Remember, HT has a Marvel film license. So they can make figures from ANY Marvel movie. They didn't have to even announce their X-men first class license (or Spider-man 3 specifically) because they already had them.
Can't argue with logic.
I suspect HT will focus on Spidey 3 for now and then move on to the others in time. Once the Spidey figure reaches crazy prices, they'll release a Spidey 1 or 2 version and everyone will rejoice.
Exactamundo, again. My speculation as to
why HT decided to focus on the 3rd Spidey film first is that it was simply the largest grossing of the franchise (as was
Blade 2, remember). While I think a Doc Ock would be a no-brainer from a 1/6th scale articulated figure angle, HT may simply decide that the largest box office take is relative to the largest potential audience for a figure. This of course applies to previous films or franchises, as the new Thor figure shows they will invest in development
if they assume a built-in audience already exists. (Assuming that about Miller's
The Spirit probably cost them, though.)
X-Men: First Class just had a number one take in its first weekend of release (though the smallest gross of any X-film). The reviews are mainly positive, thus they are moving ahead with figs.
Gully - any new Marvel tidbits? Still waiting for the definitive Wolverine!
We probably won't see another HT Logan until
Wolverine 2 (which is a sequel without a director at the moment, right?)
First Class figs are in the pipeline, I've been told.
Magneto & Xavier.
and then McCoy Beast & Frost.
Are you ready?