Hot Toys – MMS132 - Iron Man 2: Mark VI full spec and pics

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I remember you were on the fence about it for a while Josh ..glad you ended up getting him:)

So you're saying that the armor is gold, then painted silver, then painted gold again? That's just silly. I think a more likely explanation is that they either just forgot that line or just didn't care and opted for "looks cool" over "makes sense". The films in general opt for that, not a bad thing necessarily.

I agree yellow scratches may have been more accurate and i'd bet if he had them people who see your collection would keep asking you why does the figure have them:gah:
I also agree (with the designers of the film) that gold scratches would have been weird looking and the compromise in logic over one line from the first film was worth it for the gains in visual interest. Oft-times "looking right" isn't the same as "being right".
So you're saying that the armor is gold, then painted silver, then painted gold again? That's just silly. I think a more likely explanation is that they either just forgot that line or just didn't care and opted for "looks cool" over "makes sense". The films in general opt for that, not a bad thing necessarily. Even the "gold titanium alloy" makes no sense. Make armor out of titanium kind of makes sense, even though it lacks the strength of steel you get much more strength for your weight. Adding gold to it makes no sense as that just makes it heavier and softer.

The reason I brought up TiN (Titanium Nitride) is that it often is gold colored. It's very very hard, and often used on things like drill bits and saw blades to drastically increase the wear resistance. So if you coat Ti with TiN you get the durability and weight savings of Ti with the an additional hard shell.

This is all moot though as none of the tech in the movies makes much sense and the "gold titanium" was just a throw away line to make him dressing up in gold armor make some kind of sense.

Dude, I wasnt serious about the layers of paint...
Dude this is the internet and SSF, how the hell can you tell when someone's not being serious?

Also Warren Thomas does some really cool things using a variety of modern materials to make super light and strong weapons. At it's simplest he has titanium blades with edges coated in TiN so that they can actually hold an edge. He also does knives that are further lightened and strengthened by having layers of carbon fiber on the blade as well. If you've ever wonder what swords would be like if we still used them in modern warfare I would say this would be a good candidate.
People you are making to many cience abaout the scratches colour...this is ficcion evrything can hapen whiout a reason i mean an ironman suit is imposible from the very begining...and think about the scratches being gold it will look a little bit odd imo...
People you are making to many cience abaout the scratches colour...this is ficcion evrything can hapen whiout a reason i mean an ironman suit is imposible from the very begining...and think about the scratches being gold it will look a little bit odd imo...

Dude we can't dismiss inaccuracies on a figure just because the character is fictional, most of hot toys figures are based on fictional characters ...but i do agree with you that silver scratches look better but people should still have the right to point out that it's inaccurate.
Dude we can't dismiss inaccuracies on a figure just because the character is fictional, most of hot toys figures are based on fictional characters ...but i do agree with you that silver scratches look better but people should still have the right to point out that it's inaccurate.

yes but if it is inacurate is not hot toys deal because the sctraches are silver in the movie and hot toys just care about being acurate to the the inacuracy is in the movie not in the figure
Well I think the silver scratches are accurate to the film, just not accurate to logic. I'm not complaining so much as discussing. I just find it interesting. It's also interesting to discuss the possible real-world logic of things.

For example, I'm pretty sure Titanium that thin won't even come close to stopping a bullet. I could be wrong, but it lacks hardness and is too ductile (able to change shape).
there some kind of gold which is called withe gold...that its silver and it could be logic the scraches being silver too
Exactly! Just like a figure having brown pants when he's supposed to have orange pants ;)

Ya sure, like i said you have the right, but to hold that against the figure is unfair especially when hot toys made them in such a way that they can be made accurate with a simple mod.

..and that's why whiplash is underrated imo, people can't see past the brown pant's, it's a shame really:(
I just feel that as much as these figures cost we shouldn't have to mod them in any way to make them acurate, even if it is very simple...granted Whiplash was a bit cheaper...
I just feel that as much as these figures cost we shouldn't have to mod them in any way to make them acurate, even if it is very simple...granted Whiplash was a bit cheaper...

Dude really..i'm not a big fan of modding myself but this mod is easy, and i'm sure hot toys would have made them orange if they wanted to but alas another licensing problem:slap , when you sit back and think of what hot toys did for there fans by hiding the orange under the brown..i think that's pretty awesome and a true testament to what a great company they are:)

..but hey if you want to continue thinking whiwplash is a bad figure it will be your loss when he becomes as rare as the Mark 1.
I still have no idea what the hell the problem was with making the OVERALLS (not pants) orange. Who owns the license to orange overalls? Does it have something to do with them being the uniform of some racing team?
Exactly! Just like a figure having brown pants when he's supposed to have orange pants ;)

thats diferent because thats really a hot toys licence issue that make the figure inacurate to the movie...but the scratches beig silver has nothing to do with the figure because its acurate to the if you want to complain you shuld doit with the ones that make the movie