Premium Format DC Comics Superman Premium Format Figure

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Yeah know what really sucks. The fact that I like the EX head sculpt better then the reg but it has been ruined by those flames/worms/curls.

It fails to get across the look it wants.

Please SSC hear our cries and change it to just Red Eyes.

Well, at least we don't have to worry about wonky eyes on the Ex. :wink1:

Yeah, pretty sure it'll be better than Aunty Rogue's eyes :D

Yeah know what really sucks. The fact that I like the EX head sculpt better then the reg but it has been ruined by those flames/worms/curls.

It fails to get across the look it wants.

Please SSC hear our cries and change it to just Red Eyes.


NO SSC don't hear some peoples cries! Stick with your guns. There is a reason you added the flames in the first place.

Sorry JAWS, I want the EX head. Don't like the red squigglies...then get the regular. :pfft::)
NO SSC don't hear some peoples cries! Stick with your guns. There is a reason you added the flames in the first place.

Sorry JAWS, I want the EX head. Don't like the red squigglies...then get the regular. :pfft::)

Dude it's lie 5 to 1 in my favour! NO goofy Eyes!!

I don't want to stic to reg. I want a EX with Red eyes for a perfect Superman display.
Well, whatever SS winds up doing, it wouldn't have mattered to me. I want a Supes PF from SS and I am hopefully going to live long enough to get one.

This is the Superman I have wanted.

With the red squigglies or without, makes no difference to me. The regular head is awesome enough.:clap
Will def order on Thursday, like most I hate the worms, loose them and just give us red eyes!
SS ..... Listen to the masses and fix it!
OMG SSC :slap what were you thinking with those eyes and the curly wurly straws sticking it out. Surely they have to rethink that design, I mean what is it supposed to represent? Red mist? X-ray vision? Change it SSC! :lecture
I can appreciate what they were trying to do with the Ex head. It just don't work. Like I said I don't want to have to explain to everyone why Superman's eyes are messed up. If we think it looks strange, imagine what the person with limited comic knowledge will think.