Fallout 3

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New achievements.

Death From Above 30
Completed "Death From Above"

Shock Value 30
Completed "Shock Value"

Who Dares Wins 30
Completed "Who Dares Wins"

Devil 20
Reached Level 30 with Bad Karma

True Mortal 20
Reached Level 30 with Neutral Karma

Messiah 20
Reached Level 30 with Good Karma
It sounds great! I haven't even touched the AO or The Pitt yet. I'm level 13, and still going through the main quest. I'm trying to do all of the side quests along the way too.

Wow, I LOVE this game! One of my all-time favorite games for the Xbox 360! :D
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Fallout 3's Fourth Downloadable Pack Called Point Look?
Written Thursday, April 30, 2009 by Dan Webb

The future of Fallout 3 beyond Broken Steel is pretty much an unknown entity. Bethesda haven't really said much and have tended not to speculate.

However, a recent listing by eStarland, a relatively small US games outlet, has recently posted a double downloadable content listing for two pieces of Fallout 3 DLC; Broken Steel & Point Look.

Whilst no information is listed alongside it, the pricing would indicate that it is another 800 Microsoft Points piece and the current release date is set for June 6th 2009.

A possible slip maybe? Or an over imaginitive worker? At current, we'll chalk this one down as a rumour, but we'll keep our ear to the ground.

We've contacted Bethesda for confirmation and will hopefully know more tomorrow.

hey guys ive just been reading up on all the new dlc.
i was wondering though, will it be available for ps3? i havent seen or heard any ps3 realted stuff just xbox.

sorry if its a dumb question but i have to play all of this new stuff, and if i have to buy an xbox so be it
All the Fallout DLC is exclusive to PC and Xbox 360. Microsoft shelled out some big bucks for that privilege.
Yeah, basically people always bag Microsoft for doing that. (Not that I am saying you are doing that Amana..) But, at least they are getting extra stuff for their users. Sony, on the other hand...couldn't be bothered with paying developers extra to get more content. Sure, you have to pay for it etc. But, that is the same for anything extra...

Some people may see it differently to me, but, as far as I'm concerned, I am glad Microsoft paid for the extra DLC to be produced. otherwise, us 360 owners wouldn't be getting raised Level cap etc.
Yeah, basically people always bag Microsoft for doing that. (Not that I am saying you are doing that Amana..) But, at least they are getting extra stuff for their users. Sony, on the other hand...couldn't be bothered with paying developers extra to get more content. Sure, you have to pay for it etc. But, that is the same for anything extra...

Some people may see it differently to me, but, as far as I'm concerned, I am glad Microsoft paid for the extra DLC to be produced. otherwise, us 360 owners wouldn't be getting raised Level cap etc.

Yay for us! haha
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Broken Steel Now Available
Written Tuesday, May 05, 2009 by Dan Webb

The third in the series of Fallout 3 downloadable content, Broken Steel, is now available for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points.

Broken Steel throws players into the ranks of the Brotherhood in a last ditch effort to rid the post apocalyptic wastelands of the Enclave once and for all. It also sees the level 20 cap raised for the first time since the title's release.

Broken Steel may not be showing up under the "New Arrivals" tab at the moment, but if you navigate to the Fallout 3 game page under "All Game Add-Ons," you should find it there.

Started playing fallout 3 again last night. Downloaded the Brotherhood of Steel DLC so now I can finish the Purity quest without ending the game.
Started playing fallout 3 again last night. Downloaded the Brotherhood of Steel DLC so now I can finish the Purity quest without ending the game.

Same here. I basically continued the Purity quest from my previously-saved game and finished the mission. The quest's ending sequence had me fooled into thinking that the game was still ending, but I was pleasantly surprised when the words "Two Weeks Later" then appeared on-screen.

I'm now ready to tackle the new quests and creatures. :joy