As far as how Dr. Strange defeated the villain...
Aw thanks for the spoiler man, FS

As far as how Dr. Strange defeated the villain...
I thought the War Machine reference was a nice touch too. It made sense.
It wasn't War Machine
Wasn't it the dude that got spun around 360 in that prior Hammer suit in Iron Man 2?
Yeah. This is set after Iron Man 2
Yeah. This is set after Iron Man 2
Just returned from Imax 3D showing.
Marvel has done it again, another solid entry into the MCU.
Cucumber patch and Tilda were great as were the other main actors.
Dr. Strange's arc was a good one, you could feel his behavior changes.
Loved the end battle it was handled in a very smart manner, well played.
Humor was nowhere over used and it was actually very well handled.
Not perfect though, here are my complaints:
I walked in expecting the BEST 3D MCU movie and it is far from it, go ahead and watch the 3D but it's really not a critical component of the movie as I was anticipating it to be.
If anything I will now not even take my son to the 3D showing tomorrow.
I am all about 3D immersion and this was the FIRST 3D movie ever for me to have actually bothered me in vertigo type of way and I have seen a ton of 3D movies repeated over and over and over.
Reason why that happened leads me to my next complaint.
The hand to hand fights were horribly filmed, if TWS/CW were shaky cam at its best this was shaky cam at its near Blairwitch worst, ok maybe not that bad but still too jerky.
Magic battles were good but all hand to hand stuff were absolutely not up to TWS/CW standards, not even close.
My prediction that IW tragedieswill all just be reversed with the time stone eye has definately become a possibility now
The twisting of the environments got too confusing to see what was happening in the scene plus that also made the 3D too unstable because it was happening so fast that it began to diminish the 3D effect while also giving me eye strain, again a first for me in a 3D movie.
Music was just ok. Not horrible but could've been better.
Villain just another disgruntled tool lol but he was there just to set up Dr. Strange anyways.
Dr. Strange will be a great addition to the Avengers and I can't wait to see how they react to him and also what Thanos will say about that punk.dormammu
Expected it to be even more psychadelic.
Great mid credits scene, loved it!
Stan Lee cameo...meh.
Go see it........
in 2D.
BTW, new Marvel title card is mind blowing spectacular now, their best version yet!
Dormammu is no punk. He easily killed Strange like a hundred times. It was nice to see Strange win by using his brain, and not just his powers.
Did you see the yellow gloves in the after credit scene? I'm so glad they gave Strange his gloves. If it was FOX they'd be black leather probably.
Yeah I was just kidding around aboutDormammu, I loved how he was getting frustrated lol
Yup, loved the gloves, he just needs his yellow belt now.
I lol seeing the magic powers looking and being used like WW whip.
Now i'm curious how Iron Fist will be presenting their eastern asian mystical world.
Was he the Sorcerer Supreme by the end of the film? I remember Wong telling Strange that he still had much to learn, but with the ancient one gone, I'm guessing Strange is the leader of the mystic warriors now?
Was he the Sorcerer Supreme by the end of the film? I remember Wong telling Strange that he still had much to learn, but with the ancient one gone, I'm guessing Strange is the leader of the mystic warriors now?
3D made it looks better but still optional.
Was he the Sorcerer Supreme by the end of the film? I remember Wong telling Strange that he still had much to learn, but with the ancient one gone, I'm guessing Strange is the leader of the mystic warriors now?
I have to say regarding the villain
When Strange was fighting Kaecilius he did the time reversal technique but Kaecilius was able to get out of it, so how come Darmommu wasn't able to do the same?