I think the days of pricey add ons is gone.... Yoda's hut and the Dewback kinda ended that for me.
Yoda's Hut is my of my prized collectibles. One of my favorite Sideshow pieces that I own. I really REALLY wish I owned the statue of Yoda sabering that Clonetrooper. I passed on it cuz it was PT, but it's so slick, and I'm a Yoda guy, so I should have bought it...
I actually looked back through my mails and I really don't know how my local shop priced this. I ended up paying "just" $280 for my speeder bike. It's $299 if you buy from SS.
Wow, that's a bargain for overseas. Shipping from Sideshow would jack up that $299 price!
Something like that would be perfect. I wish Ikea shipped for free.LOL
Ditto! I can drive to an Ikea in less than 2 hours, but my car is too small to cram in all the stuff I'd want. I barely fit 4 Detolfs in it, driving back with my knees in my chin. I'm in the market for a new car soon, so will definitely get something bigger, and then ROAD TRIP! I'm gonna rape Ikea the next time I go...
Sideshow says they don't have any Triceratops replacements. They offered me a $30 credit on one of my current pre-orders as a courtesy. Awesome.
That blows! The last time they offered me a low amount (for the Alien LSB), I counter-offered and got them to raise the amount. It may not work for you, since you were beyond 30 days, but you should try it. Say you're kinda insulted by only getting offered $30, and are extremely disappointed in their QA department for even boxing up a statue with a horn so warped. Ask if it's possible to get a larger credit...
This was the whole message. I think they might say they won't do it since I'm outside the 30 days. I used to think it was 45 days, but I guess I was wrong:
I think years ago it was 45 days, but it's been 30 for a long time now...
I said ****! Not ****!
I don't read asterisk too good

Yeah, snap a pic, Anders. I'd love to see it.

(The dewback, not yer Cawk)
Fits perfectly on the table with space for a couple of Sandtroopers if you got them. Also works great for Yodas Hut.
Funny, everybody else is commenting on the shoe SIZE, but all I thought was DAMN, he buys a lot of shoes!
Well, you know what they say about guys with big feet...
They have big socks.
So you must half really tiny feet. Do you wear 1" shoes?