Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

I just saw mark kermode's review or BR 2049. ..exactly how I felt on the film...great review
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Did Joi really love K, or was it just her programming to "care" about the average Joe?

I couldn't tell if the advertisement as he's was walking on the bridge infuriated him because he came to the realization that nothing was real, or that he was grieving and that ad was a reminder that he lost her.

Honestly I think it was a little of both. Replicants were essentially just bio-engineered humans. Techinically artificial, but still capable of the full human experience, including emotions.

Joi seemed to be more a mass produced "fake girlfriend", and from the looks of it a highly commercialized user friendly program that K had kept on the default settings. Programmed to act like the perfect woman but not capable of actual affection. However regardless of what she actually was, it didn't stop Ryan Gosling from becoming attached to her and thinking of her as a real person. K struck me as a very lonely man, and given Joi's appearance and programming I can see how that line started to blur for him.

But when he saw the hologram on the bridge; saw the intimacy he thought he shared with Joi advertised for public consumption, I think it really hit him that not only was she gone, but that the memories he made with her were meaningless. Just another artificial product for sale in a hyper commercialized society. It hit him that he was gullible for thinking he found a genuine connection with something that couldn't love him back. Even his grief he had been feeling over loss was more pathetic than meaningful. He fell hard for the corporate lie that he believed himself to be better than. And because of his status as a replicant, it further made him see his own entire existence as meaningless. That was when he hit bottom.

Not to get too personal, but it reminds me of a time about a year back when I broke up with my girlfriend who I was absolutely crazy about. That in and of itself majorly sucked, but whats worse is she told me during the breakup that she had known for awhile that she wanted to do this. A week later when I was putting away all the stuff that reminded me of her I came across a picture of the two of us that I took about a month prior. I took it because I thought it had been a really great day and I wanted to remember how happy I was in that moment. But now with the revelation that even then when that photo was taken she had been intending to break up with me, it suddenly made everything a thousand times worse. Not only were those times gone, but even the happy memories I cherished never really existed. Id imagine K felt the same way at the sight of an advertisement for the Joi program.
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Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Wow....great story man, and I get the personal agony of looking back on something you thought was one thing, and ended up being something else.....

Someday, long from now, you will look back on that time with bittersweet emotion. Not happy about it, but grateful for the experiences you had, regardless of how it ended.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

Luv killed Joi.

It was Joi's idea to transfer herself to the emitter and destroy the antennae, making her vulnerable to complete deletion if the emitter was destroyed.

K's Joi wasn't something he could replace with another product. She was gone and he can never get her back. It's like the scene with Deckard and Rachael.

K gets revenge on Luv (it wasn't just "neutralizing a threat"), saves Deckard (going against what the Resistance told him to do) and takes Deckard to his daughter.

That doesn't sound like someone who hit bottom and found his own existence meaningless.
Re: Denis Villeneuve to direct new Blade Runner film

K gets revenge on Luv (it wasn't just "neutralizing a threat"), saves Deckard (going against what the Resistance told him to do) and takes Deckard to his daughter.

That doesn't sound like someone who hit bottom and found his own existence meaningless.
Which to me is ultimately how he triumphs. Even if he is a robot, even if his memories, feelings, and experiences are meaningless, the actions he performs and the effect they have on the world are not. That is how he validates his existance.
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

Just got back from seeing this, was not let down. Great movie.
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

Hard to keep up with the film threads on this board, but:

I just watched both Blade Runner 2049 trailers, pretending I never saw the film. The trailers establish that Gosling is a cop hunting down replicants and investigating Deckard. Leto is mentioning how he can't make enough replicants, seems he's creating them as a workforce or for war or something. It shows action. Jenny from Forrest Gump mentions how if Gosling's investigation leaks, it could cause a war. There are some boobies in there. The flying cars and guns look pretty cool. Gosling is like some kind of futuristic detective or something and it looks like he's going to team up with Han Solo to take the baddies out.

