Call me JOKER!!!!

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This is one expensive custom to start upgrading.

I'm hoping I can make due with what I get. As long as Joker can stand on his own, I may stick with the body supplied. This guy is just too frickin' expensive to put much more money into him. A little futzing, a little dye job, and a little paunch, and I hope I have a good ol' Jack Joker.

That's why I passed on this. I'm glad for all you guys and my Keaton Batman is a bit lonely, but the price tag was very high in general, and then to have a piece that is just about limited to take it out of the box and throw it on a shelf as is without costly upgrades just took the appeal away for me. I approach figure buying from a creative standpoint. If I don't find I'm going to get some strong mileage out of piece I usually don't buy it, these figures are all too expensive to just throw on a shelf, which is also why I'm not an MIB collector. I want to "play" with them to explore the posing and see how well or not they represent the source material and of course there's the image work I do, and it sounds like this Joker wouldn't be much value in that regard.
That's why I passed on this. I'm glad for all you guys and my Keaton Batman is a bit lonely, but the price tag was very high in general, and then to have a piece that is just about limited to take it out of the box and throw it on a shelf as is without costly upgrades just took the appeal away for me. I approach figure buying from a creative standpoint. If I don't find I'm going to get some strong mileage out of piece I usually don't buy it, these figures are all too expensive to just throw on a shelf, which is also why I'm not an MIB collector. I want to "play" with them to explore the posing and see how well or not they represent the source material and of course there's the image work I do, and it sounds like this Joker wouldn't be much value in that regard.

This is one instance where I totally agree with passing on a very expensive figure that still requires upgrades out of the box. I didn't mind it with the Aliens marines because I got them relatively cheaply... plus I like customizing and upgrading. But at $170 plus shipping, this figure would be an easy pass for me... except that I've wanted a JOKER for about 7 years, and I have been searching regularly for all that time. I just couldn't pass up the chance to finally have this figure to go along with my Batman set... which now, happily, is complete (as far as the Burton films go).
I approach figure buying from a creative standpoint. If I don't find I'm going to get some strong mileage out of piece I usually don't buy it, these figures are all too expensive to just throw on a shelf, which is also why I'm not an MIB collector. I want to "play" with them to explore the posing and see how well or not they represent the source material and of course there's the image work I do, and it sounds like this Joker wouldn't be much value in that regard.

I'm not sold on it needing an upgrade yet. I'm waiting for it to be in my hot, little hands.

But there IS value in this figure--or at least there WILL BE value in this figure. I understand what you're saying Maul, but from my standpoint this figure will do a lot of things; it'll look REALLY SWEET and be a nice accompaniment to my Keaton Batman, be a great (if not perfect) 1/6 Joker, be my second high-end 1/6 Jack Nicholson, and finally, be a halfway decent investment. The production number was small and even at $194 shipped from Canada, I think it'll increase pretty nice over time. Will I ever sell mine? Probably not, but if you are talking about expense and "strong mileage" with a figure like this--throwing it on the shelf for five years is exactly what you wanna do. :lecture

I paid $320 for my CRM Toys Alex four years ago. Who'd here would pay that now for it? :cool:
Also, with the updgrades that are being done the original figure is still in tact. So if I decided later I didn't want this particular Joker I could whip out the old body and head and be done with it.
I will know the truth in about 4-5 days. Mine's in route.

But to have a Joker, it's nearly impossible to build one yourself. I know, I've been trying for many years to find parts. Just for this Joker's outfit and coat and painters cap and extras, it seems like the only way you're gonna get a Jack Joker. And the figure's limited edition means there won't be a lot, if any, of parts available.
This is one expensive custom to start upgrading.

I'm hoping I can make due with what I get. As long as Joker can stand on his own, I may stick with the body supplied. This guy is just too frickin' expensive to put much more money into him. A little futzing, a little dye job, and a little paunch, and I hope I have a good ol' Jack Joker.

