ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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looks like bill lied about teh suit not being rubber. thatt is definitly rubber not better material liek he said. going to be sooo many QC issues with this one. beware be warned. Mib and Rambo did not turn out okay many problems. you have only but 7 days to inquire a problem. you can't return to them either i had to make paypal claims. please think before you buy ... goodluck

This is a lot softer looking than the rubber we're used to. So he's technically not lying.

Do you think the Hot Toys has no possibility of QC issue? I can already think of three. What about torn cloth undercloth armor in the new figures? Cracking rubber down the road? Even the real costume cracks because it's urethane rubber. How are you going to replace those things?
Mouth Pieces are Swappable, the 3 cowls is for compensating for the lack of moving eyes...

I want this to be true, but until someone can provide more evidence than mirrored pictures I will remain skeptical.

Can someone for the love of God tell me how the one on the left isn't the infinitely better sculpt???



Ok so the one weak link in the set, for me personally, was the Bruce Wayne sculpt. But those latest pics have me thinking it's one of the best BW's ever seen.

Yet again in hand, real shots are a shed load better than the official shots, imo.

This is absolutely perfect. I prefer it to the hot toys 1:4 TDKR in fact. And I love that figure.

For me Enterbay has completely nailed it in every aspect. And it looks like it should cost $400. Each of the 3 mouthpieces are PERFECT, which hasn't been the case in previous Nolan bats figures, if you catch my drift.

Also the belt can be lowered - yay!

Easily one of the best collectibles ever.

Gentlemen, this is what it's all about! :1-1:

:goodpost: :grouphug

Still, easy pass.

I has a sad if serious.

This picture looks really weird.


What the hell is going on with Batman's arm!? :lol

The elbow is posed poorly, so I'm not worried about that. But I do worry about how skinny the arm is compared to the gauntlet. I hope I'm not going to need to stuff the suit with cotton...

As amazing as this is, and the HT one, and I LOVE the scale. It still bothers me and can't get out of my head, that they are still just giant action figures.

Which means, they look pretty static just standing there, and you can't do much with them dynamically as you think, even if though you can pose them.

Compared to a statue that has artistic values, and is put on a pose for a reason, it just can't compare to me.

I will still prefer the batman PF, standing on the gargoygle, with his foot perched on it, and his cape blowing in the wind. Even though I can't pose it. What it captures, just makes these "poseable" action figures, still feel lifeless and flimsy. And part of that has to do with the simple bases. Designed to do nothing, but hold the figure there. Try anything to crazy or dynamic, and it might fall over anyway.

Ah yes, the eternal debate of statues vs. figures. For me I'd rather be the one to chose a pose, with the option of changing it later. That includes me in the artistry and beauty of the display.
very very thin too. :monkey2 why make it soft low quality ?? i was thinking about silicone and pliable pvc componets but don't think bill did. caution will need to be used. if the body breakes like the shoulders it will be stuck in the suit. then common rubber issues. will need 303 treatment for yearly use.

Do you have confirmed information that this is low quality? To this point you've been making assumptions for the worst.

You should get out of this hobby while you can.
I don't know where V!ctor is gettin his info but the material on the bats is similar to HT's original Batman.I still haven't heard of anyone somplaining about rubber issues with that figure and how old is it now?
check out toy-world friend. the molding seams also give away? cannot be too careful after enterbays latest problems. maybe im a worry wart i just do not want to lose money again. looks nice i want him and joker but looks deceive with the toy companies. just preparing bill will learn going the cheap road with these collector items will cost them business

Check out Toysdaily/WeAreWuLiuPeople/HKFigureClub/XYZ/Random Site.

Unless they have it in hand, it's speculation. There's at least one person posting on here with it and can confirm whatever the material feels like. You're still just spouting stuff with no source of someone who has ownership of the figure.
I'm getting both Enterbay's and Hot Toy's 1/4 Batman only because of the difference in costume.Enterbay's has the original costume.
I'll give Enterbay this: I think their 1:4 figures offer a level of realism that can't be achieved at 1:6 scale, while Hot Toys' 1:4 scale Dark Knight really doesn't look any more realistic than their 1:6 scale offering.

Agree to disagree. The way this suit deforms around the joints when posed looks horrible imo. Meusem or neutral pose is awesome, but otherwise it looks like a big doll. I realize it is a big doll :) but i prefer the way the HT fabric suit with armor plates attached move.

Both are awesome though.
I'll give Enterbay this: I think their 1:4 figures offer a level of realism that can't be achieved at 1:6 scale, while Hot Toys' 1:4 scale Dark Knight really doesn't look any more realistic than their 1:6 scale offering.

My goodness :horror It just looks so amazing it's incredible. And that Bale sculpt looks to be the absolute best around. It looks a little weird in the promotional shots, but in these packaging pictures it is masterful. Looks like they do not have the swappable mouth things either. Instead Enterbay really went all out and gives you four total heads. That's awesome! If he's really $400 then it certainly makes Rambo seem like a bad deal...

I've gotta commend Enterbay, first try and they give us the perfect Bale open mouth expression, which is the one I will use on mine (first time I'll ever do so). Subtle, not a caricature. Perfect.

Hot Toys has never one right, after 3 tries.

Too much like a creepy smile

Looks like he's mentally handicapped

I don't even..
In the space of 2 minutes i've gone from wanting this guy like crazy to being scared of the fact it's rubber. God damn you avengers hulk thread. Damn you to hell.

Is this suit going to crack in the space of a few years? Is the suit thin? Thick? Rubber? Silicone? I really REALLY want this thing, but it's a lot of moolah for something that can and sadly will degrade.
In the space of 2 minutes i've gone from wanting this guy like crazy to being scared of the fact it's rubber. God damn you avengers hulk thread. Damn you to hell.

Is this suit going to crack in the space of a few years? Is the suit thin? Thick? Rubber? Silicone? I really REALLY want this thing, but it's a lot of moolah for something that can and sadly will degrade.

no one knows just got to keep it in a cool dry place cant be around heat i imagine .
In the space of 2 minutes i've gone from wanting this guy like crazy to being scared of the fact it's rubber. God damn you avengers hulk thread. Damn you to hell.

Is this suit going to crack in the space of a few years? Is the suit thin? Thick? Rubber? Silicone? I really REALLY want this thing, but it's a lot of moolah for something that can and sadly will degrade.

I have the Leonidas body, Sarah Connor, and original HT Batman Begins figure. None are showing any signs of degradation. Just be wary of your poses and you shouldn't lose any sleep.
I have the Leonidas body, Sarah Connor, and original HT Batman Begins figure. None are showing any signs of degradation. Just be wary of your poses and you shouldn't lose any sleep.

Yeah, i guess. I'd just hate to wake up and find my batman looked like this...


I have the Leonidas body, Sarah Connor, and original HT Batman Begins figure. None are showing any signs of degradation. Just be wary of your poses and you shouldn't lose any sleep.

You do realize you basically flipped a coin and got lucky? Aside from the original Batman and for some odd reason Leonidas it seems like the rest of the rubber heavy figures are time bombs and only every now and then are you so lucky as to preserve them.

I really am starting to want this figure a lot too. It's impressing me even more than the Hot Toys one which says a lot because I vastly prefer Dark Knight suit over the original design. Enterbay's known QC issues + this being rubber is freaking me out though. And there's no way to tell. If everyone seems happy after a month, I could buy it, but then the next month all of the problems could start surfacing. It's pretty scary.

I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they would not let such a thing happen at 1/4 scale, but they couldn't even do Rambo right and he's just a buff guy with cargo pants. How could I trust them with something as major as this?