Current discount codes at SSC

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High shipping cost and California tax , has me ordering from bbts, alterego, timewalker, and any other dealer I can find who all happen to be cheaper then sideshow
I only buy from sideshow when they have the exclusive figures edition
They wouldn't overcharge for shipping? Sure they would - and they do. They can't very well undercut all their retailers all the time, but $20 coupons are hardly a big deal. If Sideshow slashed their margins no one would be able to compete and no one would carry the products they distribute. It's as simple as that.
They wouldn't overcharge for shipping? Sure they would - and they do. They can't very well undercut all their retailers all the time, but $20 coupons are hardly a big deal. If Sideshow slashed their margins no one would be able to compete and no one would carry the products they distribute. It's as simple as that.

Sideshow also enforces order minimum quantities to their retailers just like other companies and enforce penalties for low volume ordering. This is a big reason so many hobby stores will not carry their products. I've had this conversation with 5 or 6 shop owners over the last year that the minimum quantities are way to costly for a mom and pop to be able to sustain the working capital to buy from them.

So they are not just raising shipping prices to protect the retailers, they need money to pay the artists and their actual manufactured product lines. Higher shipping costs is just a pass through lever they are pulling to bring down bottom line dollars.

Their model is set up for larger volume retailers and that way they have the ability to control the volume to an extent and can ensure they are able to sell so much of the product they distribute and higher margins. I am not faulting them, its their model for how to make money.

I also disagree about the $20 code, collectors are like bloodhounds living month to month waiting for the code to subsidize the shipping charges. If it wasn't an important piece of them selling product then they would not offer it every month now.
Without the codes, I would probably order elsewhere. The reward points are nice but BBTS is sometimes 5.00 cheaper and have cheaper shipping. If its not an exclusive, then I will probably not go with Sideshow. The 20.00 makes it worth it sometimes.
Sideshow also enforces order minimum quantities to their retailers just like other companies and enforce penalties for low volume ordering.

What you're describing is how every business in the world works. But we're getting waaay out in left field now. My only point is.. If you don't like Sideshow's price, GTFO and buy from somewhere else - like one of their retailers.
What you're describing is how every business in the world works. But we're getting waaay out in left field now. My only point is.. If you don't like Sideshow's price, GTFO and buy from somewhere else - like one of their retailers.

I realize that but your comment about the shipping increases to protect the retailers was off base. What you are suggesting is working obviously with the comment right after my post. :lol
I realize that but your comment about the shipping increases to protect the retailers was off base. What you are suggesting is working obviously with the comment right after my post. :lol

It's not off base at all, and you haven't provided a single word to refute why it's off base. Sideshow make money whether you buy from them or another retailer. They may sell to the public themselves, but they have no interest in screwing over their retailer network. I don't care how many mom and pops places you've spoken to one way or the other.

But... Not that I care. I'm not here to debate.
It's not off base at all, and you haven't provided a single word to refute why it's off base. Sideshow make money whether you buy from them or another retailer. They may sell to the public themselves, but they have no interest in screwing over their retailer network. I don't care how many mom and pops places you've spoken to one way or the other.

But... Not that I care. I'm not here to debate.

Well you care enough to reply. You are off base because you have no internal knowledge as to why they increased the shipping. You are also off base saying the $20 dollar codes do not matter. Also the fact you isolated sideshow as a distributor was plain wrong. You are stating opinions on a chat board.

I am giving facts from retailers that bought product from sideshow and their experiences. I never said they are trying to screw over their retailers nor am I trying to convey that. What I stated was in order to do business with sideshow they have increased their volume requirements and this is an issue for retailers and it is causing fewer outlets for sideshow to use as retailers. Buy this alone if they are selling out product and sideshow is selling more directly then they are making more money by default vs the lower margins they receive from a retailer.

No need to get your panties in a bunch just because someone has the same distribution knowledge as you do and can talk logically about it.

What you said was opinion and that's fine, just don't barf it around like you know what you are talking about for sideshow's business and it is gospel. Not that I am here to debate either.
I'm not here to debate.

Not that I am here to debate either.

Sideshow is both retailer and distributor

^This. And I don't care to debate the ins and outs of their business model other than to say that they gouge on shipping very badly and claim not to. Bulk shipping rates are very low for a company that ships as much product as ssc does.