I think the hair isn't that bad. Maybe a little too detailed, which makes it look really thick and curly. I guess, I'd thin it out on the top too. But overall looks great to me.
So I wrote her back and she said she was still going to take the pic with the head on the body, but needed to wait (till there was someone with her to hold the camera). I got it that pic this morning. All is good with the size!
So, where the hell is everybody? This place is deader than a Clay Aiken concert?![]()
speak for yourself.We will not get any better head.
I've only got limited access to a computer at the moment, so it's taken me a while to see this.
Basically, I think it's good enough except for the hair. If there was absolutely no language barrier I would ask for one more revision, but I think it's good enough now that any change might end up being negative. And the face might look better with better hair. The profile definitely looks like an improvement.
Bottom line - I'd tell Ada that the face is great and not to touch it; however, she has to fix the hair. That means less hair (or tidier hair) at the front and more hair at the back.
I like the portrait alot too... but if she can make the hair more GB peter rather then BM Stripes, Id love it more! Keep up the good job coordinating all this WST!
Also based on how this is all going Id be intersted in heads for other Ghostbusters too...
GB1 Egon
and Winston
Alright, cool. I DEFINITELY appreciate all this feedback gang and weighing in of opinions.
Personally, for me when it comes to a head, I can always tweak/fix my own heads hair myself since it needs more hair and not less, so having her change it is less of an issue for me, other than wanting a 100 % sculpt.
This is not the issue with all of you though. Not all of you have the luxery of saying "no big deal, I can fix it myself", so I'm telling her "leave the face alone, take another stab at the hair", so that's what I'll do. I won't mention the nose.
This brings me to topic #2 (I feel like a PBS announcer at pledge-drive week!), I see this head being ready/completed by Ada to begin casting within a week, and that means I will need the rest of the Peter payments for those that haven't paid yet now or within this next week, because that's when I'll need to pay her so she can start casting.
Also, I'd like to send off the Ray commission at the same time to get her started on that as well,so if you haven't yet, Ray will be $25 + $5 for shipping. Now, if you guys have recovered yet from the Proton packs, by all means, lets kick ass and send off Winston too. This is all controlled by you amigos. We can send off 1 commission now or 2. Winston is also $25 + $5 for shipping.
I am very stoked!
Just PM or E-mail me for my Paypal.