Hot Toys – MMS151 - Spider-Man 3: 1/6th scale New Goblin Official Specs and Pics

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LOL I was wondering if there were really only 30 available or that was just bs to get people to jump? Either case, I agree...I had zero interest in this figure, but for $98 including tax and shipping? Please. :)
Wonder if they'll have Red Skull on this BF sale? hmmm...if they do, there goes more money. I really, really want him. :)
Order is processing now...if it gets shipped today, it will be here tomorrow. Yay!! Why do I feel like a kid every time a figure is about to arrive...get all giddy. :rotfl :blissy :blissy
Wouldn't be surprised to see Red Skull and/or Black Spidey. Which would be a bummer since I just bought Red Skull for $180 a couple of weeks ago. But if Black Spidey goes on the cheap, I'll be really glad I didn't get him for $180 this last weekend at F&S. :)
I doubt they would do Red Skull at $89 but if it is a good price for it, I might get it. I really want him.

Cool pic with you signature BTW. :)
Thanks, thought I'd change it up. Yeah, I don't see them going that low with Red Skull. I'm sure they probably look at order history, and I'd be surprised if they were selling any New Goblins at all. But if they lowered Red Skull even $25 they'd probably sell a good # of them. He's currently $199 at SSC and all of the retailers I've seen have him at $180-200. So if he went to $150 I'm sure he'd fly.
Agreed. Maybe we'll see Bruce Lee, Amber or Baby Doll up for sale. Those Bruce Lees don't seem to move that quickly...if he goes on sale, I'll pass. Baby Doll? I might think about it.
LOL you and I are having a good day, Nia. New Goblin and Superman for you, and New Goblin / Hawkeye ordered for me! Cheers!!
LOL you and I are having a good day, Nia. New Goblin and Superman for you, and New Goblin / Hawkeye ordered for me! Cheers!!

Yay!!! You got your Hawkeye. Very happy for you.

Yeah...what a day. And the addiction continues... :blissy
I don't know whether to hope that they DO or DO NOT have big sales on anything that I want this week....I didn't even want New Goblin and I bought him! LOL
New Goblin is back to "available" again. LOL, I wonder why he keeps bouncing between available and "checking stock"?

Fingers definitely crossed for black Spidey!!