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Is anyone here a ggvgv premier member?
How much is that Christmas k2?

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
I am. It is $130 + tax + shipping. Adds up to $160.44, to my address. I'm not getting it. If you want one, I can order it for you, shipped directly to your address.
I am. It is $130 + tax + shipping. Adds up to $160.44, to my address. I'm not getting it. If you want one, I can order it for you, shipped directly to your address.

Holy ****, their prices are insane. And their shipping is as bad as Sideshow's.
Bear with me:

I'm not one who's needed encouragement a lot through my life. I do what I do because I believe in it. I believe in helping good people and I believe that evil exists. I have helped those good people and there is no better feeling than turning someone's crappy day into a day they won't forget. I have also dealt with that evil and I have the unfortunate experience of never forgetting of what some people looked like before they did what they did or what they looked like before I was forced to do something to intervene.

I've never needed people to say "keep going," or "wow, you do such a great job." I don't need that, I just need to know that what I do is right and is just.

Today, I need someone to tell me to keep going.

Today I was informed that one of my co-workers had shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. I've been doing this job for 12 years now and this one I don't know how to process. I just saw him a few days ago. We cleared buildings together, we swapped stories, we had each other's backs. In actuality, no had his, because he wouldn't let us. And I can't help but feel slightly responsible for not trying to do more.

Sorry, needed to vent.
Bear with me:

I'm not one who's needed encouragement a lot through my life. I do what I do because I believe in it. I believe in helping good people and I believe that evil exists. I have helped those good people and there is no better feeling than turning someone's crappy day into a day they won't forget. I have also dealt with that evil and I have the unfortunate experience of never forgetting of what some people looked like before they did what they did or what they looked like before I was forced to do something to intervene.

I've never needed people to say "keep going," or "wow, you do such a great job." I don't need that, I just need to know that what I do is right and is just.

Today, I need someone to tell me to keep going.

Today I was informed that one of my co-workers had shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. I've been doing this job for 12 years now and this one I don't know how to process. I just saw him a few days ago. We cleared buildings together, we swapped stories, we had each other's backs. In actuality, no had his, because he wouldn't let us. And I can't help but feel slightly responsible for not trying to do more.

Sorry, needed to vent.
First off .....so sorry to hear
Was at lunch with a work buddy once when he got a phone call saying his son shot himself in the head. Had lunch with another guy and 1 day later he was in coma, died 2 days after.
These moments are surreal.
I walked around in a funk after each one. You ask yourself if there was anything you could have done?
Just realize that life is super precious and support your coworkers at this time.
And it is absolutely ok to weep and be sad for this crazy event.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Bear with me:

I'm not one who's needed encouragement a lot through my life. I do what I do because I believe in it. I believe in helping good people and I believe that evil exists. I have helped those good people and there is no better feeling than turning someone's crappy day into a day they won't forget. I have also dealt with that evil and I have the unfortunate experience of never forgetting of what some people looked like before they did what they did or what they looked like before I was forced to do something to intervene.

I've never needed people to say "keep going," or "wow, you do such a great job." I don't need that, I just need to know that what I do is right and is just.

Today, I need someone to tell me to keep going.

Today I was informed that one of my co-workers had shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. I've been doing this job for 12 years now and this one I don't know how to process. I just saw him a few days ago. We cleared buildings together, we swapped stories, we had each other's backs. In actuality, no had his, because he wouldn't let us. And I can't help but feel slightly responsible for not trying to do more.

Sorry, needed to vent.

Sorry to hear what you're going through. Honestly, there's nothing you could have done. If he wanted the slightest bit of help, he would have said something. Those who battle their demons privately tend to leave it to themselves.
Bear with me:

I'm not one who's needed encouragement a lot through my life. I do what I do because I believe in it. I believe in helping good people and I believe that evil exists. I have helped those good people and there is no better feeling than turning someone's crappy day into a day they won't forget. I have also dealt with that evil and I have the unfortunate experience of never forgetting of what some people looked like before they did what they did or what they looked like before I was forced to do something to intervene.

I've never needed people to say "keep going," or "wow, you do such a great job." I don't need that, I just need to know that what I do is right and is just.

Today, I need someone to tell me to keep going.

Today I was informed that one of my co-workers had shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. I've been doing this job for 12 years now and this one I don't know how to process. I just saw him a few days ago. We cleared buildings together, we swapped stories, we had each other's backs. In actuality, no had his, because he wouldn't let us. And I can't help but feel slightly responsible for not trying to do more.

