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He isn't leaving Miami. However, I think then taking that kid has zero reason why he's staying.

I think it does have an effect on his choice. Not because Shabazz Napier is gonna be a superstar or star or role player… but because it shows the Heat and Riley's dedication to doing 'whatever it takes' to put the best pieces around Lebron and upgrade positions of need. Napier may prove to be better than any Heat PG since Lebron GOT to Miami. That commitment to winning shows Lebron that miami will always be looking to win. It's not a huge effect. And certainly not the deciding factor… but it helps.
I put my money on him leaving. But really all depends on what broken wade does. I just don't see him resigning if wade does. We should all know pretty soon I would think.
Maybe but I don't think it means squat and I'm not sure that kid will be that good. He's staying because he knows his image will take another hit if he leaves. He care as much about that now as he does winning.
I put my money on him leaving. But really all depends on what broken wade does. I just don't see him resigning if wade does. We should all know pretty soon I would think.

You want to put that money where your mouth is? $100 bucks says he stays.
You want to put that money where your mouth is? $100 bucks says he stays.
If Mickey Arison was fully committed, at all cost, to "winning", the Heat would have never used the amnesty provision on Mike Miller, nor traded Joel Anthony ( which cost them 2 second rounders to dump that contract)

It wasn't just the Big Three, both Haslem and Miller both took paycuts to join the Heat. Miller, IIRC, had a larger offer from another team, but wanted to play with his friends. Miller, IIRC, had a preexisting friendship with James and Wade before he signed with the Heat. And given Wade's inability to play back to backs and his injury history, Miller would have been critical to have this season to fill in for Wade at times, and give the teams some lift at SF/SG. I'm not sure Anthony could have stopped Duncan, but another big body would have helped period. Even if just came down to giving the Heat six hard fouls.

"I want to WIN.... but uh... not into the luxury tax again ... and uh... not into the repeater part of the tax.. YEAH BUT I WANT TO WIN AT ALL COST!"

Sorry, Riley and Heat fans can spin it any way they want, dumping Miller was not about wins or losses, it was about trying to save money.

You realize that if a team is over the cap and into the tax it loses its ability to use mid-level exceptions? There's an incentive to stay under the cap other than paying the tax. The problem in the finals wasn't Miller. Mike Miller wasn't going to be +60 in the series.
It'll be all over soon. The problem is wade. I don't see how adding an extra two years to his contract helps. I mean he was notably done this year. Can you imagine him four year s from now? Oh wait, but they got Napier. It's all solved.
Committing 40-60 mill for 2 to 4 years to a bench guy is insane. People say Miami is the front runner but I can't see that due to the unfixable situation.
Harlem opted out. Wade opted out. How's that for loyalty and commitment to winning. Both leaving millions on table. Mmhmmm. Silly alright. Silly how ****ing awesome pat Riley is.

Next step bring in a fourth good player. Lowry. Gortat. Melo. Don't care. Any help. Then mid level exception for a decent guy. Vet minimums to Haarlem, Allen, Anderson, Lewis, oden. Still got cole too. Mo Williams, Shawn Marion, Vince carter could be interested too.