Hot Toys – MMS178 - The Avengers: 1/6th scale Black Widow Limited Edition Collectible

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So sexy.

Quick bash:

I found that, in hand, the clone of the short haired sculpt (on the right) looks extremely close to the official release (left) and is a great substitute for kit bashes.

My Hot Toys Avengers Black Widow Review

I guess you could say this is my first "normal" Hot Toys figure. Now I get what you guys are always talking about DX. Even though this is a high end figure by the price and quality. The box is lacking that sturdy DX feel. Which is a shame because I'm starting to think that all Hot Toys figures should get that sort of box for the price I'm paying and the quality of the figures.

I had a difficult time deciding between this Black Widow or Sideshow's Iron Man 2 Black Widow PF with Spazzy's hair mod. I ended up getting the Hot Toys Avengers Black Widow after seeing the rising prices on the Avengers figures. I didn't want to pay $100+ extra like I had to with the Keaton Batman. The price on Hawkeye and others scares me too.

Upon opening Black Widow, just like with the Keaton Batman, I was really surprised at the life like resemblance. A lot of people talk about Black Widow's hair. Also, that she's a doll or Barbie. I don't really remember Barbie figures. I vaguely remember seeing one when I was young at a girl's house. I'm talking when I was maybe just turning double digits. This Black Widow isn't anything like a Barbie. They were always plastic like dolls with poor fabric costumes and generic toy faces from what I remember. The hair to me doesn't take away from Black Widow but adds to the realism. It complements the suit and her realistic skin tone. Although I haven't seen the Avengers Thor in person, I think Black Widow's hair is cool. But some of you guys are doing more with her hair too. Clipper King didn't just add product, he had to style it more. Her hair is firm. And his figure looks like her hair is fuller, more wind blown.

This is the first figure I've really tried to pose. I'm finding it difficult to find a good pose. My Keaton Batman just stands there like in the 89 movie promo shots. Very simple. You guys must be experts or didn't stop posing figures when I stopped doing simple poses with G.I. Joes. I've seen the under body on these figures a few times in reviews and on eBay auctions. But to pose them you really have to know where the joints are. This is the best I could come up with for now. I wanted her to look like she's ready to go hand to hand. Either about to toss her gun away after unloading it on a bad guy. Kind of like Neo in the Matrix before the "bullet time" sequence. Or she's about to holster the gun. I removed the spring because I wanted one gun to be "empty" and like the look of it.

I think the figure is awesome. I definitely should have picked her up at the original price. Now I'm very tempted to get Captain America but I want a different face sculpt. Which I'm sure will come out with the second movie. I think I read or heard a review that said all Hot Toys removable portraits will fit the older/newer figures. I'm thinking that Hot Toys could have made an awesome Quorra from TRON Legacy figure now. But I don't know about her lighting up. I need to check the reviews on Flynn and Sam. But anyone holding out should get this one. She's only going up. Especially once the most likely Captain America 2 version comes out with the different hairstyle.
That's a nice comment on what to expect of the head upon unboxing!

How were you able to remove the spring?

I watched this review and kept messing with it. He talks about it towards the middle of the review. There seems to be a small tab holding the top part of the gun in place against the spring. I took it off and put it back on a few times so far. It slides back and down in place. But you have to be careful.

The Catwoman gun is the same way. I actually lost that stinking tiny spring to hers and had to order an extra one. The gun had fallen apart during posing and no matter how hard I looked, it simply disappeared! :gah:
The Catwoman gun is the same way. I actually lost that stinking tiny spring to hers and had to order an extra one. The gun had fallen apart during posing and no matter how hard I looked, it simply disappeared! :gah:

I have a white desk to do that sort of work. When I was young I lost the knee cap armor on my Zartan figure outside. I searched for hours the next morning. I found it somehow too.
This is a pretty great figure and the one that almost got me collecting Hot Toys. Now, seeing the '66 Batman and Robin along with Batmobile, it seems that I may move in this direction as well.

There are so many great products out there nowadays that it seems every purchase sacrifices another purchase. In this case, I agree that this doll/figure is absolutely amazing and seems to be a better likeness than its statue PF counterpart.
It's still there.
Open the site up on your mobile device.
Has to be the MOBILE site.
Manufacturer: Hot Toys: 1/6 scale and whammo. It's there, and in stock right now.

That is really weird. Even if you type "Black Widow" on the mobile site you get a "no matches" response. But you are right, she is there for all to see (and order). I think this is a glitch more that anything else. Still waiting for my Ada Wong pistol to arrive for my Widow...

:offtopic: There is now a rumor that Black Widow will die in The Avengers: Age of Ultron...just a grain of salt for now...I think they will kill her as she will be running out of hairstyles by then...
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