Wow, this derailed.
Anyway, here's my question: If you don't dig this, or VCD's, and most likely don't understand the cost (usually vinyl figures, especially of this size, cost even MORE $$$ than that to produce, it's a fact) why jump in this thread in the first place? Why waste all of your time whining about it?
Just ignore it, let it get the 4 posts of me and like 2 other people going "COOOL" and just let it die. WTF?
My point is why not just go to a thread of something you like, understand and accept and talk about it than come and talk trash?
I don't jump into other threads and talk crap about collectibles I don't like. I'll never fully understand the need for a giant realistic statue that doesn't do anything made from polystone. I had some, and just felt blah with them. They did nothing for me. I can watch the movie when I need a screen accurate portrayal, I don't need them. Just not for me, it's boring, no matter how well done. BUT I accept others dig it, and let them.
Why waste your energy on being a total negative douche?
SO ANYWAY, I'M pumped for this. I love the VCD's, they have style. They're fun, and an interesting way to look at some of the characters. Vader is my favorite of them, kinda hoping for a VCD AT-AT driver or Snowtrooper next. I also hope this is the ONE AND ONLY super large Star Wars VCD. Vader deserves to be the only one.
They're not for everyone, but if you don't understand the appeal, don't be a chum-lord and talk crap. What's the point? Feel big on the internet?
Some more info on vinyl, 1- if this was MADE in Japan it'd be twice as much, Medicom uses China. They're slaves....I mean workers cost less to hire but also lower quality vinyl. 2- Vinyl uses oil and petroleum, ya know that stuff that's expensive on all over the world, to be made. 3- If they did this with ABS plastic, it'd be half the price but be way nastier looking, scuffs, scratches, junk like that. Not so smooth.