Couple things I've been working on... I wanted to give Joker an accessory, so I tried to do a Joker fish. Turned out okay, but at least it was a fun experiment:
This rules!JOKERFISH!
As far as I know, you are the first person to do this! I can't believe I never thought of it, as that issue of the comic was my very first owned Batman comic too! Bravo, bro!
I might have to take a stab at one now. but your's rules the roost! No doubt one of your best ideas and sculpts ever! Brilliant work!
Love your other sculpted work in prog also. Don't be afraid to tackle that Croc. That is brilliant! Keep on going man! Do your own line, like I did with my 1939 line! Galactiboy's BATMAN! Kicks some major a$$!
Glad you like him Les. I think I could make another one fairly easy... this was really a quick project and I think from what I learned on him I could make a one that would be a little closer to what I originally had in mind.
Also, I got Croc painted last night... I'll post some pics later on today.
Okay, here's Croc painted... I'm not gonna be able to do anything else with him for a while as I need to get some supplies to make a full figure. But so far I'm happy with how he turned out.
Finished a new head today... wanted to try something a little different so I took a crack at Red Skull. He's always been a favorite villain... and once I have him painted it should be fairly easy to kit-bash together an outfit.
Anyone know what color his eyes are supposed to be... I assume blue being he's a Nazi, but not for sure on that.
damn GB you are kicking ass on these sculpts bro.............that croc & redskull are insane..............looking forward to a finished figure for sure.
I've got stuff ordered for Croc, hopefully be here in a few days. And I know what I want for Red Skull, just need to get it ordered. But I'll update once I get some more work done.
Nothing too exciting, but as I was rearranging my zombie shelf today I decided to make a new snack. I just used the head and helmet from a Dragon Football player (used the body and clothes for the football Zombie last year) to make a new treat for my undead.
he looks awesome.......but i must admit when i scrolled down and saw that pink thing hanging down i was like.... WTF?????.......................then i realized its his towel........... super idea GB.........head in the helmet is the right touch.
Got in most of my stuff for the Red Skull figure today... he's about 95% complete. Just waiting on a luger, rifle and some gloved hands.
All of the stuff on him now is from DiD, mostly the Rommel figure or pieces that were similar to what he came with and a DiD body. And if you ever need great 1/6 boots these things are actual leather and the look and fit is awesome and can usually be had for around $10
Also, since the last time I showed him, I redid the eyes and made his teeth look a bit dirtier.
that is freaking cool man...............i was planning on a red skull myself after seeing the pf and then seeing your sculpt sealed it & i knew i had to do one. the key chains i ordered look almost spot on to the pf skull shape as well. i was a bit torn about what to dress him as...........the comic green body suit or a Nazi officer.............i went with Nazi officer as well. i love the old ww2 comic era characters. now to work on getting the red paint right. again.............awesome sculpt & figure.........