Guardians of the Galaxy

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Finally seen this today and loved it. I still liked Avengers a smidge better, but this was still great.

Still can't stand Zoe Saldana though.
I've never seen the show, regrettably. I have heard that Ted makes an appearance as BB, too.
You've gotta see it. It's on Netflix. It is the anti-Nolan Batman, so much fun. One episode is a musical. And they dig deep into the archives of obscure DC characters and storylines. Show starts out with the young Latino kid becoming BB, and shows a flashback to Ted dying, but a later episode has a time travel angle that has Kord and Booster teaming up.
My collection is fine, but somehow in far fewer books there's much more diversity than you describe. Have you tried reading them?

I'm curious as to what could be more diverse than hundreds of European comics not to mention thousands of comics including not only superheros but the entire Vertigo run, Paradox press etc...
The only thing I don't have is enough space.
Seriously, I'm really curious.
You've gotta see it. It's on Netflix. It is the anti-Nolan Batman, so much fun. One episode is a musical. And they dig deep into the archives of obscure DC characters and storylines. Show starts out with the young Latino kid becoming BB, and shows a flashback to Ted dying, but a later episode has a time travel angle that has Kord and Booster teaming up.

I love that cartoon. Very underrated.
You've gotta see it. It's on Netflix. It is the anti-Nolan Batman, so much fun. One episode is a musical. And they dig deep into the archives of obscure DC characters and storylines. Show starts out with the young Latino kid becoming BB, and shows a flashback to Ted dying, but a later episode has a time travel angle that has Kord and Booster teaming up.

ooh, Booster, too! I will have to make the effort. Thanks for the heads up!
It always cracks me up when someone says "this movie was a waste of my time/my time is precious" and then spend hours, weeks, even months on a messageboard trying to convince people how "bad" that same movie was. GOTG is a huge critical and commercial success, no two ways around it. All right Tourist, YOU didn't like it. Clock is ticking now. Let's see how much "time" you spend trying to convince us that we are wrong. ;)

I wasn't aware that weeks even months had passed since GOTG came out, I must have fallen asleep.
I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm stating a defending a different opinion.
You are right, this film is a success regardless of what I think.
ooh, Booster, too! I will have to make the effort. Thanks for the heads up!

Ridiculous, it should read: "Ronan, a kree full of honour to the Kree way shown throughout the film would not simply accept Quill doing that and kill him on the spot"
When I said earlier that some of you come up with contrived explanations to justify poor writing I wasn't kidding.
Judging by the way you phrased your comments I can tell good writing isn't really your thing anyway.

To think that I pay to see a movie I'm biased against is just stupid.
I don't like wasting money and time is too precious.
I very much wanted to like this but didn't, simple as that.

Finally, someone gets what i tried to say. When i stated my opinion of the Dance Off, i did also note that I loved the movie. Will be going again tonight.
So there goes, spreading my seeds of hate. Sorry to bu**ake it all over your face.

And i don't doubt for a second that it is in Quill's character to come up with a solution like that, and it also "sorta" ties in with his whole Footloose analogy. But what annoys me is that Ronan just stands there like an idiot. If your gonna do something rediculous, have Rocket run out looking all cute and start humping Gamora's leg. Its equally rediculous. Ronan was established as a no-bulls**t villan. If someone was interupting his moment, he would have smashed them out of the way and continue talking.

One minor moment, doesn't ruin the movie for me. You don't need to love every pixel of a film to like a movie.
It always cracks me up when someone says "this movie was a waste of my time/my time is precious" and then spend hours, weeks, even months on a messageboard trying to convince people how "bad" that same movie was. GOTG is a huge critical and commercial success, no two ways around it. All right Tourist, YOU didn't like it. Clock is ticking now. Let's see how much "time" you spend trying to convince us that we are wrong. ;)

No doubt. :lol

Oh each their own.
Thank you for mentioning one of few superhero comic book runs notorious for being a straight comedy!
Obviously this represents the vast majority of comics! :slap:slap:slap
Nice try.
Like Yo said, you've got a variety. Lobo, Captain Marvel, Ambush Bug, Plastic Man, and various other DC characters were frequently in comedic situations. It's not a fair representation of comics to suggest that the "dark and grounded" stuff is representative of everything.
Finally, someone gets what i tried to say...
... So there goes, spreading my seeds of hate. Sorry to bu**ake it all over your face.
Sorry buddy, I don't swing that way.
Since you just confessed to not being able to express your opinions well I suggest you stay clear of vulgar attacks. :nono:nono:nono
Like Yo said, you've got a variety. Lobo, Captain Marvel, Ambush Bug, Plastic Man, and various other DC characters were frequently in comedic situations. It's not a fair representation of comics to suggest that the "dark and grounded" stuff is representative of everything.

The vast majority of superhero comics are grounded in conflict with dark overtones, just as I said before.
The true comedic ones such as those you mentioned are very much the minority.
Spider-Man making wisecracks doesn't mean it's a comedic tittle.
In no particular order; his uncle still got murdered, he himself died, got cloned, Gwen died, he thought he went nuts, he became an actual spider ... basically all the stuff that makes superhero lives dramatic.
The same can be said of pretty much every major superhero with or without a team.
Let's not even get started on Batman, Wolverine, the Punisher etc...
Drama, loss and conflict are the very essence of the genre.
Hardly comedy.