingly abrupt about face the second time I watched it. When the kid tells him of the bounty and he says "well we'll just have to find him first" and he draws his blaster I realized that it was then that he had determined to help Obi-Wan fight off the bounty hunters as opposed to doing it at the last second in the alley.

It still seemed foolhardy for him to pretend to be a Jedi in front of an Inquisitor but I decided the second time around that that simply spoke to the fact of how unintimidating Reva was, lol.
Yes I was less bothered by his seemingly abrupt about face the second time I watched it. When the kid tells him of the bounty and he says "well we'll just have to find him first" and he draws his blaster I realized that it was then that he had determined to help Obi-Wan fight off the bounty hunters as opposed to doing it at the last second in the alley.

It still seemed foolhardy for him to pretend to be a Jedi in front of an Inquisitor but I decided the second time around that that simply spoke to the fact of how unintimidating Reva was, lol.
Lol true he used Reva’s single-mindedness against her even if not intentionally. He definitely knew the risks though, I mean look at his face, combination of fearless determination and about to **** his pants. 😆
The lame reason was because Bail didn’t want his political enemies to know he was target of kidnapping or vulnerable. He also ran the risk of disloyalty if the kidnappers were able to infiltrate they may have insiders working with them. With Kenobi he knew how important the twins of Anakin were and the delicate situation to hide the truth of their parentage.

No offence, but give me a break. You seriously have the SW goggles on.

They sent a covert operation to Munich back in the day, I'm sure Bail's capable of organising something on Alderaan.

**** writing...
No offence, but give me a break. You seriously have the SW goggles on.

They sent a covert operation to Munich back in the day, I'm sure Bail's capable of organising something on Alderaan.

**** writing...
Ofc he has Star Wars goggles on, this is Star Wars afterall.

Difference being we didn't have space wizards, I'd rather send one of those than a bunch of red shirts.
So far only Leila annoys me Hopefully they don't turn her into Grogu where they try ti milk her annoying character.
Why is Obi-Wan wearing Rey-style pants?
Obi-Wan's intro was right out of TFA.

Multiple shots showing his daily grind, then him getting in line to receive his "portion," (with the big gruff guy handing them out arbitrarily making them lower than they were the previous day), then heading back to his lair to cook some dehydrated food before going outside to eat it while he stares across the desert. I'm surprised that he didn't live in a crashed Clone Gunship.