Nerf Herder

I think that's probably why Harrigan got such a lame trophy, instead of one of their weapons, after killing the Pred. "Well, since you killed the retard, we're only gonna give you the blunderbust."
i never thought of that as a reward. i thought it was just a message from the elder pred that they'd been here many many times before, and they'd be back again to whoop some ass in the future.
there was probably some phallic undertone too - about harrigan being an old, decrepit blank-shooter.
So it was just the Elder Preds way of saying "here you go, you old ____... That gun works about as well as your crank"
So it was just the Elder Preds way of saying "here you go, you old ____... That gun works about as well as your crank"
yeah i'm sure there's a deleted scene somewhere where the elder then pulls out a massive shiny new double barrel shotgun and starts swinging it suggestively below his waist in a "who's the big virile dog with the nuts hangin'" sort-of manner.
Well, I checked my finances and we are still in trouble. My wife called me with another medical bill so I guess I won't be on the scene on July 2nd. Oh well, maybe I'll be able to get the by itself. Good luck to everyone. I personaly think he looks sweet.
I think P2 pred gets unfair criticism just because his opponent was older than Arnie.
P2 Pred took out, in close quarters combat, multiple groups of opponents who were all armed to the teeth. At least 4 times during the film he fights multiple gun wielding folk using more than just his shoulder cannon. He uses a spear and also takes people on hand-to-hand.
P1 predator did nothing more than snipe single targets while cloaked, high up in a tree. And he ran away from Mac twice in the film.
Arnie was the only one against whom the P1 Predator exerted himself at all.
P2 Predator was more badass than P1. He was however guilty of stupidity at the very end in not actually disarming Harrigan of the cutting disc, for some reason assuming that Harrigan had no fight left in him.
I got the Lost Predator today. New toy smell how I've missed you. Man I forgot how big (and how much) packaging HT predators used to have up until the P1.
Anyway, he looks very nice, however I won't be assembling him until I know for sure that I've got Gort coming.
Speaking of Gort, it occurred to me that now after HT named Gort the 'guardian' Predator ....that kinda sounds like an honourable title or position that this particular Predator has amongst the clan. But what the hell does that make 'Lost' Predator?? What does being called 'Lost' signify for him? I know I know there really are no official names for these guys. Just in hindsight they should have called Lostie something else and kept 'Lost' as the name of the clan as a group, just like it was originally understood to be.