Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016)

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going from this to any X-Men movie will be jarring now, it already was post TWS.

Can't wait to see Charles Xavier sitting in his wheelchair and Magneto lifting something big really slowly....Zzzz....Zzzz.

I like the X-Films but mostly because of the actors. Fassbender, McAvoy, Jackman, they're all great in their roles and make these films. I also do appreciate their more "sociopolitical" angle, but it's not like they transcend the medium. They're still about folks with cool powers fighting other folks with cool powers from taking over the world/ committing genocide.

The MCU has some duds, yes, that's true. But to disregard the good stuff as just "popcorn entertainment" while ignoring X3 and Origins (far worse than the worst MCU film), is kinda hypocritical IMO. Especially when even the good films are contrived and full of conviniences as well.

The comic book X-Fans like to pretend that the X-Books were always more sophisticated, but apart from a few stories (say, God Loves, Man Kills), they're about as super-heroic as you can get. Alien Bird People, Killing Machines from the future, Dracula, an AI that wants to ****, a Living Island, these are only a few of the X-Stuff that constantly appear in comics.
Overall they're decent, loving the XM books and of course Wolverine growing up allows me to enjoy the movies but they are absolutely not my first choice in the action department. Blade 1 even has better action than all the XM movies for christs sake!

Where MCU is taking the set pieces is where Superhero movies need to be with WB/DC doing an ok job I guess catching up.

XM movies have the most boring set pieces of any superhero movie.

Just look at the hand to hand combat on display in TWS/CW/BvS (Warehouse) then try to picture Singer's group of actors-twinks-stuntmen trying to emulate that.

Look at BW fighting then picture Mystique doing that.

The most excitement you'll get out of an XM now is a QS slow motion scene emulating super speed, that's it. :lol
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Overall they're decent, loving the XM books and of course Wolverine growing up allows me to enjoy the movies but they are absolutely not my first choice in the action department. Blade 1 even has better action than all the XM movies for christs sake!

Where MCU is taking the set pieces is where Superhero movies belong with WB/DC doing an ok job I guess catching up.

XM movies have the most boring set pieces of any superhero movie.

Just look at the hand to hand combat on display in TWS/CW/BvS (Warehouse) then try to picture Singer's group of actors-twinks-stuntmen trying to emulate that.

Look at BW fighting then picture Mystique doing that.

As an X-Book fan, I like the films well enough, but they deviate so much from the source material that I don't love them the same way I love TWS, IM, GotG or the Avengers. Deadpool, while far too much of a Way-Pool, is the first one to make me feel like that for a Fox-Men film. Thing is, it's not just about the action for me, so I can appreciate the whole storyline and classify DoFP, FC and X2 as good movies.

As far as H2H action goes, I don't think anything comes close to the MCU. TWS & CW (not to mention Daredevil) featured some of the best action pieces in a block-buster movie. For me, these 2 at least, are modern classics in that department. I am willing to give the DCEU the edge in the "Big Leagues" Fights (even though they're just a bunch of CGI), but on the H2H? Hell no! The warehouse sequence was fun, but nowhere near Cap's action sequences. Hell, look at the wire-work here:


That thug may as well be flying. Maybe he's a low-level meta... That's gonna be useful in ComicVine I guess...


The punch doesn't even connect there.


Batman presses his head down with force, but the guy stands straight for too long. Hell, Batman even looks like he's doing a wicked flip with his Bat-Skateboard...

Now, I'm not saying it's bad, but if we analyze the sequence like folks have done with TWS, it has tons more problems. If you look close enough the wire-work is noticeable in all action movies, but in both TWS & CW, it's more fluid. IMO at least.
I just popped in to say I loved it, great movie. No complaints. I just can't wade through the usual suspects trying to tear apart a great movie because they favor x men or B v S. Really looking forward to seeing the new Spiderman movie.

