Hot Toys– Hot Angel x- MMS 74- SHE PREDATOR - MACHIKO full spec and pics

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I thought that the redder eye was to simulate the Predator eyes, because they are that red/yellow colour.
Maybe she had to have a new eye put in from a Predator cos she lost that one? I think the head sculpt is amazing.
does it not say on the side of box a little bit about her? usually there is some background about the character on the boxes?
This is a picture of the original figure which I bought from the retailer. I eventually got this exchanged with the figure whose picture is shown in my earlier post.

The eyes for this figure was even worst! See the picture for comparison. And sorry for the poor quality of this picture because it was taken with my mobile phone camera at the shop. But the "bad eye" job can still be clearly seen. :horror

I thought that the redder eye was to simulate the Predator eyes, because they are that red/yellow colour.
Maybe she had to have a new eye put in from a Predator cos she lost that one? I think the head sculpt is amazing.

Even if that is the case, shouldn't both eyes be redder instead of just one eye?
I could speculate all day about why one eye is red, but I wouldn't have thought HT would have made that bad of a mistake on painting the eyes.
This figure is not part of any line except their own , so I imagine HT have added a few little 'easter eggs' for the fans. The red eye is maybe a nod to the Predators red eyes?
I guess if you don't like it you can display her with the mask on or just repaint the eye?
Come on guys! Pay attention. :rolleyes:
One of her eyes is supposed to be red. ;)

I like it.
She has a little Predator/:emperor thing going on.

Well, she looks good to me, but sadly mine is still sitting in HK with TDK Bats waiting for another release to keep shippng costs down... sigh!

As for spamming, well I guess it can get a tad annoying, and lets keep it to a minimum (there's always the sandbox if you want to ramble and rant) but we also have to keep in mind this is a discussion forum so we will sometimes slide OT a little... so what am I saying?

Not sure, just reign it in a little.

And oh yeah, we want more pics while some of us suffer through our 1/6 plastic drought!
Same here, found out the eye paint difference (only) when pickup mine from the toyshop. Well, but it's fine to he though.
Mine has the red iris on the left eye as well, after seeing it on other pictures, I assumed it was by design.
I will be displaying my Machiko with her mask, the same way I display all my other Preds.

As for the eyes, I will just try to ignore it. Anyway, I won't be able to see those eyes when the mask is on the face. ;)
It is supposed to be that way!!

It was part of the prototype and done on purpose.

Also look were the scars on the mask are.

And I don't see what's wrong with the headsculpt. It's total HT quality.
It is supposed to be that way!!

It was part of the prototype and done on purpose.

Also look were the scars on the mask are.

And I don't see what's wrong with the headsculpt. It's total HT quality.

I guess you can't please everyone, and as you say the eye was red on the proto from the start.
I think HT has done an amazing job on coming up with an original(ish) character.
I didn't realise she actually had such realistic nipplage going on. looks good :rock
If they won't show through through the armor then why would Hot Toys make them so realistic.....:google

maybe they anticipated the bodies use for future figures where stuff would be more 'apparent' :dunno
maybe they just anticipated most of us are pervs and like looking at rubber ****s?

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