So it does tell the viewer something without going into details about the actual plot, K being a replicant, artificial intelligenct girlfriends, Sean Young's broken baby bearing hips, etc. etc. That's enough.

I also just watched John Campea's video about how THE LAST JEDI TRAILER HAS OVER 120 MILLION VIEWS IN JUST UNDER 24 HOURS!!!! XD In it, he goes into detail about how TLJ trailer is so successful because it keeps things mysterious and doesn't go into details about the plot or story. The same thing he criticizes the Blade Runner 2049 marketing campaign and trailers for doing, he praises Disney for.

Hmmmm. Really joggles my noggles. There's no bias or shilling here, just the facts Jack.

Exactly what I've been thinking whenever I see someone claim they "know why BR failed at the box office". Very few of their theories make sense and you're spot on with one the most popular claims.

It's cool to like Star Wars now. Today SW sheets make chicks wet but back in the day? Only your tears did that.


Honestly I think it was a little of both. Replicants were essentially just bio-engineered humans. Techinically artificial, but still capable of the full human experience, including emotions.

Joi seemed to be more a mass produced "fake girlfriend", and from the looks of it a highly commercialized user friendly program that K had kept on the default settings. Programmed to act like the perfect woman but not capable of actual affection. However regardless of what she actually was, it didn't stop Ryan Gosling from becoming attached to her and thinking of her as a real person. K struck me as a very lonely man, and given Joi's appearance and programming I can see how that line started to blur for him.

But when he saw the hologram on the bridge; saw the intimacy he thought he shared with Joi advertised for public consumption, I think it really hit him that not only was she gone, but that the memories he made with her were meaningless. Just another artificial product for sale in a hyper commercialized society. It hit him that he was gullible for thinking he found a genuine connection with something that couldn't love him back. Even his grief he had been feeling over loss was more pathetic than meaningful. He fell hard for the corporate lie that he believed himself to be better than. And because of his status as a replicant, it further made him see his own entire existence as meaningless. That was when he hit bottom.

Not to get too personal, but it reminds me of a time about a year back when I broke up with my girlfriend who I was absolutely crazy about. That in and of itself majorly sucked, but whats worse is she told me during the breakup that she had known for awhile that she wanted to do this. A week later when I was putting away all the stuff that reminded me of her I came across a picture of the two of us that I took about a month prior. I took it because I thought it had been a really great day and I wanted to remember how happy I was in that moment. But now with the revelation that even then when that photo was taken she had been intending to break up with me, it suddenly made everything a thousand times worse. Not only were those times gone, but even the happy memories I cherished never really existed. Id imagine K felt the same way at the sight of an advertisement for the Joi program.

Excellent post. Easy rep.
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

I just got back from my third viewing. I'm ready to go again. There's so much in this movie that you pick up something new every time (just like the original).
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

After all these weeks...

I T S T I L L H O L D S U P !

LOL I mean it was still good on a second viewing. Its a slow film , and knowing how it ends , can take a slow film and make it boring...

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Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

Just got K's license plate and the art and soul of BR 2049 deluxe edition book...fantastic, but pricey at $99... The $39 version book is 100% well worth it..later this week..K's 6" spinner and Johnnie Walker BR 2049 bottle of scotch :)
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

For me I will watch this annually like the 82 version I've been doing for the last 20 something years
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

Just got K's license plate and the art and soul of BR 2049 deluxe edition book...fantastic, but pricey at $99... The $39 version book is 100% well worth it..later this week..K's 6" spinner and Johnnie Walker BR 2049 bottle of scotch :)

Doesn't the art book come with the glow in the dark poster? What's the quality like?
Re: Blade Runner 2049 (October 6th, 2017)

Doesn't the art book come with the glow in the dark poster? What's the quality like?

The $99 art book does come with the poster...its ok... Book is the same as the $39 $60 extra for the sleeve,protective cover and poster...its ok,quality is good...I will frame it