Super Freak
I have the Mark IV but I might get the Mark VI because I hoped the IV would come with the flip up helmet that this one does.
I really like the VI but I don't need both.
I really like the VI but I don't need both.

My problem with the rationale of comparing the comics to the movie figures is that the figures are for the movies only. You guys keep saying the IV will be the last classic iron man, but when I think classic I think of the Sideshow classic comiquette, the only "classic" thing I see in the IV is the reactor, and even then a circle doesn't necessarily warrant it as any more iron man than the VI. Reason I'm getting the VI over the IV is cause it reflects the best movie Iron Man in my opinion. Though only real big difference to me that makes the VI look less iron man than the IV is the silver paintjob. However the movie suit was based most on the extremis suit and the VI reminds me of it much more than the IV.
Very nice! Any ETA nick on when you should have that replacement body?
Only slightly related, only slightly~
Only slightly related, only slightly~
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