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Good News/Bad News

Good News - I finally got my notice and both Frodo and Sam will be here tomorrow.

Bad News - They shipped both in the same box which makes the item worth more than $100. The notice says that a signature is required and I will not be home between 7-4pm. It is very typical for me to get my Sideshow package on the 2nd or 3rd delivery attemp becasue of work. Lets hope they come after 4 pm.
That's what I've been saying for a long time. They know that the production paint job will never match the prototype, and in many cases it's like a completely different figure. I think they should not go all-out painting the prototypes (at least the ones they show the public) but should instead do their best to approximate what the production paint would look like. Surely they can guess by this point. Having such huge changes really does smack of a bait-and-switch.

It's like ordering the Arby's Beef and Chedder in this ad:


And receiving this:


It's all the more galling when Hot Toys Burger down the street is selling burgers that look just like their ads for just a little more. (OK, maybe I've taken this metaphor too far...)

Yeah, but the 2nd one tastes better because they didn't spray paint the cheese.
Yeah, but the 2nd one tastes better because they didn't spray paint the cheese.


Very funny!

I really don't mind the drop in paint apps quality that much anymore. I guess I've become used to it.
From all companies.
NECA's Alien will not look anything like the proto. But I'm fine with that.
It has become a matter of working out on a case by case scenario if the figure looks good enough with production paint apps. Or if it can be rescued with some good customizing in the extreme cases.
As great as pictures of roast beef and cheddar are, someone get some pics of the hobbits up!!

I finally got my shipping notice. Should arive on Monday the 9th.
Guess who has two thumbs and got Sam and Frodo a full day early?!?

This guy...


Oops... I mean me, pics coming w/in the hour. But needless to say they both rock, but Frodo is the clear winner for me :rock
I got both mine and I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised, especially after the production photos. The head size and head paint are a non-issue, they are excellent. Sure there's the calve gap and the color between the feet and leg aren't exact, but these are some of the best figures SSC has done. For the price they are every bit as good as HT.

The clothes are extremely well tailored, there are a ton of accessories and the scale with the other figures couldn't be better. I do wish they'd have done something differently with the stand - it's difficult to use with these little guys.

It's too bad that it seems like this line is dying down - it's like its just taken flight.
Good News/Bad News

Good News - I finally got my notice and both Frodo and Sam will be here tomorrow.

Bad News - They shipped both in the same box which makes the item worth more than $100. The notice says that a signature is required and I will not be home between 7-4pm. It is very typical for me to get my Sideshow package on the 2nd or 3rd delivery attemp becasue of work. Lets hope they come after 4 pm.
same here. mine will be here on monday but ill be working till 3:30pm and the ups guy usually comes between 2:30 and 3:00.:monkey2. seems im always in this predicamint. anybody know what happens if im not home all week to sign for these?
I got both mine and I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised, especially after the production photos. The head size and head paint are a non-issue, they are excellent. Sure there's the calve gap and the color between the feet and leg aren't exact, but these are some of the best figures SSC has done. For the price they are every bit as good as HT.

The clothes are extremely well tailored, there are a ton of accessories and the scale with the other figures couldn't be better. I do wish they'd have done something differently with the stand - it's difficult to use with these little guys.

It's too bad that it seems like this line is dying down - it's like its just taken flight.

Completely agree with you Dave.

Feet to legs really is a non-issue. To me the color difference between the hands and face is a bigger one, but on the shelf is still not that noticeable.

But the stands really are a pain... I had to get the figures down to their undershirts and have the tongs resting right up under the armpits. If I tried just doing the same under the jackets the figures would hover above the base :lol
Yeah i have reveived my invoice today

92121 PC 1 1 0 $69.99 $69.99
12-inch Frodo Exclusive
92131 PC 1 1 0 $69.99 $69.99
12-inch Sam Exclusive
Sub Total: $139.98
Discount: - $0.00
Freight: $44.21
VAT/Sales Tax: $32.24
Invoice Total: $216.43
One thing I don't get:

I was charged $84.99 for one and $75 for the other. I may be calling customer service soon.... :tap

Ok. I just got off the phone with Jess at SS CS. The $84.99 was the preauth for Sam (which is usually higher than the actual amount they charge).. but the weird thing is they showed that Sam hadn't been preauth'd yet so it looked like my order was about to fall through the cracks.

Luckily he printed out shipping orders and is going to send it to the shipping dept. to go out tonight.

I have said before, but SS CS = :rock

Thanks Jess if you ever get to read this.
Pix, you're lucky. I talked to my credit union today and they basically said that SS hasn't taken the money yet so it's just sitting there. The problem isn't on their end. *Sigh* :banghead So I guess I won't see these guys until I'm back from vacation.
Why don't you call Sideshow?

:blissy :chew :blissy

See that? That's the dance of joy. My Hobbits have left the building and are ON THE TRUCK. Now here's what I learned from Jennifer (who is lovely). Our accounts are not updated in real time, they are synced usually at the end of the business day which is why most of the time we get shipping notices at the end of the night. An order can leave the warehouse first thing in the morning but no tracking information will be sent until much later, when the system syncs everything. So Frodo and Sam are on their way!
Good to hear! Mine are on the truck now, and judging by all my past deliveries they should only be a couple hours away at most. Looks like I'd better get ready for some intense reviews!