Super Freak
soooooooooooo swing or a miss ?
Haha. I think you meant "hit or miss?". You can swing AND miss ... in fact, you have to swing to miss. Watch a baseball game.
soooooooooooo swing or a miss ?
LOTR and SW still remain timeless classics.
listen to them all on repeat and never get sick of them.Hopefully the Hobbit will soon be added to this list.
next to these the Labyrinth is another good one![]()
It's funny how the critics are blastin Reynolds, because personally I don't like him at all...
I hated him as Van Wilder (terrible movie...)
He sucked in Blade Trinity, and Amityville Horror....
Hated him as Deadpool...
but for some reason I liked him as Hal a lot!
He did a fine job IMO...
Going to the first showing of GL again tomorrow as well!![]()
Didn't anyone think it was quite lame that at the final battle,Parylaxx (Whatever its name) was the so called greatest threat in the universe, and not one Corps lifted a finger to help,but then showed up after the fact!???
Didn't anyone think it was quite lame that at the final battle,Parylaxx (Whatever its name) was the so called greatest threat in the universe, and not one Corps lifted a finger to help,but then showed up after the fact!???
I think that's because their prime directive was to protect Oa.
Hero Worship: Green Lantern's Fan Service
Can Green Lantern entertain despite its obvious flaws?
June 17, 2011
by Joey Esposito
Much like the entirety of time has been divided into B.C. and A.D., so too have comic book films been distinguished as Before Dark Knight and After Dark Knight. There's a certain expectation from superhero movies to be more intelligent and structurally sound. Green Lantern is neither. However, that doesn't mean that it's not enjoyable.
Unless this is your first time on the Internet since the Green Lantern review embargo lifted, you've no doubt seen the general critical panning that it has received, IGN included. However, something interesting has happened since the movie opened wide at midnight on Friday. I put out a call on Twitter for the comic book legion to give me their thoughts on the movie. Almost exclusively, the response was positive. Even on Rotten Tomatoes, as I write this, the film is at 23% on the Tomatometer while at 72% in audience opinion. Having finally watched the movie earlier today, I'm going to have to side with the nerds on this one.
Does Green Lantern have faults? Yes, overwhelmingly so. In fact, from a storytelling standpoint, the parties involved should be ashamed of themselves. I could feel the suppressed pretension of my film school days rearing its ugly head as I watched multiple plot threads left to dangle like a tentacle of Parallax's octopus cloud. The movie is so choppy that even Ahab would avoid sailing through it. The post-credits teaser negates a key portion of the film's conclusion.
But for more on the fundamental problems of the movie, you can read IGN's Green Lantern review by our beloved Jim Vejvoda. And though I agree on all his points, there is something about Green Lantern that you won't see mentioned in a typical movie review. The giddy feeling in your fanboy loins that you get seeing Hal Jordan on the screen.
That's something that can't be quantified in a numerical score or a star rating. I've mentioned before my love of things like the Star Wars prequels, Lois & Clark, Superman IV and even Batman and Robin – things that a lot of fans generally hate. Yes, Superman IV is terrible. But is Christopher Reeve any less commanding in his role? While Green Lantern is far (like, galaxies away) from the failure of Superman IV or Batman and Robin, the point is that to a certain degree I can look past shortcomings to latch onto something I enjoy.
In the case of Green Lantern, I got to see live-action ring slingin', egg-headed Guardians of the Universe, seeds of the War of Light and a cameo from Bzzd (though, sadly, no Ch'p). As a student of film, Green Lantern was appalling. As a nerd, it was fan service.
It's easy to forget that we are lucky enough to live in an age where we can enjoy our favorite heroes on the big screen with increasing frequency. More importantly, we live in an age where we can enjoy heroes like Green Lantern on the screen. To some degree, we're spoiled. Less than 10 years ago, a Green Lantern flick would've been impossible. And not just in terms of special effects, but popularity. Just as it was once unthinkable that Green Lantern could've held down a mega comic book event, he's now able to star in his own summer movie. While the box office return remains to be seen, the fact that WB took this movie through to completion is commendable.
To be fair, aside from critics, I haven't heard the non-comic reading public's opinion yet. I've been so head-over-heels in comic book characters since I was a kid, it's almost impossible to determine if the movie will be accessible enough for newcomers to enjoy. I'm interested to see how the unfamiliar adapt to the idea of harnessing willpower throughout the cosmos. One trait of Thor that was incredibly appealing to me is that it pulled no punches with Asgard; it didn't apologize, it merely assumed that you'll accept it. Green Lantern attempts to educate the newbies -- rather clumsily, at that -- but I can't say for sure if it works because the truth is, I don't need educating.
One thing I'm quite sure of, though, is that kids will adore it. I've discussed the potential of Green Lantern being the new Star Wars in the past, and I still maintain my position. Sure, there's a lot less of Oa than previously thought, but kids will still be taken by the different creatures spattered throughout. If you're a parent that's taking their kid and you're either confused or bored, take a look at your offspring. They'll be entranced. It's that kind of awe that we lose either with age or with exposure to jaded Internet opinion, but it's part of what Green Lantern requires for enjoyment.
More importantly, if the kids enjoy it, perhaps it'll lead them to a comic book shop. As I talked about last week, it's the younger generation that the comic book industry needs to sink their teeth into. It might not turn into the cultural phenomenon that Star Wars has been for 30+ years, but Green Lantern can still serve a key role in the growth of the comic book industry. It's no accident that DC placed an advertisement for Green Lantern comics at the end of the film. It doesn't have Oscar-worthy performances, groundbreaking special effects or even good character drama. But it does have cool designs and ring constructs in spades, and that's what the kids will remember.
For better or worse, The Dark Knight is a new standard for superhero movies, but it's certainly not the template. Green Lantern fails as a movie in a lot of ways. Bringing Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps to life isn't one of them. Green Lantern can satisfy the nerd in all of us, as long as you let it.
If you've seen the movie, do you think it's getting a bad rap? If you've got kids, what was their reaction? If you're someone unfamiliar with the character or the comics, how was the overall experience – does it make you want to check out the books? Let me know on Twitter or sound off below!
One thing that worried me, my theater was pretty damn empty. Anybody else go to a more than half empty theater?