What makes you think this?
Oops ! My bad ! Forgot to put the

What makes you think this?
Looks like Doctor Who's an Emo now.
I was hoping Andy serkis would get the job. Looks like Doctor Who's an Emo now.
Its important to also remember that Peter Davison was only 29 when he took up the job.
Yes he was and from what I've seen of his era he had the same problem as I expect Matt Smith to have in that he never seemed to emit any genuine authority simply because he didn't look old enough.
There is a certain air of authority that comes with age and no matter how good an actor a person happens to be it's difficult for anyone who looks so young to appear convincing when trying to appear in charge of a situation or come across as a voice of experience which the Doctor often has to.
Although I'm 99% certain I'll never watch the revived show again there is still a bit of curiosity in me that wonders "What if the new guy is a suprise package?"
I think he's got it easy in terms of who he's following as all he has to do is add a bit of depth to his portrayal of the character and not fall flat during the serious moments but the real question I would have is whether the scripts will be any better than the previous couple of years.
Well, with Russell T Davies going, maybe the show will change...
I honestly hope it does and for the better,I'm just not convinced that Steven Moffat is the writing God that pretty much everyone else seems to think he is.
Finally...I think he's a good writer, but I think he's on par with many of the show's other writers...
And Doomsday remains my favourite Nu-Who episode...
Genesis is still the best...EVER...
I was thinking about what people have said about what the new companion might be like because Matt's so young, and I was thinking the other day at work how nice it would eb to have a close male companion in the Tardis again, ala Jamie. Maybe a 18 year old guy who would look next to Matt like a younger brother might form a more interesting dynamic. Have the kid be a seat-of-his-pants hothead who keeps getting the Doctor in trouble, playing up how maybe the Doc ALREADY had to fight for respect because of his apparent age, and then his impulsive companion also keeps causing probs.
I honestly don't know if they'd be willing to lose a regular weekly female companion and go with a male one again. It's probabably too impotant to their ratings, but I for one would be happy to have another male in the Tardis as close of a friend as Jamie was.