Hot Toys – MMS132 - Iron Man 2: Mark VI full spec and pics

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You know, the best thing about this figure is that its great but at the same time it doesn't put the MarkIV to shame either IMO, unlike the MarkIII BD did to the original MarkIII....I feel like the MarkIV still has great appeal & value with the release of this figure...cant wait to get this suit tho it looks fantastic!!!
Well they say this:

Right? Well the Mark IV sculpt is a newly sculpted head with authentic likeness of Robert Downey Jr. The helmet is newly developed since they aren't using MK III parts. It does have a removable mask. They are being completely honest from a certain point of view. They never said that the sculpt is directly created for the MK VI we are just assuming that. It looks good and in the end for me that is all that matters.

well said sir.
Damn help me: Mark IV or VI??? or even wait for a posible avengers DX definitive version. I just want to have one Iron Man.

Buy VI. It's only $30 or so more if you get it now. Gives you options to display BD and clean. Head sculpt is the same as well. Besides in the movie-verse this was the ultimate Iron Man suit anyway. :)
Well they say this:

Right? Well the Mark IV sculpt is a newly sculpted head with authentic likeness of Robert Downey Jr. The helmet is newly developed since they aren't using MK III parts. It does have a removable mask. They are being completely honest from a certain point of view. They never said that the sculpt is directly created for the MK VI we are just assuming that. It looks good and in the end for me that is all that matters.

Mike, I usually agree with you and I value your opinion, but when a company justifies anything in retail/advertising by asking the consumer to look at it from a certain point of view, that means that something is off.

Using Sideshow's announcement as a metric, the Mark IV was listed for preorder on 4/18/2010. Both of the Mark VI versions were listed 7/14/2010. At the VERY least, the ad was misleading.

Bottom line is that Hot Toys mailed this one in. Perhaps because negotiations stalled, or were taking too long. Any of a number of reasons are possible.

It's the principle that I'm dissapointed about. And I just want to be crystal clear about what I'm saying.
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That wasn't me that said that. Sorry Rub. Not the quoted parts anyways. It links back to what I said about not using the the helm with an actual sculpt underneath.
Best Iron Man so far.



So he doesn't have the gold between his chest and shoulders, I thought it would with that teaser pic befor the weekend. It really needs the gold to break up all that red.
So he doesn't have the gold between his chest and shoulders, I thought it would with that teaser pic befor the weekend. It really needs the gold to break up all that red.

Hadn't noticed that. So I wonder if the chest piece has to be removed in order to reveal the shoulder munitions.
So he doesn't have the gold between his chest and shoulders, I thought it would with that teaser pic befor the weekend. It really needs the gold to break up all that red.
He has the gold strips (you can see them when the chestplate is removed), but his chestplate is too large and covers them up entirely. Kind of a bummer.
I like this over the IV. In this suit he redeems himself and has the best fight scene of the movie. In IV, he's drunk, eating donuts, or fighting warmachine.
Mike, I usually agree with you and I value your opinion, but when a company justifies anything in retail/advertising by asking the consumer to look at it from a certain point of view, that means that something is off.

To be fair that was my argument not HT's official line, just playing devil's advocate to further the discussion.

Using Sideshow's announcement as a metric, the Mark IV was listed for preorder on 4/18/2010. Both of the Mark VI versions were listed 7/14/2010. At the VERY least, the ad was misleading.

This isn't a Sideshow product so using Sideshow as any kind of barometer is already flawed logic. The official specs for the Mark VI were posted here (which was right after they were posted) on July 19th, 2010. While the specs for the Mark IV were listed here on April 16th, 2010 by Wookster himself. What that has to do with this is beyond me but I was correcting dates via Hot Toys. I'm talking official specs, the teasers were announced anywhere from two weeks to a month before, I'm too lazy too look. How it was misleading is still puzzling me. Nowhere in any of the advertisements was it specifically said that the Mark VI would have a headsculpt completely new and redesigned for it. The likeness issues could have been simply to approve it in the helmet, the same thing happened during the BD MK III fiasco where the Kojun in the helmet sculpt was denied even after showing it off. It isn't out of the realm of possibilities that it was sitting on RDJ's table this entire time waiting for a signature.

Also, this could be a different sculpt essentially it's supposed to look like RDJ so if both sculpts do wouldn't that be the goal? I can see differences in the lips and around the eyes that I didn't notice with the Mark IV's sculpt but then again it might be my eyes wanting to see the differences or having those differences pushed in via other forums but my point is that a sculpt that nails RDJ would essentially look the same if they went with the same expression. Was the expectation a screaming sculpt or a smiling one?

Bottom line is that Hot Toys mailed this one in. Perhaps because negotiations stalled, or were taking too long. Any of a number of reasons are possible.

I'm not saying they did or they didn't, just simply offering an explanation.

It's the principle that I'm dissapointed about. And I just want to be crystal clear about what I'm saying.

Theoretically they haven't gone against your principalities. If HT went on their FB and said, swore that this was a brand new sculpt started from scratch for this particular head and DID NOT use the MK IV sculpt as a base would you believe them? Would you say they were lying even if your eyes said they were?
One quality control issue that has shown up on everyone's figure so far is the damaged chestpiece not snapping into place like it should. I've yet to see a photo without a gap between the body and the bottom of the plate.

The fact of the matter is no other figure came with that head sculpt. They said new head sculpt, not new face sculpt. By putting it in a helmet it makes it an entirely different and new HEAD sculpt than they used before.