Hot Toys – MMS151 - Spider-Man 3: 1/6th scale New Goblin Official Specs and Pics

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Stupid character from a stupid movie and I have no need for regular Harry from the first spiderman... But the Frano head seems too good not to get... Maybe Franco will be in something soon that I'd want to kit bash. It's likely, he has so many jobs that I'm sure he will play a character in a movie soon I'd kill to have. I like old Franco. He reminds me of me. hah.
That likeness is just amazing.

Agreed. Incredible sculpt & paint.



Lots of cool kitbash possibilites with this fella. :rolleyes2



As was said before: leave it to Hot Toys to develop a killer figure based on a mediocre character from the weakest film of the trilogy!

Im disappointed that the mask does not split apart and retract across both sides, like in the movie. I always thought that was cool. I know it was just a special effect but i thought HT would figure out how to do it for real
Im disappointed that the mask does not split apart and retract across both sides, like in the movie. I always thought that was cool. I know it was just a special effect but i thought HT would figure out how to do it for real

Why would you expect that? Have you seen the Indiana Jones sculpt? :lol

This figure is a bittersweet surprise. I'm glad to see HT is continuing the Spider-man line but it's with the villain I wanted least. At the same time it looks so good I might still want him. I'm worried that if he doesn't sell well HT might not get around to making Venom (like the Watchmen line...). I need Venom...
Remember, HT has a Marvel film license. So they can make figures from ANY Marvel movie. They didn't have to even announce their X-men first class license (or Spider-man 3 specifically) because they already had them. I suspect HT will focus on Spidey 3 for now and then move on to the others in time. Once the Spidey figure reaches crazy prices, they'll release a Spidey 1 or 2 version and everyone will rejoice.
I'm still shocked he doesn't have a complete blank stare like 90% of Hot Toys figures. This head sculpt is truly to the next level. As Thor, Jill, etc.. show though, they obviously can't do this as often as they should. You'll actually be able to put Harry in *gasp* dramatic posing and not make the facial expression make no sense.
Despite the fact I didn't care for the movie or character, I bought it. Like the overall look of the figure. The face sculpt is very realistic with the right kind of expression, but likeness is a tad off, wasn't instant recognition for me, but pretty close. I thought the thor figures weren't that good so I passed on those, partly because of the strange expressions but also the costumes were funny looking.
So does anybody think that maybe they made him first because out of all the villains, he would be the easiest? Venom could be taking awhile because they need to get him to not look like hes wearing a cloth costume, sandman could be hard because of texture, and dock ock is obviously going to be difficult because of the tentacles and such (I dont think the original green goblin would be too hard because of all their work on the batman suits)

So maybe they gave us this because his costume really isnt too difficult to translate into a figure?
So does anybody think that maybe they made him first because out of all the villains, he would be the easiest?
So maybe they gave us this because his costume really isnt too difficult to translate into a figure?

Interesting choice by HT and I think you are probably right. I think they are gambling that the quality of the figure will make up for the character's lack of popularity. Lucky for Hot Toys that they have the talent to probably pull it off.

Quality of the figure is amazing but too bad it's a "secondary" character with a really bland costume design.