CW Green Arrow series, "Arrow"

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This season has too many implausible elements.
I don't buy the Felicity/Oliver love story.
Oliver beat Merlyn, but needs Merlyn to train him.
Merlyn killed Sarah but no one is killing him and telling Raas "we got him"
Laurel trains for a few months and takes on the bad guys. .
I like the show but the shark is being jumped.

Haters are gonna hate, but at least make the right assumptions. The Oliver/Felicity stuff is to pacify the CW viewership. Every show they produce has various degrees of that. As someone else mentioned Oliver was trained in bowmanship and hand to hand combat, not sword fighting. Merlyn was trained by Ras and the League so he would have valuable information and advice if Oliver faces Ras again in a sword duel. Merlyn didn't kill Sarah, he trained Thea and drugged her to do it. He did this to frame Oliver so he wouldn't have to face Ras. As far as we know only Merlyn and Oliver' group know that Thea killed Sarah. Laurel hasn't trained as much as Sarah and Oliver. Early on in the first season Laurel displayed some self defense skills that foreshadowed her inevitable transformation into Black Canary. That has been teased since the beginning of the show. Also she is getting her ass beat on a fairly regular basis. The one problem I have with that situation is Oliver should be insisting that she receive additional training from him before going out into the field. I still enjoy the show very much. If I dig deep enough I can find flaws in just about everything I watch. Once I accepted that these programs are designed to entertain millions of people across a broad spectrum of interest and not just me, I found I can enjoy them a lot more.
Yeah, I love Routh in this role! I didn't love his Superman, but he's great here. He's pitched the role perfectly.

As for tonight's episode:

I'm a bit torn.
On one hand, I liked the flashbacks as a way to remind us where the show started. There were some fun moments. Some interesting ones. But the time spent on Tommy and Laurel felt odd. I mean, it showed us how they got together... but what's the dramatic purpose of it? Tommy is dead. That relationship hasn't really mattered that much in a long, long time.

Also, Ollie traveling all over, especially home, starts to strain credibility for me. It also made his return at the start of the series seem less momentous in retrospect. The whole flashback plot line has been a big bore this season, to me. And the resolution with China White didn't really make the build-up seem worth it. But apparently that storyline is still lurching forward to... somewhere. SO maybe it'll feel like it has more of a point soon.

That being said, I am glad Thea finally knows. I'm also glad that Captain Lance didn't let Laurel off the hook instantly. Although it does highlight how idiotic the whole storyline was about her keeping Sarah's death secret from him.

The re-match with Wade was a fun diversion, although it didn't quite have the weight you might expect. It's really more of just a bump in the road, though, than a full-blown comeback, which I'm sure we'll get one day.
Last night's episode reminded me how much I missed the stuff from season 1 and 2. Mansion setting, the mom character, the feeling of real family, the friend character......the show is so different now. And at this point, the flashbacks are lame. He went from being in a hellish 5 year experience to being a globetrotting adventurer.
Doesn't Oliver end up back on the island before he returns to the states? Seems like the series started with him be rescued from the island. Maybe I missed it, but who is the other prisoner on the island with Deathstroke?
I hope they get Ollie back to being a billionaire, how the hell they gonna explain all the gadgets, Goodwill? I agree the writers of this season is making the return of Ollie back in Starling City crap now. He already seen Thea, Tommy, Laurel...just stupid writing this season and they aren't even showing him training to be the badass he becomes.
While showing Oliver back is Starling City while everyone thought he was dead may seem weak to some, I think it illustrated his level of commitment and his growth from a selfish playboy to a caring responsible person. He obvious wanted a clean break from Waller and Argus and running away wouldn't make that happen and only make the problems of his family and friends worse.
While showing Oliver back is Starling City while everyone thought he was dead may seem weak to some, I think it illustrated his level of commitment and his growth from a selfish playboy to a caring responsible person. He obvious wanted a clean break from Waller and Argus and running away wouldn't make that happen and only make the problems of his family and friends worse.

I agree with what you said about his transformation.

They are bittersweet. To some extent I find it sad and boring of him returning home, but I also think its necessary. There is no way he would have become such a badass with only the dealing of Slade on the island. I think more needed to happen. He needed Hong Kong and ARGUS to train him. I think he will change after the army mission, and I feel that it will go wrong and in doing so he gets sent back to the island.

I think the island is important with how he is. I mean he goes home and sees Laurel and Lance being harsh, Tommy is pretty much stealing his ex, his sister is an addict; so when he is on that island, he had a friend that was heartbroken and a love taken away from him twice. While the island transformed a lot, I think it did him well. It's his place of isolation, it's essential for Queen, so I can handle him going back on the island, but like I said; it's bittersweet. Not super big on how he is going all over the world.
Remember they still have the whole Russian mob connection to show in future seasons. They've really only shown about 12-18 months of his 5 year disappearance.
The watching from the shadows thing had a "Its a wonderful life" vibe, which was kind of moving. I liked the part with his dad's computer file. I was disappointed with the Slade angle, thought he should have been more of a challenge. I'm glad he told Thea about Sarah, and I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Well, you have to remember, Slade's back to normal, now, isn't he? He's not all ****ed up with Mirakuru since Felicity "cured" him.
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!! That ending! I ****ING HATED THAT ENDING!

Warner Bros., you mother****ers! Look at what you've wrought! Gaze upon your destruction and weep! A show about villains and children, and now this; you've given Green Arrow identity issues, and you've royally pissed me off. I can't blame the writers. They're only working with what they're allowed to, and you, you're the ones responsible for what they are and aren't allowed to use, you greasy, greedy sons of *******. You can give me an awesome DC Movie Universe, though, if I'm speaking frankly, I'm not entirely convinced that you will, and I still want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but just know that I hate every one of you bastards. My level of contempt cannot be measured with words, and, if I was ever given the opportunity, I would gladly spit in your eyes.

Note: I'm definitely using hyperbole, but, in all seriousness, I am really pissed at this "Arrow is Batman" ********.
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!! That ending! I ****ING HATED THAT ENDING!

Warner Bros., you mother****ers! Look at what you've wrought! Gaze upon your destruction and weep! A show about villains and children, and now this; you've given Green Arrow identity issues, and you've royally pissed me off. I can't blame the writers. They're only working with what they're allowed to, and you, you're the ones responsible for what they are and aren't allowed to use, you greasy, greedy sons of *******. You can give me an awesome DC Movie Universe, though, if I'm speaking frankly, I'm not entirely convinced that you will, and I still want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but just know that I hate every one of you bastards. My level of contempt cannot be measured with words, and, if I was ever given the opportunity, I would gladly spit in your eyes.

Note: I'm definitely using hyperbole, but, in all seriousness, I am really pissed at this "Arrow is Batman" ********.

Wait, it wasn't that bad.....!!!!!! The show is losing me in general. Give DIG something to do more than every 3rd episode. He's a badass, not this generic background dude