Hot Toys – MMS126 - Predator 2: Guardian Predator(2010 Toy Fairs Exc) spec

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Yeah, I made a new sig for myself, featuring a photo of my newly-arrived T-700. You try to keep it up for a few weeks or a month, but it gets old and people start changing things...
Be even sadder if I didn't get the figure that was in my sig :wink1:.

That's also the key. Finding people who fit the personalities of the characters and will commit for longer than a week. I already have my suspicions on who we'll lose by August, but I think there are a bit that're in for the long haul. :lol

Holy ____. $800.....I like this thing and wasn't able to get in under the wire to acquire it but it isn't that important to me to own. To each his own but this one will firmly remain out of my collection.

And if it had been an Iron Man? :lol
TAnd if it had been an Iron Man? :lol

Mine went through at :30 but then got tied up and took forever do anything, then it went to waitlist, then it took me 6 tries to get that. By then it was 6 after. :(

same here :mad: it's ____ing lame , i got all the preds except the avp preds and really wanted to add gort to my collection but i'm not paying 800 dollar for a 12inch figure , hot toys should really do something about it and produce a lot more to make everybody happy because what's going on now is really disgusting :horse
I didn't even try...

because it's a god damn doll. Had I known that there were little girls out there willing to shell out $800 for one, I would have grabbed one.

the 1940's called, they want their outdated term back, We've been calling them action figures ever since.
Makes you even worse in my opinion. You're poopooing it simply because you can't afford it. That's the equivalent of NECA troll douchery. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4

I hardly think you're entitled to comment on my financial situation, just because I didn't order this guy doesn't mean I can't afford it. I think you fail to realise Nam (not surprisingly) that this is a forum, people are allowed to have different opinions to yours. I am merely discussing this figure's worth as a whole.
I guess but it's really only a bio and alien skull that's new, just my opinion.
Yeah the bio on this guy was, as has already been explained by others, intended to be the original Predator's bio but was indeed changed last minute. The fact that this guy only has about 2 seconds of screen time means that there is very little appeal to me.

To each his own but I disagree, again just my opinion. I did not contradict myself though, just because I think the Celtic Predator is better does not mean I don't think this new guy looks cool, just not cool enough to warrant a purchase on my part.

Actually Nam I never even tried to ppo this figure, you may have guessed that from me saying that I didn't think it was worth it.

It's nice that you congratulate yourself btw, egotistic much? :rolleyes:

You actually did contradict yourself because you said it was cool and then it has one thing going for it. that has nothing to do with the Celtic predator. The AVP predators were good for their time but since predator 2 and forward the predator figures have just been better. Obviously Celtic has more screen time so if you're going by that he's better to own but I'm just basing it off the figure alone, not the character.
i got my order in but I'm keeping mine. Unless the new Predators movie comes out with even better Predators, then I'll sell mine.
I'd never replace my predators by the new ones, for they are the ones that represent what I've seen in the movies at the time; and I was impressed by the design.
If the new Preds design makes an impression on me, I most likely will buy, but that remains to be seen. I'm almost a 100% sure that I will not buy any of the humans from the new movie, if they ever get made. From the original Pred, I only got Dutch, 'cause... what ever you may think of Arnold, his image represents Dutch and the T-850. That's just the way it is.

With exception of the Wolf pred, I never liked any of the AVP preds. I liked the AVP Aliens though.
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i was on the site watching the countdown on their clock, when it finally fot to 10.00 it let me order, then said something like 'streamline has ended' or something. When i tried again the clock had gone back to about 9.57. Then by the time it would let me order it was 10.10. Meaning it was too late. Did anyone else experience loss due to the messed up clock on the site?
Sorry, I meant under 'recent orders' at your account homepage is the 'status' of your order still "new" or is it ''processing"?

This whole new vs processing thing is a scary thing. Can SS see the order if it never switches from new to processing? I've had it happen with a couple of my new orders lately.
You actually did contradict yourself because you said it was cool and then it has one thing going for it. that has nothing to do with the Celtic predator. The AVP predators were good for their time but since predator 2 and forward the predator figures have just been better. Obviously Celtic has more screen time so if you're going by that he's better to own but I'm just basing it off the figure alone, not the character.

Please don't tell me that I have contradicted myself when I clearly haven't. I said that this guy looked pretty cool, yes, but I don't think that he is worth $185-190 for what is essentially a new bio and skull trophy. I'm not going to get into a detailed argument about Hot Toys entire Predator line with you, if you can't understand my reasoning please don't comment on it.
I'd never replace my predators by the new ones, for they are the ones that represent what I've seen in the movies at the time; and I was impressed by the design.
If the new Preds design makes an impression on me, I most likely will buy, but that remains to be seen. I'm almost a 100% sure that I will not buy any of the humans from the new movie, if they ever get made. From the original Pred, I only got Dutch, 'cause... what ever you may think of Arnold, his image represents Dutch and the T-850. That's just the way it is.

With exception of the Wolf pred, I never liked any of the AVP preds. I liked the AVP Aliens though.

What about Det. John Kimble and Turboman? :wink1:
same here :mad: it's ____ing lame , i got all the preds except the avp preds and really wanted to add gort to my collection but i'm not paying 800 dollar for a 12inch figure , hot toys should really do something about it and produce a lot more to make everybody happy because what's going on now is really disgusting :horse

:lecture I agree bro. As loyal buyers, Hot toys is really putting the shaft to us if they do not make more. :pray: Of course there are these SCALPERS that bought this predator just to wallet rape us because they can care less about the true fans. I have all of the HT preds, even the Scar ani con, it sucks that I'll be missing this one. $800.00 + is insane. :gah: