I had to do the Customer Service Shuffle.
On Sunday my store said "limited stock" on the website. I went there, couldn't find him. Went to CS and spoke to the sad teenage girl who said they had one in stock and it was "on the floor." Looked around for another 10 minutes, nuthin.
On Tuesday I checked again, still said "limited stock" so I went back on my lunch hour (the same Target is literally around the corner from my office). Lo and behold, one on the shelf. Of course now he's $79.99. Off to CS! Spoke to a manager, got the sale price, plus the $10 off $50 of SW merch coupon.
He's not "gadget" cool like the Sphero and, frankly, $80 is a rip. But for $45 he's a treat. He's my favorite thing I got over the Life Day weekend.