are the heads interchangeable or do you need to modify them?
A few pages back Dwing posted pics of what you have to do. Basically you cut off the neck adapter on the DiD and glue the TB neck adapted onto it.
are the heads interchangeable or do you need to modify them?
I think Dwing also used pieces of TB Gimli's belt yeah?
Whats a good price to pay for the Toybiz Gimli???
Nothing wrong with the DID armour at all but I had the crap rotocast and wanted to see what I could do.
I pulled out the neck post from the TB and cut off the larger ball. I drilled out a hole in the DID neck post.
I cut off the arms from the rotocast, dremeled out the lower portion, cut the inside and pulled it open and over the arm. I think it adds some depth to the arm.
I cut off the back packs and superglued them on the DID belt-also left space for the large axe to fit by placing two skewers on the belt while glueing it down.
Over all I am getting happy.
And it spreads...
There's also another one up guys!
Now that seller is up to 10 sold in the last week.
I am still scratching my head over exactly what he did to the arms.![]()
Now it's the battle over the TB Gimlis!!! I wonder if we all will be bidding against one another!!![]()
same here. i've been skipping this thread mainly cuz i was in denial. i was still expecting SS to announce a gimli this week.I should have payed more attention in this thread. Now I gotta go search through 250 + posts![]()
I got my Gimli(s) tonight! Woo-hoo. Can't wait to start work on this guy.
In person, it's apparent how off they are. DiD Gimli is way too big and the TB one, esp the head, is way too small. The TB Gimli sculpt is better but too rough and needs a bit of work.
Congrats! Eager to see your custom. Please add tutorials to any work that may not seem obvious, or any shortcuts you got.
It be great if you can post a picture of the TB and DiD side by side so people can see clearly what they're getting to work on...maybe a pic with Frodo too for size comp.
Might do that and take pix of the process.
It's really ridiculous how much larger the Did is than the TB. And they're both supposed to be 1:6. And the boots are very different in design.
The Rotocast neck(ball and socket) was easy. Just hold one end(smaller of the two) with pliers and cut the other end at the base of the ball with a exacto balde. I drilled/dremeled about an 1/8" hole in the center of the DID neck. this allows the TB hs to sit up a bit and allows for more movement. I found that if you use a cloak the head will not sit right w/out using the ball/socket.
The sholder armour was also pretty easy. On the TB I first cut around the top of the shoulder area(sharp blade) and then cut the bottom of the arm. At the top of the arm you will need to dremel or cut out the socket area.
When I have time-tomorrow I will post pics of the armour.
The back pack was an easy cut and glue up. I used two skewers to leave a gap in the middle of the belt for the purpose of holding the long axe.
Let us know precisely what you got from the ToyBiz clothed figure (parts) and what you got from the ToyBiz rotocast version.
I got to make a recipe list here...![]()
I got the rotocast Gimli not the Toybiz doll one. It's got the same helmet, headsculpt and arm gauntlets that the 12" doll has, which is all the good stuff from Toybiz, plus it's got the good shoulder armor as well as the rubber belt pouches and he comes with a small handled axe that the DiD doesn't.
head, helmet, gauntlets - either Toybiz Gimli
shoulder armor, pouches, small axe - rotocast Gimli
body, clothes, weapons, boots (I'm still not satisfied with them) - DiD Gimli
arm chainmail - Timeline knight
Yes please!