Probably at some point. It's out on DVD and Blu-Ray too, so you can hit it on Netflix or buy it or whatever too.
cool added it to the netflx
Probably at some point. It's out on DVD and Blu-Ray too, so you can hit it on Netflix or buy it or whatever too.
Sarah Palin has a southern accent?
Major Charles Emerson Winchester the Third was a wealthy Bostonian with a Boston accent on one of the most successful TV shows of all time. I could site examples all day long that prove you are wrong, but that would be boring.![]()
Sarah Palin has a southern accent?
Major Charles Emerson Winchester the Third was a wealthy Bostonian with a Boston accent on one of the most successful TV shows of all time. I could site examples all day long that prove you are wrong, but that would be boring.
ProgMatinee said:one thing to note about TV in America is unless they're filming a very specific show like Friday Night Lights, I think they shy away from accents because America is so regionally diverse you don't want over half the country not relating to certain characters because of the accent.
But to pretend all accents are equally represented on US TV is silliness in the extreme.
BBC AMERICA has announced the acquisition of the new season of Doctor Who starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. Shot in HD, the U.S. premiere season of 13 episodes, will air Q2, 2010 following soon after its UK premiere.
Time to get BBCA Kabuki.![]()
I've been sitting on some info for a while and posted some of it but I'm fairly drunk tonight so without giving too much away here's what I know of the (possible) first episode of Series Five...
1. It follows on directly from the previous episode (yes, I know RTD confirmed this). The first shot of the Doctor is Matt Smith climbing out of the TARDIS soaking wet (we see him regenerate in the last episode). The interior appears to have become some sort of pit with all the rooms falling into each other. The reason he's soaking wet is he's apparently fallen in the swimming pool...
2. A young Amy is terrified of something alien in her house coming through cracks in the walls. She thinks the Doctor has come to help her after the TARDIS lands in her garden due to it looking like a Police Box. Instead she helps him discover about his new self. He knows EXACTLY who he is and that he's regenerated with the usual "I am the Doctor!" type dialogue, so I'm not sure about all these rumours saying that the Tenth Doctor's memories are completely wiped...
3. There is regenerative trauma. The new Doctor has strange food cravings. There is similar dialogue to the Tenth Doctor's "New teeth. That's weird".
4. It doesn't feature the Sea Devils. The enemy is something completely new. The Doctor and Amy bond while defeating it.
5. The TARDIS is in danger of burning up due to cataclysmic damage from the finale. The Doctor thinks this will be fixed with a short trip into the future to stabilise the engines. But from Amy's point of view he doesn't return until around fifteen years later with a newly regenerated TARDIS...
6. It's set in Scotland.
Chew on those titbits. And spit them out if you wish.
No comments eh? Well here is another spoiler. It is being deleted from Who-Centric forums at the behest of the Beeb... so I take that to mean its true:
This was just posted on the Digital Spy forums. Obviously take with a pinch of salt but it does sound believable and the person who saw the set has said he managed to get some photos which will clinch things if they do appear. Scooty seems to think it is a possibility!
The set is on 2 levels, joined by a spiral staircase, but is not as big as I'd thought. It's apparently finished though sections of it seem to be missing at present. We saw the console room, a lab area, a sort of sitting room area, a fairly long section of corridor leading nowhere and numerous other little nooks and crannies. The console room reminds me of a new and shiny version of the old one, except the roundels are very simple and basic looking, simply spherical dents in the walls.
These new style roundels are featured throughout the whole set, though not on every wall. Back to the console room - mainly golds and silvers and the coral theme has been replaced with a smooth marble like finish. Also the room is not circular, it's a kind of hexagon-joined-to-a-square shape, the hexagon bit containing the console, which to me looked like the same console they've used throughout the series except with new buttons and blinky lights, though apparently it's entirely new. Your beloved hatstand was still there but no sign of the interior doors, also there was no ceiling to the set - could be that these bits are meant to be there but were missing from the set for some reason I suppose.
Apparently the whole set has been designed in a modular way, so things can be moved and double as other parts of the ship. The roundels are different colours in each area, gold for the console room, silver/grey/blue in the lab, brown in the sitting room. The roundels can be removed/swapped out or even turned around completely to be convex rather than concave, in order to become a different area.
No comments eh?
Must... avoid... spoilers...