More than likely this will have the same body as version one. The weakest part being the ankles. Some superglue ought to be enough to make do. He has his own paunch vest, so it's easy enough to pad it out more. The flop hat has no salvation, so I just use the beret till something comes along.
He has his own paunch vest, so it's easy enough to pad it out more. The flop hat has no salvation, so I just use the beret till something comes along.

Good news about the paunch pad, bad news about the hat -- I took another look at past pictures and, yeah, it looks pretty hopeless. But I got the Doc Holiday hat coming so I'm covered there.

I'm curious how to make the pants' color pattern correct. I wonder if a dye -- either green or purple, not sure which -- would change the color correctly. I think this was brought up back when DekaDave was still here. The pants might look better if the 'pink' was taken out or dyed more purple. I just have to see what the other color cubes will change into if I introduce a purple dye. But a quick dye bath might bring the bright colors down a bit. Anyway, that's a complicated task.
Didn't Les do that or have it done to his? His Joker pants look perfect. :drool

As far as I know, Les never revealed where he got those Joker pants from. But I know they were hard to come by and he never did get another pair.

I'm gonna stick with the Century Joker's pants, I'd just like to get them closer to the actual color palette.
if you were to soak the pants in a watered down paint using a dark blue or purple that might look pretty cool. i might do that once my joker V2 comes
As far as I know, Les never revealed where he got those Joker pants from. But I know they were hard to come by and he never did get another pair.

I'm gonna stick with the Century Joker's pants, I'd just like to get them closer to the actual color palette.

I could swear that I read it in a thread or in a pm that the squares of the pants were individually colored on his Joker. As far as where they come from I don't know. All I know is they were custom colored to match the film somehow.
if you were to soak the pants in a watered down paint using a dark blue or purple that might look pretty cool. i might do that once my joker V2 comes

The only problem with the paint soak method, and I've done it, is the material dries somewhat harder and stiffer. Makes getting a good drape tougher to achieve. If you can use dye, it's much much better.
I did indeed have them specially made.
And, I did repaint, square by square, all the blue squares to match the aqua vest I used on mine. So, it was tedious, but worth every minute!
I recommend it if need be.
I did indeed have them specially made.
And, I did repaint, square by square, all the blue squares to match the aqua vest I used on mine. So, it was tedious, but worth every minute!
I recommend it if need be.

Thank you. I thought I was losing what's left of my pea brain there for a minute.
I did indeed have them specially made.
And, I did repaint, square by square, all the blue squares to match the aqua vest I used on mine. So, it was tedious, but worth every minute!
I recommend it if need be.

Thats funny, I knew about custom pants and I knew about recoloring the squares... but didn't remember it was all done by one guy :lol You are truly a nut sir, but the best kinds usually are :rock
I'm not sold on it needing an upgrade yet. I'm waiting for it to be in my hot, little hands.

But there IS value in this figure--or at least there WILL BE value in this figure. I understand what you're saying Maul, but from my standpoint this figure will do a lot of things; it'll look REALLY SWEET and be a nice accompaniment to my Keaton Batman, be a great (if not perfect) 1/6 Joker, be my second high-end 1/6 Jack Nicholson, and finally, be a halfway decent investment. The production number was small and even at $194 shipped from Canada, I think it'll increase pretty nice over time. Will I ever sell mine? Probably not, but if you are talking about expense and "strong mileage" with a figure like this--throwing it on the shelf for five years is exactly what you wanna do. :lecture

I paid $320 for my CRM Toys Alex four years ago. Who'd here would pay that now for it? :cool:

I hope it didn't seem like I was trying to say this figure is worthless as it is cuz that wasn't my intent. I think it looks great and I'm jealous of everyone getting it or that has the V1 because it looks great and is an amazing compliment to a Keaton Batman. I was just saying how for the personal value I get from figures, there would be so much missing with this figure that I'd have to take care of that the final investment would just be far too much. I paid more than retail on Hicks, but even without customizing him, I still would have been happy with the figure, and most of the custom work I have done wasn't overly expensive. I look forward to seeing where some of you guys take this figure as I've seen so many other great custom jobs from ya with other pieces.