Enterbay 24 Jack Bauer 1/6th Scale Action Figure

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Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I just received my package from the postman just minutes ago and am happy to report I don't have any problems with the paint apps on Jacks face or the hip rotation. I am very pleased with the joints being very tight and the realistic look of the skin.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Here are some crappy pics I took of the hip rotation, first starting with a neutral hip position:

hips rotated

and even doing splits

I'm amazing and very satisfied with this figure.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I just got Jack and Palmer. Jack is awesome right out of the box. Absoultely amazing figure.

Palmer has a few issues. The suit material is fine with me, but the cuffs aren't sewn up. Neither is the shirt. It looks really tacky because of this. Hopefully some double sided tape will do the trick.

The tie seems too short. A tie should could to your belt right?

Also, I hate that his suit can't be shut. He is just stuck with the open jacket which shows off the short tie. I'm sure double sided tape will help keep it closed as well.

The body doesn't really favor any "presidential" poses for him either. He can't fold his arms and his hands behind his back does look prisonerish. Hands by his side is just boring. Hands on his hips isn't bad, but it looks a little weird, plus the jacket would have to be open, showing off that small tie again. He can't even touch his face with this hands so no hand on chin or forehead. I really wish he had a chair, which brings up the other issue.

Palmer doesn't have any accessories, not even interchangable hands. Sure Jack is pretty light, but he has 5 hands, a gun, scilencer, and fashlight. Not to mention his magical bag. Palmer could have used some alternated hands at least. Or a flag, papers, phone, watch, or his metal bracelet thingy he had. Plus an alternate burnt hand would have been a nice touch. I feel Enterbay has bragged themselves up too much and the lack of anything for Palmer shows that.

That said, I LOVE both Jack and Palmer but I feel Palmer really got the shaft on pretty much everything but his sculpt. Jack got all of the love everywhere else. Which is too bad since fewer people are going to pick up Palmer anyway. Had he been loaded with some sweet accessories, I imagine more people might have been interested in him. When you have a boring character, sometimes accessories make or break a sell.

Oh, and the stand SUCKS. I like the design, but again, Enterbay didn't give the stand the attention it desereved. It really needs to lock into places besides the notches on the side.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Bummer to hear about Palmer... you'd think he'd at least have some extra hands or something for the price you pay.

And the stand really is one of the most worthless accessories I've ever seen :lol I mean the arms don't even stay locked in place around the waist :rolleyes:
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

That said, I LOVE both Jack and Palmer but I feel Palmer really got the shaft on pretty much everything but his sculpt. Jack got all of the love everywhere else. Which is too bad since fewer people are going to pick up Palmer anyway. Had he been loaded with some sweet accessories, I imagine more people might have been interested in him. When you have a boring character, sometimes accessories make or break a sell.

Sad to hear. I was hoping to hear some positives about Palmer before I'd give the yay or nay to him, but hearing that he has no accessories, not even additional hands really makes me want to pass on him.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Bummer to hear about Palmer... you'd think he'd at least have some extra hands or something for the price you pay.

And the stand really is one of the most worthless accessories I've ever seen :lol I mean the arms don't even stay locked in place around the waist :rolleyes:

Did my brief description about the hips help you out? I just had to take the plunge and find out.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

The headsculpt on Palmer is amazing, but it is too bad they cheaped out on the accessoires. That is really the only negative. The suit is very nicely done except those unsew cuffs and the short tie. The tie may just be a personal preference though. So if unsewn cuffs it the only thing I can really complain about, I'd say he is a fairly decent figure. But the lack of accessories really hurts him.

If you liked the character though, I think you will be happy with Palmer. But Jack easily beats him. Well, Jack likes to beat everyone anyway.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Did my brief description about the hips help you out? I just had to take the plunge and find out.

Definitely did... I suspected that was how they articulated, but it really did not seem like the thighs had any give to them. I'll be trying this when I get home :rock
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I wholly agree on the body Red, I like it.

Thta's what I am worried about. Don't want to spend loads on these clothes, only for Enterbay to release Day 5 Jack!

Also a concern of mine after having ordered the medicom figure from hobby japan. But those medicom clothes look pretty damn good - how can Enterbay improve them? Unless a hypothetical day 5 figure comes with yet another amazing new headsculpt and tonnes of new accessories it might not be too much of a kick in the face.

Palmer has a few issues. The suit material is fine with me, but the cuffs aren't sewn up. Neither is the shirt. It looks really tacky because of this. Hopefully some double sided tape will do the trick.

The tie seems too short. A tie should could to your belt right?

Also, I hate that his suit can't be shut. He is just stuck with the open jacket which shows off the short tie. I'm sure double sided tape will help keep it closed as well.

The body doesn't really favor any "presidential" poses for him either. He can't fold his arms and his hands behind his back does look prisonerish.

Damn thats a pity - the hands clasped behind back was my planned pose for this figure.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I got my Jack yesterday but couldn't open it till today. I'm happy with him, but I'm not crazy about his hair paint. He looks like he's missing hair on the one side. Like it's receding. :(
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Michael's review pretty much sums up my feeling on Jack and Palmer, though I'm perfectly happy with Palmer's sculpt.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Here's a new pic I took.


I think the hands behind the back looks really classy and Presidential. I would've liked the ability to easily place his hands in his pockets, or naturally fold his arms, but this is a nice pose. And closing the jacket was not hard to do.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I too finally found a decent behind-the-hands pose for Palmer. Having him displayed slightly to the side helps sell the look I think. I'm really going to have to track down that real-world Palmer figure (aka Obama) for that flag.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

I too finally found a decent behind-the-hands pose for Palmer. Having him displayed slightly to the side helps sell the look I think. I'm really going to have to track down that real-world Palmer figure (aka Obama) for that flag.

Ugh... they should make 1/6 flags easier to find.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Btw guys, I'm interested in customizing my Bauer figure. The USP compact that came with the figure, looks very cheap indeed. However, I'm having a lot of problems finding an alternate 1/6 USP (especially on Ebay). Does anyone know where I can purchase one?

Also, can you recommend any other weapons/rifles for the figure? I was thinking about giving Bauer either an XMB or an M4.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Btw guys, I'm interested in customizing my Bauer figure. The USP compact that came with the figure, looks very cheap indeed. However, I'm having a lot of problems finding an alternate 1/6 USP (especially on Ebay). Does anyone know where I can purchase one?

Also, can you recommend any other weapons/rifles for the figure? I was thinking about giving Bauer either an XMB or an M4.

Hot Toys sells modern weapons packs for reasonable prices.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Did you snap his right foot off like what I did to mine? :sick

It looks exactly like my leg with the missing foot.

PsychoCenobite :monkey5

When I was trying to remove the shoes, one ankle peg popped off and the other didn't. Nothing broke though, it just popped out of the socked and I popped it back in. I notice that both ankle pegs were not popped all the way in, so I just gave both ankle pegs a nice firm push and they both popped in solid.
Re: Enterbay to release Jack Bauer 24 figure

Definitely did... I suspected that was how they articulated, but it really did not seem like the thighs had any give to them. I'll be trying this when I get home :rock

I found the best way to rotate the hips is to just cup your palm completely around the thigh and gently twist it and it works without the concern of breakage.