Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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So we just have to be signed up for the newsletter and the login at the site. And the link will show up on the front page on July 1st / 2nd ?

Yes. The entire website shuts down for normal ordering during the PPO. When you go to the main Sideshow website, the figure will be on the front page to add to your cart. Then you just log in and check out. Easy peasy.
Not attending either. So those like me need not apply until july 2nd? What would stop a non-attendee preordering one on the 1st?

Nothing. But then you can't order then non-attendee version. And if you don't pick up your order at SDCC, you won't get one. :)

If you won't attend, I dunno if they'd let you pre-order on the 1st. One day isn't too bad, as there are plenty of people that won't make it. You're fine.

Um... I'm a bit concerned about something. I'm actually attending the con. Thing is, my dad's the account holder. So... I've sent a question asking if an arrangement could be made for me to pick up Guardian (generally they don't allow it, unless it's planned in advance). I guess it's no big deal, since I can PPO it on July 2nd, but I figured I'd get it all done at the con.

If you're dad is going to the con with you, he can pick it up. If he isn't, its got to be in your name. Best open your own account. The non-attendee PPO isn't going to be pretty.

Allow me to translate:

This will be a San Diego Comic Con offering via Sideshow by the way. July first or second Priority Pre Order.

Thanks for the translation Mike. 100% accurate.

What is up with all of the newbie questions about newsletters and PPOs? You're guys' join dates say you've been here for over 2 years. And you are JUST figuring this out? :slap

I personally have no interest in this figure, but I'm going to SDCC. So if anyone has anything great to trade for it, lets talk. And please no "I don't have anything to trade but..." PMs.
Actually I signed up today, but can you clarify something else - I'm signed up with a different password to my SS account but the same email address. But in my account page it still says that I'm not signed whats the story?

I think your SS account address and Newsletter address have to match. I've set up my Newsletter subscription months ago, but since the addresses haven't been matched up until today (I edited my SS a few hours ago to be identical), PPO wouldn't have worked. It still says I'm not qualified, but SS updates their database every night at 12:00 AM PST. Tomorrow at this time, I should be set for Priority Preordering. Same as you, bro :).
Buttmunch, Those of us asking the newb questions just haven't ever ordered an SDCC exclusive before, only SS exclusives which are exactly the same process as any other figure.

Slightly worried about your expectations for the non-attendees getting these figures.:(
If you're dad is going to the con with you, he can pick it up. If he isn't, its got to be in your name. Best open your own account. The non-attendee PPO isn't going to be pretty.

I can't open my own account; the cardholder's name (and I don't have one, since I'm a minor) must match that of the accountholder's name. So... I'm crossing fingers that SS will let me make an arrangement with them. Maybe I can set up my name for the pickup in advance, and bring the invoice and my student ID to SDCC...:pray:

I hope what you say about the non-attendee thing isn't true; a-dev, Elder_Predator2, etc. are awesome boardies and it's only right for them to get their hands on a new HT Pred. It's like our thing. Gotta happen. Speaking of which, where'd CelticP go...

Well good sir, actually I'm damn near 17.....:yess:

I'm 15. Does this mean I get a trophy, or something? :blissy
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I think your SS account address and Newsletter address have to match. I've set up my Newsletter subscription months ago, but since the addresses haven't been matched up until today (I edited my SS a few hours ago to be identical), PPO wouldn't have worked. It still says I'm not qualified, but SS updates their database every night at 12:00 AM PST. Tomorrow at this time, I should be set for Priority Preordering. Same as you, bro :).

Yeah I provided the same email address as for my ordering account, just have a different password for accessing the newsletter. They don't ask for any other details RE: getting the newsletter so its not like I could give any more specifics to make it clearer that I'm not two seperate people or anything. I'll just have a look again tomorrow to see if my subscription status changes.
I know, it is crazy. Sideshow really doesn't try to help it's younger collectors, Blade and I for example, with these accounts and what not.
I had no idea about that. You sound more my age in your posts.

