Call me JOKER!!!!

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I think dripping is a good idea for the V2 head. Kind of a bummer we don't get both heads... just to have more options. But if I had to choose between the 2 stock heads the V2 does look better... but it looks like a lot of the sculpt is lost with paint.
Yep, if you strip the paint, I'm sure the v2 head is better... I mean, the hairline is fixed, and you do need a laughing Joker, especially when it's Jack.
hey pjam, i caved too. have exactly the same plans - get a cheap body (but will wait till i have it in hand in case they've improved it since v1), find/dye the shirt orange and voila! a beautiful 89 joker. the pictures of the head without paint i remember looked amazing. they're what got me interested in this guy in the first place. i wish i could repaint it even though mine'll probably be permanently displayed with a les head.
Since this fell back to page two, I thought I'd bump it back up with an update on my Custom Joker I mentioned quite a while ago. Using Sideshow's Eddie Rickenbacker figure, I'm turning him into a Joker based on the Dark Knight design. So here is a crappy pic showing the progress so far:


Now back to Jack...
To take a note from BM, I thought I would post a pic of my in work Joker work up from the same Eddie figure. Not a Ledger Joker like his, but very much in the same style. :rock

Here's my in work Joker. Now remember... this is not finished!! I WILL be doing a Ledger Joker soon as well, but this will be my practice. :D




Also, don't forget another custom quite a few pages back also used the same figure as a base. That one is more of a classical Joker than ours are. Obviously Josh is leaps and bounds beyond my first attempt, but I'm still happy with my first attempt.
Also, don't forget another custom quite a few pages back also used the same figure as a base. That one is more of a classical Joker than ours are. Obviously Josh is leaps and bounds beyond my first attempt, but I'm still happy with my first attempt.

I like the real hair on yours, looks gnarly and cool!

And Josh, this picture is really frickin' creepy...

Yours look wild Buttmunch. I love rooted hair. It just makes it look wilder.

Josh's take on the Joker looks lairy as well.

That's one thing about the Batman villains. They seem to me to be open to interpretation, whereas Batman himself has to conform to everyones individual favourite.
Also, don't forget another custom quite a few pages back also used the same figure as a base. That one is more of a classical Joker than ours are. Obviously Josh is leaps and bounds beyond my first attempt, but I'm still happy with my first attempt.

It's just so much fun to be doing this alongside someone else. We both have been going forward with these projects and it's great to see the variables that can come from working on the same sculpt. BM, your use of the real greasepaint is inspired and got me excited to start painting on mine. :rock

I know it's going to rule when you are done with it, and it's going to be a fun journey all the way to see what you do. I love watching a new customizer at his craft, the fearlessness of it is always exciting to be a part of.
Well I'm glad I got you going. It was all of the talk in this thread about the V1s and V2 Jokers and Les' customs that got me going. And thanks again for the support, it really means a lot to me.
Anyone know why The V2 no longer appears on the T2 site?

This is what it says in my T2 account:

PRODUCT (deleted from database) #20415

Maybe they are updating the site?
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I noticed it pulled off the other day, I decided to see if it was available or not and there was nothing to be found. Doubt they're revamping though or it'd affect much more than just this, sounds isolated to Joker for whatever reason.
Sounds ominous. Dealing with a customiser, for pre-orders, leaves it open to over ordering and other miscellaneous errors. Hope there's enough to go around for you blokes.
Anyone know why The V2 no longer appears on the T2 site?

This is what it says in my T2 account:

PRODUCT (deleted from database) #20415

Maybe they are updating the site?

I too saw this. Sounds like more bad business to me with this Joker thing.

But P, didn't you say you called him and he said they'd be in in January? So maybe he just took it down, too many calls about it or something.
I too saw this. Sounds like more bad business to me with this Joker thing.

But P, didn't you say you called him and he said they'd be in in January? So maybe he just took it down, too many calls about it or something.

I did call over a week ago, but this sounds like something new. Item is completely removed from the database, this sounds bad...

I have an email into Eric, waiting for an update...
I don't believe it is related to price, ABC has been pre selling these for less than T2's price including shipping...

I have an Email in to them as well.
Gotta love that Joker :rolleyes: Man, this seems to be the piece that will not cooperate with fans. I gotta say if this gets canceled I'm not gonna be too happy about it. I can imagine a lot of people with FML heads in the works won't be too stoked either to have a great looking head... and no figure to put it on.