Sounds to me like the people that bought it are trying to justify it, not the other way around.
I never thought the chair in the film looked "cheap", you're the first person I've ever seen state that opinion. It was . . . a chair with computer monitors, that's it. It wasn't some "Verhovian, 80's relic juxtaposed with Robocop's aesthetic", it was a ****ing chair! It's not exactly something I would use to describe Robocop. Also, I don't remember those screens and life support monitors being crappy stickers that you'd find on a kid's toy. The metal was also real, not some cheap ass chrome paint Hot Toys has a tendency to overuse (especially on weapons). The whole final product looks chintzy. The way it looks in review videos when the reviewers pick it up makes it even more evident that it's a crappy plastic chair. Bet it weighs as much as a value pack bundle of tooth picks.
Look, I love the prime directives and Johnson's "tastes like baby food" scene (hey, where's the baby food slush machine for an addition $150!?!"). The nightmare he has with his visions of Boddicker is also a great moment in the film. But let's be honest here, the chair isn't what makes those scenes. In reality, this is a cheap, over priced extra that the figure looks ridiculous sitting in. Yes, go on about it being a background dio, but the inclusion of this piece is for Robocop to sit in, and it fails in that regard. It looks about as convincing as a vintage Star Wars figure sitting in a vehicle cockpit. If it works for you, great, use it as a simple background piece. For some of us though, the criticisms against it should be understandable. It's the only aspect that I think is lame about this set. Thank goodness for the single figure option.