Super Freak
Man, these last few days are going by at a snail's pace. If I had a prostate exam scheduled for the first of November it'd be here in a heartbeat!
Too true.
Man, these last few days are going by at a snail's pace. If I had a prostate exam scheduled for the first of November it'd be here in a heartbeat!
Do you guys see that HT Robocop is not as accurate as EB Robocop terms of sculpt and paint? I'm leaning towards EB.
I hope sharpnel is trolling...
Why is that? Eb makes very nice 1/4 scale figs, I bought their batman begins version as I thought it was the best representation out there
I'm super pumped to get the ht version, have the eb version already, and will give my unbiased opinions on the pros and cons of each vs each other
Either way, I'm the winner as I get two solid representations of one of my fav characters
*****, just found the memo in my junk mail, where it belongsDidn't you get the memo?
You are not supposed to like anything that is not made by HT around here.
Otherwise you are a-an (insert anything you'd like).
Get with the program man!
All hail HT!
Ah Enterbay. Whatever happened to them after Robocop.
Serious question, have they just given up on movie-based figures.
Ah Enterbay. Whatever happened to them after Robocop.
Serious question, have they just given up on movie-based figures.
Ah Enterbay. Whatever happened to them after Robocop.
Serious question, have they just given up on movie-based figures.
I'd love for ********* Bill to answer that question instead of just posting pictures of expensive trips, fancy food and exotic cars.
Are they just doing NBA now? Last I saw was JCVD.
Anyway, enough EB talk, I don't want DiFabio to ban me.
Pretty smart, bro.
If I had tons of money I'd pick up the enterbay RoboCop, I think its really nice. I don't get all the hate.