Can you please define "much cheaper"?
lol at $2000 for that.
So around $300 for Premium Formats ...and if you double the size its 6 times the price.
That is what I really thought. It makes NO sense that if they are charging $300-350 for the PFs (already overpriced if you ask me), now they pretend to charge 6 or 7 times more for this kind of piece.
As Gagaliya has said, there will always be people with more money than sense.
that's why I won't pay that much for these, just a Predator or Predator 2, but that's it. They already established a $300 price tag for a 1/4 pf piece, so how do they justify 6X that price for a 1/2 pf? I think it's obvious SS is trying to run CM out of business and they are only tailoring to that consumer base. If your a CM buyer, and you can get a 1/2 piece for the same price as a 1/3 piece, who you gonna go with?
Hasn't the argument always been that the price of 1/6 clothes is expensive due to the difficulty of working with stitching in such small sizes. At 1/2, aren't they essentially making kids clothes? It should be easier then, right?![]()
I completely agree with you on the CM observation. I think that's exactly who Sideshow is competing with on these pieces. I guess Sideshow is thinking, well people will pay $2,000 for 1/3 scale, so the same price at 1/2 should be a good deal.
Whatever Sideshow wants to do is their business, but personally I feel for this price, the ES should be set and should be ultra 100 pieces or something. I really feel that the collector should be getting some kind of value for that kind of investment.
Do you guys think this will fit in a detolf?
Sideshow charged just under 2K for hte 1/2 Iron Man piece and I don't think that had an ES either. So, while we may not agree with it customers seem to still be buying.
You must be bat**** crazy to buy this for $2000. The MR falcon and at-at are only a little bit more and those are considered the pinnacle of star war collection.
This will go the same way as their $5000 bronze statues, attracting a few with more money than sense. Only way i can see this get sold are stores or commercial companies needing 1 as a decoration.
lol @ sideshow
Well its probably 4 times the material to make the LSF.![]()
Isn't that a Legacy piece? I assumed the $2,000 price tag was because it was tied to the Stan Winston Studio name.
You must be bat**** crazy to buy this for $2000. The MR falcon and at-at are only a little bit more and those are considered the pinnacle of star war collection.
So let me get this straight.. Your gonna spend $2,000 on a collectible of this scale and then your gonna put him in a $60 detolf? Come on, give this guy a custom made pedal-stool with an acrylic cover if your you want to protect him. Other wise I'd just put him on a table somewhere.
Sorry, I just think those Detolf's look rediculous. Especially with a piece like this in it.
If I get him he's going on my dresser in my room or I'll make a pedal stool and out him next to my desk which is in my room as well. I like my collectibles in my room I guess because I spend most of my time there.
And comic books in the 90s.
that's why I thought Maul would be cheaper. I was thinking more like $1500.