Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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I have no special feelings for Larson. She seems miscast. Feels a lot like the Supergirl casting. Still not dissuaded. A bigger name could have put too much of a personal spin on the character. Robbie kinda blew it with Quinn. Larson may be aware that she has something to prove.
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Charlize would have been perfect 20 years ago.

More like 10 years ago. 20 years ago critics would have said she was too young...and they'd have been right.

Not blown away by what I've seen thus fact the more I watch, the more Brie Larson's line delivery / annunciation irritates ("I'm not gonna fight your war...>I'm gonna end it<"). Really not sold on her at all, although admittedly, she does look good when fully kitted up - especially with helmet. I'm far more interested in Jude Law's character and what he brings to the table.

However, it's just a trailer and perhaps unfair to judge dialogue and performance when taken out of I will wait for the film and approach it with an open mind. I really do hope it's fantastic.

I'm taking the same approach. Very hard to judge based on partial scenes pasted together for a trailer, especially when there's no guarantee all of these scenes make the final cut of the movie.
I have no special feelings for Larsen. She seems miscast. Feels a lot like the Supergirl casting. Still not dissuaded. A bigger name could have put too much of a personal spin on the character. Robbie kinda blew it with Quinn. Larsen may be aware that she has something to prove.

Despite my previously stated misgivings, I'm still giving Larsen the benefit of the doubt (as well as Marvel for casting her). Just because she doesn't quite fit the comic book version I'd envisioned doesn't mean she won't make the character her own. A lot of us had similar doubts when they cast Johnny Storm as Captain America, and that turned out OK.
Hopefully she falls into the Keaton Batman or Ledger Joker camp of being miscast but honestly i’m not impressed by the range they’re giving her.

If she’s meant to be stoic because of the amnesia and lack of trust I think they went too far with her stiffness and lack of facial emotions.

But at the end of the day look at BP, very well emoted but the movie was stiff.

As long as CM brings on the action set pieces and a great free flowing dynamic plot with an exciting Kree/Skrull tug of war then I can deal with her crappy acting lol

Plus show me some T&A.
Hopefully she falls into the Keaton Batman or Ledger Joker camp of being miscast but honestly i’m not impressed by the range they’re giving her.

If she’s meant to be stoic because of the amnesia and lack of trust I think they went too far with her stiffness and lack of facial emotions.

But at the end of the day look at BP, very well emoted but the movie was stiff.

As long as CM brings on the action set pieces and a great free flowing dynamic plot with an exciting Kree/Skrull tug of war then I can deal with her crappy acting lol

Plus show me some T&A.

Well, my Charlize Theron casting post was inspired by having just seen her J'adore commercial, so perhaps subconsciously that was my motive as well. :lol

Brie is a fantastic actress but these trailers don't show any of that because it's a CBM. It's meant to show you the action and special effects. I do not believe this will be ranked up there with WS or the first IM as one of the best but it definitely will be entertaining. It will for sure though bring in huge numbers. Our society is drooling over strong female leads right now so any movie with that will undoubtedly do well.
Quote Originally Posted by jye4ever View Post
Never imagined I would see these cosmic beings in any movie so I could care less about her facial emoting skills because holy crap a film studio is actually spending top money to tell a version of the Kree Skrull storyline GTFO of here for real lol.

Hurry up FF and X-Men.

Word. It's pretty amazing that the MCU has made such uniquely Marvel terms like Thanos, Wakanda, Rocket, Groot, Infinity Stones, etc., household names for normies and geeks alike now. Looks like Kree and Skrull will soon be added to the list.




:lol glad you guys are exited for this ,but just got a "tell me again how great this product is infomercial"vibe from your posts :duff
I am sooooo deep onboard this 11 year journey towards IW2 that no amount of stiffness on Brie Larson’s face will derail that ride not even 1% of my excitement will be tainted.

We are witnessing cinematic history right here with the MCU just like it was with the OT.

The mark being left by the MCU will be one of those elevated peaks that will stick out in the history time line lessons of cinema.

Yes even the weaker entries of the MCU serve a greater purpose because I now care about T’Challa and Dr Strange even though their individual entries were somewhat weak and even Thor and IM had their own weak entries yet I gasped when Stark got stabbed by Thanos thinking it was the end of the line for him and I cheered when Thor made his heroic entry so i’m sure I will do the same for Capt Marvel in a future movie because cohesively Marvel made them all matter!

See that’s the magic they’re creating they’re making us care about these characters in long sometimes eye rolling (looking at you BP) form. It’s both a slow AND fast burn think about that craziness for a second!

Anyways by this point either you’re onboard or you’re not and Jesus H Christ we still have X-Men and FF coming!

Maybe I died and went to heaven. No disregard I don’t have a ferrari in my driveway with three girls, one japanese, one latina and one brunette american, sittings inside all approved by the wife so i’m still alive lol

Bye Fox cast I want all new casting sorry Hugh thanks for the ride but i’m done with your Wolverine make mine MCU style.

So no since i’m not a man with a spine made of jelly fish I will not post pics of Hillary Clinton and Kathleen Kennedy to show my anger towards Capt Marvel go look for someone else to show off their insecurities not me.

But please Marvel I beg you don’t make CM have the same level of lame action that BP suffered from lol

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I have her getting dressed up in SS on loop play lol

The way she wiggles into that shirt :thud:

We need a whole movie of her trying on different superhero costumes, lol.

Larson has been good in other films so I'm surprised that all of her line readings in the trailer are so flat. Robbie as HQ, Vikander as Lara Croft, Olsen as SW, they all nail every line while pulling off non-native accents no less. Felicity Jones made cheesy lines like "rebellions are built on hope" sound cooler than "I'm not going to fight their war, I'm going to end it." Hell SLJ cuddling the cat sounded more badass than Larson, lol.

Hopefully it somehow works in the finished film but again, if the action delivers then that will be good enough because she already looks awesome in the suit, especially with either mask on.
Movie looks like it could be really good. I don't understand all the negativity this getting. Trailer is basic but movie could have some good moments not spoiled but the way trailers are cut nowadays. Hot picture too. :drool:drool:drool:drool:drool:drool:drool

Yeah we're two full trailers in now and and they are still deliberately keeping her big outer space battle almost completely out of the sizzle reels.