doing it...for all of us
Because of all the reasons stated above, I don't believe any other Vader will have all the features found in the CM version or be such a limited collectible.
Because of all the reasons stated above, I don't believe any other Vader will have all the features found in the CM version or be such a limited collectible.
The Cinemaquette - though poised at 1,ooo pcs as all are initially--- will only make it up to 300 worldwide (thats less than the LGD eFX helmets - but twice the price)...
The most ever made was the predator at about 600 plus, I believe.
This Vader features a helmet that is based on a high resolution 3D scan from Lucasfilm of an OT helmet (I don't think the accoutrements were scanned, but sculpted). The shoulder armour looks to be the Bob Anderson fencing armour, but is screen accurate nonetheless.
The audio is the original James Earl Jones recording and Cinemaquette had to obtain that license separately. So this is well worth the price.
I have it and it is just incredible -- it's the best figural depiction of Vader I own, at least til I get Gino's lifesize from SS, or if SS Legendary Scale Figure trumps this one, but SS'd better get that helmet right or else it ain't happening.
So far the Legendary Scales are hit and miss -- I like the Kenobi (even though his eyebrows look like they're plucked), Maul's proportions are a little weak, and Catwoman looks more like Catman with those broad shoulders and narrow hips...Wonder how Vader would fare...
Either way I'm getting the Vader, but it better be a well-sculpted representation....!!!
im collecting star wars pf, this is my first cinemaquette... 2k for this guy= 5 new pf, what do you think, worth it?...very impressive, but i still think is too much, i dont know, im stress.
You guys are funny.
If your collection revolves around PFs, why purchase any CM at $2,000 if you are going to look at it and think how many PFs you could get for $2,000?
Price flinching once you start hitting this price range means that perhaps you should pass. Your collection is mainly PFs so I would stick with that.
This vader is hot, I've been waiting to get this for a while, $2000 is not a lot if you really like the piece, nowadays I'm more about my favorite character and their best representations IMO, I got attakus vader one which I still think is the best sculpted vader, possibly overall, this has enough features and quality that it makes it more than worth getting in my eyes.
the point is it's one of the most accurate vader ever made, once gone it's gone...that's why people are conflicted. I dont collect anything above 1/4 either but will keep this if i get it despite the awkward pose + white saber...just because it's so accurate.
i am not holding my breath for sideshow to make a new good vader pf...
Excuse my ignorance, but where is this available for $2000?
im collecting star wars pf, this is my first cinemaquette... 2k for this guy= 5 new pf, what do you think, worth it?...very impressive, but i still think is too much, i dont know, im stress.
Looks badass!I would be stressed too lol. I personally would never pay over $500 for a collectible though.
im collecting star wars pf, this is my first cinemaquette... 2k for this guy= 5 new pf, what do you think, worth it?...very impressive, but i still think is too much, i dont know, im stress.
the edition size is not THAT low at 1000 for a $2000 statue.
I still have this on waitlist/preorder, have no idea what's going on with their new website & new accounts etc.. if i manage to get this i will keep it but not going to actively pursue it.
The squating pose & white lightsaber is really the two blackeye in otherwise a perfect release.