That's just what I was thinking after reading through a lot of these posts. I had fun and that's all I care about in a movie.
I like how they show how strong bucky's arm is and how everyone avoids it and spidey catches it with one hand.
Spidey made perfect sense, they had Witch, Tony didn't have anyone with super powers, it was my impression Vision showed up on his own with his own purpose.
As an X-Book fan, I like the films well enough, but they deviate so much from the source material that I don't love them the same way I love TWS, IM, GotG or the Avengers. Deadpool, while far too much of a Way-Pool, is the first one to make me feel like that for a Fox-Men film. Thing is, it's not just about the action for me, so I can appreciate the whole storyline and classify DoFP, FC and X2 as good movies.

As far as H2H action goes, I don't think anything comes close to the MCU. TWS & CW (not to mention Daredevil) featured some of the best action pieces in a block-buster movie. For me, these 2 at least, are modern classics in that department. I am willing to give the DCEU the edge in the "Big Leagues" Fights (even though they're just a bunch of CGI), but on the H2H? Hell no! The warehouse sequence was fun, but nowhere near Cap's action sequences. Hell, look at the wire-work here:


That thug may as well be flying. Maybe he's a low-level meta... That's gonna be useful in ComicVine I guess...


The punch doesn't even connect there.


Batman presses his head down with force, but the guy stands straight for too long. Hell, Batman even looks like he's doing a wicked flip with his Bat-Skateboard...

Now, I'm not saying it's bad, but if we analyze the sequence like folks have done with TWS, it has tons more problems. If you look close enough the wire-work is noticeable in all action movies, but in both TWS & CW, it's more fluid. IMO at least.

No doubt, WB/DC barely catches up to TWS level of intensity then CW comes along and raises the bar again! :lol
The only reason I love BvS combat over MCU was due to brutality. Sure choreography doesn't connect very well at some points, but you can't disregard how brutal it was.

Crossbone fight with Cap was pretty brutal, but it was way too perfect. Look at BvS, you see thugs managing to connect a few hits on Batman, the knife stab, and when you see the guy who swings the blade and hits his cowl. It is more authentic. What annoys more from every video game and movie is having this hero dish out all this work on a bunch of guys, and they can't seem to do ****. That's why I love these First Order Stormtroopers, they don't seem utterly useless. Only in the ship boarding in ANH do we see them being of use, rest of the series; nah.

But I will say, Bucky was incredibly brutal in Berlin, during that raid. So it did come pretty close to Batman brutality imo; but again, it was way too perfect. It seemed only Tony was capable of dishing out pain, notice that Spidey doesn't even really get a good hit, just the feet; and that was a joke?

I'm just saying how the combat for me plays out. Even though the choreography on TWS and CW have to be the best ever.
To me, the final battle in CW was more brutal than any of the fights in BvS, warehouse scene included.
Well Marvel fanboys have a thin skin if you downgrade a MCU movie. Yet they trash DC like it's brushing your teeth in the morning- just a habit.
Too bad- I still think BvS was far more intense and interesting than CW. CW was fine , not saying it was poor. Didn't think it offered much over WS which is still a superior film by far.

Spidey was thrown in and it shows. The wink wink quips and humor in the airport battle was jarringly out of place for the rest of the film considering up to that point all the Avengers had built up alot of anger for opposing points of view and alot of apparently empty threats to each other. Loved the final Cap/Tony battle.
Just got back. I thought it was alright. Better than Age of Ultron but not as good as Winter Soldier. But man was I sick of being transported from location to location with the transition establishing text thing like "Berlin" or whatever. Way too many jumps from scene to scene and location to location. Reminded me of the beginning of Batman v Superman. We're here, now we're here, now we're over here.

Thought Ant-Man was the one that stole the show. Loved seeing all of his new abilities and the banter. Giant Man was awesome (didn't like the slow moving lumbering brute cliche for him though). The evolution of the relationship formed in Winter Soldier between Captain America, Bucky and The Falcon were great. I'd love to see a movie where Cap and Bucky go on a mission or something. We get glimpses of this in First Avenger and Civil War, but it doesn't feel like enough. Evans and Stan have pretty good chemistry, their friendship seems sincere and that's been shown really well in all three movies I think.

