David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

You guys really should enjoy this period. It will not last forever.

Just so you know, more females are being born than males around the world. Keep that in mind when the best movie you have to look forward to in 2020 is the reboot of The Princess Diaries.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Preach on jye!

I agree!!!

I don't love every studio's interpretation of their characters but I at least share enough optimism and "give it a chance"...especially when our only exposure is short clips and one or two images.

You can Monday morning Quarterback it after Leto's run as this Joker is "over". For now, let's give it all a chance! He might surprise you.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Different but I get the connection being made.


Yeah, I know it's basically one big Dragon tattoo on the All Star Joker but he's heavily inked. :lol This might have been the inspiration for the Joker we'll see in SS.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I never understood why All-Star Joker had a big dragon, at least Leto's Joker tattoos make sense! :lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Why does it hurt to have different interpretations of the Joker? I for one am excited to see how this Joker pans out.

You want Nicholson Joker, go watch 1989's Batman all day.

You want Ledger Joker, go watch 'The Dark Knight' all day.

You want Hamill Joker, go watch 'The Animated Series' and play the Arkham Trilogy all day.

We're quite fortunate to have so many different versions of the Joker and see different perspectives on this villain. This is no different from comics in which artists and writers have restyled, redesigned and wrote comic characters in multitude of ways.

I think it's good to have different interpretations, but that doesn't mean that people have to love or like all of them. I'm keeping an open mind about Leto and the film.

I just wish that WB/DC fans would lighten up a bit. :lol

Damn, Jye...that's cold :lol

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

You guys really should enjoy this period. It will not last forever.

Just so you know, more females are being born than males around the world. Keep that in mind when the best movie you have to look forward to in 2020 is the reboot of The Princess Diaries.

pfffffffff men will be put in jail for ever having an opinion and banned from ever use the internet again after Hillary wins her second term :lol
princess diaries reboot is the least of our problems lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Why do I feel Marvel is going to play catch up after next year? Civil War better pan out..

It will. Marvel has these moments. Iron Man 1 was fantastic and then Favreau puttered out in IM2 because he couldn't make his vision and Marvel's work at the same time. Whedon just went through the same thing. Edgar Wright couldn't either and didn't even get one shot. I think you'll see Ant-Man surprise at the box office and then Civil War kill probably better than people are already expecting. Marvel just has to keep it fresh.

After several years running of Marvel-formula bright-white tongue-in-cheek adventures... the dark, gritty pendulum seems to be swinging back.

We'll see. Marvel will always have broader appeal because it's started already and goes for family friendly whereas DCCU seems to be trying to make a somewhat dark, somewhat gritty more "shadowed and stained" :lol than Marvel. Whether it works as well is a different story. It's easy to go that route with Superman, Batman even Wonder Woman. It'll be stretch to do that with Cyborg or even Green Lantern and Flash who aren't really dark and gritty characters but have flashes of that in their pasts. I'm hoping it does so we get quality films from both sides.

SS may be the sleeper hit of next summer ....have a feeling DC will rule 2016 unless Civil War is a stunner

Suicide Squad is going to do better than anyone expects. I wouldn't be shocked if it does better than MOS. It's safer than established heroes, tons of people have no clue who many of these characters are so there isn't going in with serious well defined expectations. Remember Iron Man was a B level maybe even C Level hero before this point. People now adore the character and he is front and center in most Marvel projects. This has that opportunity.

You guys really should enjoy this period. It will not last forever.

Some would say we're hitting the tipping point already.

The art was good, but the story was awful

It's so bad, so bad that you start to like it, like a pug :lol

I still wanted to get some sort of closure out of there.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

We'll see. Marvel will always have broader appeal because it's started already and goes for family friendly whereas DCCU seems to be trying to make a somewhat dark, somewhat gritty more "shadowed and stained" :lol
Yeah, in many ways Man of Steel reminded me of a dark, gritty stain. . .so mission accomplished, if that was Goyer and Snyder's goal.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'd like to see a proper clip too, I couldn't load those other links without them streaming badly for some reason.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I don't know why, but, for some reason, I thought Harley was topless when she was doing her cage aerobics the first time I saw the footage.:lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Wow, that trailer was horrible. Movie looks bad. A bunch of C+ villains aside from Harley, with terrible costumes, with the worse iteration of Joker of all time. Joker sounds dumb and looks even dumber.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

That trailer was the best thing of this year's SDCC.
Says a lot about this year's SDCC...