Call me JOKER!!!!

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Nice, so did you get a delivery confirmation... or did he just show up?

No delivery confirmation, and I was out all day. The box was just sitting here when I got home. Thank you USPS man!


Reposting since this was on the bottom of the page:

Joker just arrived:


This is, of course, straight from the box, no futz. I have my work cut out for me.

Overall, better than I was expecting. Note here, my expectations were pretty low.

The colors are really bright and vivid, the cut of the outfit is very good. I do think the materials used for the outfit are cheaper than I would expect for $170 figure though. The extras look really great and I'm very happy with the long coat. The sculpt has no paint rubs fortunately, but it's not as great as some of those well-lit pictures have presented him recently. The hair has some really nice texture in it's green-dark green coloration though. There no doubt it's Nicholson, but it's a softer sculpt; something you'd expect from a mass-produced figure, not from a 100 limited edition. So, there are pros and cons here on almost every level. However, this is THE definitive Joker figure ready-to-go out of the box... so what choice do we have? Gotta have that Joker :)

He'll really POP on the shelf, that's for sure!
Upon further inspection, I see that the v2 sculpt doesn't have as good a paint job as the v1 (regardless of hairline). The teeth on the v2 are all white, unlike the v1 which had rotten looking teeth. Also, the sculpt really should have been sanded down some before painting; there's areas of imperfection -- like little bumps from the molding process -- that really should have been removed. For those of you repainting, this is no problem... but if you're keeping this head as is, it's a little bit of a disappointment.

Can anyone else that has the v2 chime in? Maybe I just got a bit of a lemon sculpt :) One good thing, he has less blue eye shadow.

Don't mean to be a downer here...just tellin' it like it is (on mine). It should tell you something that I forked over the dough in the first place.
Okay, just got back from the Post Office in Hollywood. Geez there a lot of nut jobs/ Jokers walking through there. :lol

Anyway, I got him! He's here...

Just opened him up, it's dark out, but on first blush...

I Like it alot ! The sculpt looks VERY GOOD to me, seriously, and the paint apps are excellent on mine. He looks like Jack for crissakes.

Didn't have time to do much else except inspect it and check for flaws and all, but damn, there is a lot of goodies in here. And, something I didn't realize, check out the shoes, they're great and have real laces.

The coat looks well tailored but not heavy material, all the clothing material is a bit light but it fits great. And the yellow shirt is fine, thank you..

I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow but WG and Coco are right, you guys with a Keaton Batman are gonna be very happy with this Figure because they will be an amazing set for display together...

So, overall, very pleased. Have a Dragon Swap body ready.
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Excellent news, P! I can't wait to see your pics tomorrow...if you have time before the game.

I only did a cursory inspection myself, the real test will be Monday when I strip him down, but I'm curious if you noticed the "paunch" under his clothes. Someone here said he comes with a little stuffing or 'paunch' thing, but I didn't see or feel anything like that on mine.

I must also add, the pants don't bother me as much as I thought they would. I might just leave them as is after all.

Has anyone here -- Coco, that's you -- tried ironing or steaming or water treating any of the Joker's clothing? Any recommendations or warnings would be appreciated. This guy's too pricey to risk damage.
Yes, mine has a paunch under the lower part of the blue vest. And believe it or not I have very little futzing to do. Even the box was super mint.

As Les mentioned a basic older Dragon body is what you want for body swapping. I tested mine out and the hand pegs fit perfectly...

I was hoping they would include the radio caller (Joker Helicopter) as this can be used as a Parade Joker as well as a Belfy Joker... but I'm glad we got the flag gun and laughing bag...

But to have that coat, and all the clothing I'm asking myself is it worth the 170? I have to say it shouldn't be but it is. :D

Last thought. I was also thinking if I would have been happy with this figure out of the box and I dare I say... I shouldn't say, but Yes. I would.
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You need a Joker GIF next to your Batman now...Joker waving his arm: Hello little people!


I already have him in the classic Jack pose with arm extended, holding the Fedora...

You guys are gonna be Very Happy with it IMO. It's a shelf popper!
Good to hear your happy with Joker pjam.:cool:

Wor-Gar, I did water treat his pants without any problems. The only thing I had problems with is the fragility of his wrist pegs. I snapped one off the other day and all I did was reposition his arm.:monkey2
Good to hear your happy with Joker pjam.:cool:

Wor-Gar, I did water treat his pants without any problems. The only thing I had problems with is the fragility of his wrist pegs. I snapped one off the other day and all I did was reposition his arm.:monkey2

Thanks for the warning, Coco. Sorry to hear about that though. I'll be very careful.

Did it have anything to do with the body swap?

I'm thinking steam may be safe on the felt coat and jacket. Maybe.
You Guys who know me know how much I hate flash, almost never captures the figure properly.

But I snapped a couple quickies off to show you mine basically right out of the box but posed... no body swap, no futz...



Gotta run, hope to have a few more tomorrow. :D
Thanks for the warning, Coco. Sorry to hear about that though. I'll be very careful.

Did it have anything to do with the body swap?

I'm thinking steam may be safe on the felt coat and jacket. Maybe.

No, nothing to do with the body swap as far as I can tell. I think the wrist pin plastic is just too flimsy. Here's Joker now withour his left hand.:monkey2

As far as water treating the jacket and coat go, I completely soaked the felt fedora and although it didn't harm it, it also didn't have any effect as far as looks on that felt material.
Coco, I hope you can get it fixed, but in a weird way, it's almost fitting for Joker, "here, let me lend ya a hand...hahaha, lend ya a hand..."
As nice as the V2 head appears, it really can't hold a candle to that Les head on Coco's figure :drool
Les' work often has that effect. Les's Joker is a great marriage of sculpt and paint though, looks very alive in Coco's images.
Les' work often has that effect. Les's Joker is a great marriage of sculpt and paint though, looks very alive in Coco's images.

wow, I thought that was the original paint job on the head there. Looks really good and alot more lifelike then the other one (which is still good)
wow, I thought that was the original paint job on the head there. Looks really good and alot more lifelike then the other one (which is still good)

It's not the original head at all. Les customized an old Joker vinyl kit head into that on his own and then painted it, it has nothing to do with whoever makes these custom Jokers.