Super Freak
Weed is nothing like what it's been portrayed as for the last 50 years or so.
Recent studies show weed that has been grown properly with no extras added etc, is far better for you health wise than most other legal consumables and/or over the counter drugs. It doesn't lower sperm count nor does it hinder the oxygen intake capacity. It's a million times better for you than alcohol and a billion times better for you than tobacco. This is a given....
There hasn't ever been a recorded death from cannabis, the only danger is you don't know whats in the weed if you don't know the source. Also depending what you smoke it with (tobacco).
IF you already have underlying mental issues, then it has the potential to make these worse OR better, also it can make you entirely lazy OR it can help you delve deeper into your creativity, it all depends on the person and how the person chooses to use it.
It's complete stupidity to even associate it with the likes of crack, herion, meth etc, open your eyes you silly people. Even if you don't like people that use weed or never have had the interest to use it yourself it should be blatantly obvious that it is nowhere even close to the destruction they bring into people lives.
As with a lot of things in life, it's not weed that's the problem. It's mankind
This is a great statement and I agree 100%!