Nash - you are 28 years old which means your collective memory of basketball barely goes back to the early 90's. So please my friend do not talk to me about how the game used to be because you were not there to see it.
I would highly recommend that you read the book THE RIVALRY by John Taylor. Its a great book which details the careers of Russell and Chamberlain and the league and what it was like. Believe me, the league before those two was much rougher and dirtier than it ever has been since. Read it and find out.
Much has been written and talked about the changes wrought by David Stern as commissioner. This is not from me but has been well established in many books. Stern is a believer in the STAR SYSTEM of basketball. He saw the league prosper under Bird and Magic, and then Jordan, and assumed that it was stars that fans would pay to see. The game was changed, the rules were enforced differently, and the game has never been the same since.
How can you judge something if you are not informed about its history?
I guess all that stuff in school about history is irrelevant to me then. I obviously know NOTHING since I didn't witness all those historical events first hand.
I think you've had too much fluoride in your long life.
PS: I had to laugh at your comment about my collective memory of basketball going back to the early 90's.