Why, thank you good sir! A freshman does take compliments like that to heart :lol.

Yeah I provided the same email address as for my ordering account, just have a different password for accessing the newsletter. They don't ask for any other details RE: getting the newsletter so its not like I could give any more specifics to make it clearer that I'm not two seperate people or anything. I'll just have a look again tomorrow to see if my subscription status changes.

I'd say you're set, then. Give it some time, and you should be qualified for PPO, no problem.

I know, it is crazy. Sideshow really doesn't try to help it's younger collectors, Blade and I for example, with these accounts and what not.

They run a tight ship, which is fantastic in terms of trusting who you're dealing with... but it's also a pain sometimes. Meh...
soButtmunch, you think there wont be any left on the second?

No there will be. Just very few. Sideshow sets aside 10% of the edition size for non-attendees.

Buttmunch, Those of us asking the newb questions just haven't ever ordered an SDCC exclusive before, only SS exclusives which are exactly the same process as any other figure.

Slightly worried about your expectations for the non-attendees getting these figures.:(

Its pretty much the same thing except there is a non-attendee and attendee ordering day. If you are a non-attendee, its just more limited, but other than that, its a regular Friday PPO.

I can't open my own account; the cardholder's name (and I don't have one, since I'm a minor) must match that of the accountholder's name. So... I'm crossing fingers that SS will let me make an arrangement with them. Maybe I can set up my name for the pickup in advance, and bring the invoice and my student ID to SDCC...:pray:

I hope what you say about the non-attendee thing isn't true; a-dev, Elder_Predator2, etc. are awesome boardies and it's only right for them to get their hands on a new HT Pred. It's like our thing. Gotta happen. Speaking of which, where'd CelticP go...

I'm 15. Does this mean I get a trophy, or something? :blissy

Don't count on it. Sideshow is very strict about it so people can't get doubles and scalp them. So you may have to try for the non-attendee version. I'd highly suggest getting a debit card between now and SDCC and opening your own account. Or somehow get your dad into SDCC. If you just have to wait outside for 1/2 hour for him to go into the con with your badge and pick up your items, then that might work.

I've been collecting from Sideshow directly when I was even younger than you. For example, get a card on your parent's account with your name on it. I had one since I was 14 and it worked out great. Sideshow doesn't have a place to fill in your age anywhere, they just assume if you don't have a credit card, you aren't 18.

Ironically I just turned 18 a month before my first SDCC in 2006. My brother was 15 and got a Sideshow exclusive figure there too. Here is the trick are you guys listening?

MONEY ORDER/CHECK Send in your payment via that method (call after you order it and arrange this method). You just need to set up your own account and order through that.
You think giving my dad the badge for a while will work? Because the badge is in my name. Or do they not have names on the badges? Either way, all my dad needs that for is to get into the building. Once there, the ID is all that matters. Could I pull this off? I really don't want to resort to feeBay pricing.
No there will be. Just very few. Sideshow sets aside 10% of the edition size for non-attendees.

In that case even if it was possible I couldn't in good conscience order 2 like I was hoping. Oh well. If I can just get one I'll be sorted. I just want a steel mill Sarah. She shoulda been the standard release figure dammit.

I hope what you say about the non-attendee thing isn't true; a-dev, Elder_Predator2, etc. are awesome boardies and it's only right for them to get their hands on a new HT Pred. It's like our thing. Gotta happen. Speaking of which, where'd CelticP go...

I missed this post. Thanks for the positive comments!
You think giving my dad the badge for a while will work? Because the badge is in my name. Or do they not have names on the badges? Either way, all my dad needs that for is to get into the building. Once there, the ID is all that matters. Could I pull this off? I really don't want to resort to feeBay pricing.

Yep. Should work. Sideshow doesn't check to match your badge with your ID. And con security doesn't care who's name is on the badge as long as you have a badge. Sounds like this is your answer.

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