With diamond being the new US distributor for EB, I'm hoping we see these and future products at cheaper prices and at places like CSC and Alter Ego at discounted prices for once with reasonable shipping too.
So you can order from some retailer for $360 (which includes shipping) yet pay $420 buying direct from EB with no middle man? What a shady company.
QC issues? Pray tell.
Check the MIB figures thread, people receiving theirs with ripped clothing and cracked bodies, hopefully a one off.
I never could understand that term. What's sexually related about that photo? care to explain? sometimes reading Maglor's posts, he sounds like a xbox360 dweeb that shouts off over the headset. Arguing and fighting with everyone.
You're no longer "Lord of the EB fanboys?"
You're no longer "Lord of the EB fanboys?"
Very much so. A few guys and myself have started a Fresh Prince gang for the time being
To the cyber police?