Spider-Man did absolutely nothing for me. His parts are good on their own, don't get me wrong, it's not a bad Spidey, but it just didn't feel right having him thrown into here. It was extremely jarring to just be thrust into Queens and have Peter Parker shoehorned into this world (just like Wonder Woman and the Justice League). What is Stark doing? That kid dies so he goes out and recruits a random super powered kid that could be killed or hurt in this airport scuffle? It doesn't feel natural and Stark being so involved felt contrived. Spider-Man's design looks great and I liked the interaction with Captain America, but he looked like a straight up video game character. He looked fake in pretty much every shot, even just standing there. I liked Holland and Tomei though.

The CGI was pretty crappy throughout the movie, especially those helicopter shots. The floating head of Tony in the Iron Man suit was pretty bad and that scene where it's raining against the window of helicopter. The best CGI shot that impressed the hell out of me was the young Tony Stark. I thought that was absolutely amazing. He looked just like the Robert Downey Jr. of the 80s/90s.

Didn't mind Baron Zemo at all. I was having trouble following his plan and reasoning at the end (his family was killed off in AoU, give me a break), but I thought Bruhl did a fantastic job. Not as good as Redford's Alexander Pierce, but still a decent villain. I just had a tough time with his motivation and wanting the Avengers to fight. So many strong parallels to Batman v Superman.

Oh and the ending kinda sucked. I thought Steve's letter to Tony was a mistake. It completely negates the two hours of the movie when they were just beating the **** out of each other two scenes before. So that's it, all is well? Another Marvel movie where there is pretty much zero at stake, all the characters beat the **** out of each other, no major deaths and no real climax. I liked the endings for Avengers and Winter Soldier more. They felt like they had actual endings. Should have left Cap's team in prison and had Tony still fueding with Steve.

So yeah, it was pretty good. I'm sick of superhero movies personally though. It's all the same **** to me. Onwards and upwards to Infinity Wars I guess.

Agreed- I'm getting tired of superhero movies- come to think of it that might be my problem with it...
Well Marvel fanboys have a thin skin if you downgrade a MCU movie. Yet they trash DC like it's brushing your teeth in the morning- just a habit.

Do you forget all the conspiracy theories for BvS to explain why it wasn't well received :lol Both sides have fan girls with thin skin and a bias for "their" preference because you can't appreciate both styles it has to be one or the other.
Saw CW yesterday with the comic book club I sponsor and we all loved it! :rock

The only thing that was complained about was the "shaky" camera effect in the first fight scene. Other than that nearly everyone in the group, club members & chaperones, thought it was a much better movie than BvS (which we saw as a group also).
I've waited decades to finally see the spectacle that STM and Batman 89 couldn't deliver and as great and ground breaking as those 2 movies were the reality is that they just couldn't deliver what is on display in these MCU movies and MOS/BvS.

Therefore I will now take the time to appreciate and enjoy them and be grateful to finally having the movies actually match my imagination of when I was a kid.

Sure I prefer some over the other but god am I grateful to have all of them to experience!

Burnt out, eventually i'm sure i'll get there, but right now hardly!

Bring on IW and JL, i'm ready!
I've waited decades to finally see the spectacle that STM and Batman 89 couldn't deliver and as great and ground breaking as those 2 movies were the reality is that they just couldn't deliver what is on display in these MCU movies and MOS/BvS.

Therefore I will now take the time to appreciate and enjoy them and be grateful to finally having the movies actually match my imagination of when I was a kid.

Exactly..........pre adolescents tho will want you to choose a side....your either with them or against them. PICK A SIDE :lol
Yeah I guess some people are held over by the perfect action. Things like pyro throwing fireballs at cop cars, and magneto turning guns to heads are cooler to me than long extended "everything works out dance/fights". It was cool. But that guy up there has a point ^ I've never been transported to so many city's /locations by title cards, they should have thinned that out a bit [emoji38]

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