Sorry, needed to vent.
I speechless. So sorry to hear of this tragedy. I can't even think of proper words to say for such an event. My condolences to the rest of his family. I hope they didn't have kids...

The only fatal tragedies I've encountered were many years ago. In a one year span, 3 different people I went to high school with were all killed, just a few years after graduation. One was murdered, one died in a car crash, one was killed by police when trying to flee a robbery. Life can really suck sometimes. We don't always have control over our fate. Just live one day at a time, and enjoy your precious time on earth, since you never know when it will be your last...
Bear with me:

I'm not one who's needed encouragement a lot through my life. I do what I do because I believe in it. I believe in helping good people and I believe that evil exists. I have helped those good people and there is no better feeling than turning someone's crappy day into a day they won't forget. I have also dealt with that evil and I have the unfortunate experience of never forgetting of what some people looked like before they did what they did or what they looked like before I was forced to do something to intervene.

I've never needed people to say "keep going," or "wow, you do such a great job." I don't need that, I just need to know that what I do is right and is just.

Today, I need someone to tell me to keep going.

Today I was informed that one of my co-workers had shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. I've been doing this job for 12 years now and this one I don't know how to process. I just saw him a few days ago. We cleared buildings together, we swapped stories, we had each other's backs. In actuality, no had his, because he wouldn't let us. And I can't help but feel slightly responsible for not trying to do more.

Sorry, needed to vent.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Please don't feel like you had any responsibility in this at all. There is nothing you could have done or said. Particularly with someone like that with that kind of extreme mindset. Sometimes these horrible things happen to people close to you. I'm sure you were a good and supportive colleague to that man when he was alive. That's really all you could have done, and honestly that's more than most people out there do. Who knows, maybe those hours at work being with his dependable co-workers was the only respite he would get in a given day. You might have been his bright spot in an otherwise dark world. You just never know. So please don't put any more thought in blaming yourself. Just think of those he left behind and if you can, offer support to them. Good luck.
Sorry to hear that, slynger. Bad things happen to those around us and we can't help but feel helpless sometimes. But don't try to blame yourself or think you could've done more. These things are out of our hands most of the time, especially in situations like this.
Thank you for all the words of encouragement. Deep down I know there was nothing I could have done, but it doesn't change the overall question of, "why?" did this terrible thing happen and what did I miss. Without diving back into that, thank you for the responses and letting me vent. It really does mean a lot to me.
Thank you for all the words of encouragement. Deep down I know there was nothing I could have done, but it doesn't change the overall question of, "why?" did this terrible thing happen and what did I miss. Without diving back into that, thank you for the responses and letting me vent. It really does mean a lot to me.

Sorry to hear about this. :(
As for why, it is most likely something that has nothing to do with you at all. It could be he found out his wife was cheating and snapped. It only takes a second for someone to do something that can't be taken back. You can't blame yourself for this if you are. He was either ready and planning to do this, in which case you probably couldn't have changed his mind, or it was a split decision he made out of anger or depression, which again is something you couldn't have helped stop. Be glad you are alive and that it was contained, and he didn't come into work to harm you or others as well.
That being said, if any of you ever need talked down from a ledge or just to clear your head and need someone to talk to... please reach out to me. I consider you all friends. Some of you I worry about sometimes. Please reach out if you need it.
Bear with me:

I'm not one who's needed encouragement a lot through my life. I do what I do because I believe in it. I believe in helping good people and I believe that evil exists. I have helped those good people and there is no better feeling than turning someone's crappy day into a day they won't forget. I have also dealt with that evil and I have the unfortunate experience of never forgetting of what some people looked like before they did what they did or what they looked like before I was forced to do something to intervene.

I've never needed people to say "keep going," or "wow, you do such a great job." I don't need that, I just need to know that what I do is right and is just.

Today, I need someone to tell me to keep going.

Today I was informed that one of my co-workers had shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself and ended his life. I've been doing this job for 12 years now and this one I don't know how to process. I just saw him a few days ago. We cleared buildings together, we swapped stories, we had each other's backs. In actuality, no had his, because he wouldn't let us. And I can't help but feel slightly responsible for not trying to do more.

Sorry, needed to vent.

So terrible... But don't blame yourself in any capacity. We can only control what we can control, and his choice, as grave it it may have been, is his alone.
Anyone have like 6 grand they want to loan me? :lol

