Well sure a filmmaker might "succeed" in creating something that *they* like but so what if no one else does. George Lucas made AOTC exactly the way he wanted to but what difference does that make to anyone but him?
Some people liked DP and some people didn't but stating "well the character was presented in the exact way that they intended" isn't really relevant when discussing the film's merit. It doesn't matter if a good movie is a happy accident or 100% someone's specific vision realized on screen, all that matters is if it *is* good or not. At least in discussions like this anyway.
it isnt about what the creator liked, it is about the intent of the creator. what they intended for people to see. Deadpool has a HUGE, HUUUUUUUGGGGEEE Following online,
even some people that never read the comic love him because of the video game or the internet memes or because of the movie itself.
There is an entire subculture that loves deadpool. I mean, is not like we are getting a sequel for nothing.
Besides box office and Ryan Reynolds behind it, the character resonated with a lot of people, the character spoke to a lot of people. just because someone didnt like it (or a group of people didnt like it) doesnt mean it was a failure.
it is not even about ratings or box office or anything like that, the way the character was created resonated with enough people to the point that it became super famous and beloved by a lot of edgy teens.
A lot of people consider alien to be disgusting or a boring movie or have a really ugly design or an insulting movie. THAT doesnt make it any less successful with the people that love alien
is Alien a success? why, why is Alien as a creature and a movie a success? there are a lot of people that hate alien, just as much as someone can hate deadpool,
if Alien has haters and is considered gross and distasteful then why did it succeed? because they WANTED alien to be scary and dangerous and make you feel icky.
thats why i mentioned freddy kruger. Freddy kruger might have millions of haters but Wes Craven succeeded in creating a character he wanted people to experience. and a lot of other people really really love freedy kruger for what he represents, something nasty and frightening.
deadpool represents something you didnt like but it represents something that millions of hot topic wearing teens loved. so it did succeed with the crowd it needed to succeed. you and me might not even be the target audience for Deadpool just like Fans of Sex and the city are not the target audience for Freddy Kruger or alien.