The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
The cat stole the show at the pre screening. No surprise Bree didn't.
The cat will now be the most powerful character in the MCU.
The cat stole the show at the pre screening. No surprise Bree didn't.
Apparently, those who saw the movie said that Brie's performance and delivery felt flat, and her character one dimensional, instead of well rounded.![]()
I am afraid Larson will be the worst part of this. Should've cast Katharyn Winnick.
I am afraid Larson will be the worst part of this. Should've cast Katharyn Winnick.
Marvel blew it on this character imo.
Just look at all the Photoshop mashups and you know they screwed it up.
Winnick not only has the looks but has the physicality from her martial arts back ground to pull off Capt. Marvels composure and presence.
While I too would have preferred KW, that boat has sailed and there's no point rehashing it. Her being 12 years older than Larson no doubt played a part, plus if they were seriously considering older actresses for the role Winnick still would have likely been a long shot.
Is it me, or does it seem like a ton of folks have already decided to not like the Captain Marvel character as well as Brie Larson's performance? Maybe we should wait and oh, I don't know - actually watch the movie before forming an opinion? Joking about her physical attributes (or lack thereof) is one thing, but a few too many people seem personally threatened by the concept of a powerful female character. Feige makes one comment about her and they're all up in arms. It's rather pathetic.
Mmmmm I think the character should actually look like the character.
Jared Leto did a disservice to his portrayal of the Joker with the off the wall makeup.
She looks uncomfortable in that suit, she doesn’t seem to have the powerful presence or charisma needed for CM.
Here to hoping I am wrong and its just not showing through.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Is it me, or does it seem like a ton of folks have already decided to not like the Captain Marvel character as well as Brie Larson's performance? Maybe we should wait and oh, I don't know - actually watch the movie before forming an opinion? Joking about her physical attributes (or lack thereof) is one thing, but a few too many people seem personally threatened by the concept of a powerful female character. Feige makes one comment about her and they're all up in arms. It's rather pathetic.
I'll be seeing Captain Marvel, in spite of my very, very "meh" feelings on the trailer and what it shows of Brie Larson's performance (she's flat to me in the trailers), so the movie will have a chance to turn my feelings around. But the reality for me is that I wouldn't bother going to see it in theaters if it wasn't attached to the MCU. That's the only reason right now I'll see it. Otherwise, I might have waited for Netflix. If I enjoy the movie, I'll have no problem saying so.
As a woman, and speaking for myself, my issue with the character has nothing to do with her gender - it has to do with the marketing and the interviews where Larson says stuff like "CM can lift Thor's hammer" or "Thanos isn't a big deal" (paraphrasing here). It's a big turn off for me, and I think I'm not alone in that. And while others will throw the accusations of "being threatened by a strong woman" around, what it ultimately comes down to for me (and again, probably not alone) is that I'm invested in the current MCU characters that the MCU has spent 10 years developing, and I'm not interested in seeing this new character, with only one solo movie under their belt, come in and be shown to be better than Cap, Thor, Iron Man, etc, etc or that they need her to win over Thanos.... Nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with wanting the beloved heroes that I've watched and invested in to get the ultimate win. The only MCU character I want lifting that hammer besides Thor is Cap, because that is pay off, for example. It's not because Cap is a man. It's because the character has earned it.
As far as the strong woman message.....too often it seems like the MCU's current female characters go overlooked. Wanda is A LOT more powerful than they've developed her currently, and I would love nothing more to see her unleashed. Black Widow may not have superpowers but I think that makes her even stronger in other ways. There are a lot of dynamic and wonderful female characters, that though they haven't led a film solo, I love. As for a female solo superhero film, I'm not a DC fan AT ALL at this point, but I loved Wonder Woman and Gal Gadot in that role. And I've wanted Black Widow to get her own movie for years.
But a "strong female character" feels like it's coming to mean a female character who comes in and owns everything and can't be shown to have flaws, and we're supposed to root for her just because she's "so strong!". I want to see female characters written well just like male characters.
Give me Buffy Summers. Jessica Jones. Emma Swan. Regina Mills. Natasha Romanoff. Hermione Granger. Princess Leia.
As much as I loved The Force Awakens, for another example, I can't deny any longer that I can't understand why so many fans of the OT characters are upset with what's been done to them in the name of repeating the OT conflict with new characters. I was never a Luke fan myself, but wondering how Avengers: Endgame is going to go with Captain Marvel has forced me to admit that with the treatment of Luke and what should've been his to accomplish being given to's kinda of like "Duh. Of course a lot of people aren't going to be happy about that. If Luke were Cap or Tony and Carol were Rey, I would be furious as hell!"
I think it comes down more about introducing new characters in ways that don't disrespect/show up/step on/ the established, beloved characters. Ultimately, this worry may be for nothing and I've had a lot of faith in Kevin Feige, who's heads and shoulders above many other studio heads out there. But with the interviews and marketing, I'm not going to pretend it isn't there.
But a "strong female character" feels like it's coming to mean a female character who comes in and owns everything and can't be shown to have flaws, and we're supposed to root for her just because she's "so strong!".
Godot is a bodybuilder next to Brie. She's tall too...and even in that gif, her personality shines. She's super cute and sexy at the same time.