Hot Toys –MMS120 - Iron Man 2: War Machine full spec and pics

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Ok, here we go some better pics:

War Machine ( Note to self, why are whiplash's pants still brown?)

Iron Man Collection, disrerard the DC guys below.

And the shelf, not as blurry as the last time I posted:
New pics. War Machine is so impressive looking, there are so many subtle details all over this figure. More weathering than i expected. I love the jets on his back and all the details in his gun. Some of the flaps on his arm for the SMG were a little loose but they still hold position. The Articulation is excellent, he can hold a lot of action poses. The torso is able to flex backward slightly but when it bends forward, it springs back in place








WM, protector of all that is good and just plus assorted backyard furnitures and garden hoses! :rock
Nice pics! :)

Got mine today, express shipped from the states to switzerland...damn...was a bit pricey with the added custom fees. But it paid off...this figure is real craftmanship, my third of hot toys, first of the Iron Man line. After all these extremely good reviews I had to get it. Now the Mark VI is a must.

Just a little iPhone shot:

Nice pics! :)

Got mine today, express shipped from the states to switzerland...damn...was a bit pricey with the added custom fees. But it paid off...this figure is real craftmanship, my third of hot toys, first of the Iron Man line. After all these extremely good reviews I had to get it. Now the Mark VI is a must.

Just a little iPhone shot:


Looks good, congrats :rock

Hey guys- I was blown away when I received my WAR MACHINE.
Hot Toys got so much right, I can't complain at all about what little they got wrong.

However, being a fanatic for accuracy, I did some research and found some mistakes.
So, I decided to correct them.
(If you've read my thread about making corrections to the Hot Toys ALIEN Kane & Dallas, you'll know what I mean...)

After long research on the net and watching DVD frames
I created custom images in Photoshop to perfectly match the decals in the film, and I'm having them professionally printed as water-slide decals at the start of January 2011.

For myself, I only need one set of these decals obviously, but the decal company requires a whole 8" x 13" full-page minimum, and it is quite expensive.

In the interest of helping collectors make their WAR MACHINE as accurate as possible, and to help defer the high cost of having them printed, (and a little extra for my many hours of hard work) I've decided to offer copies for $5.00 plus postage.
(If you're not inside the U.S., I will find out how much postage costs for a small envelope to your country and let you know.)
For that price I'll send you two complete sets, with some added duplicates.

I created these images to be very accurate and high quality, (if I do say so myself)
and the Photoshop document is VERY high resolution- to match the very high resolution of the ALPS printing process I'll be using.

I have the decal company's assurance that the edges will be perfectly crisp and clear, right down to the micro-lettering.
To give you an idea of scale, the emblem located on WAR MACHINE's right upper arm will be 14.5mm x 14.5mm in size.

I wonder why Hot Toys missed this?
Was it intentional because they are U.S. Air Force insignia?.. I don't know.
Anyway, if you are interested, you can email me at:

[email protected]

Please put the word DECALS in the subject line.
Thanks- now go play with your toys.
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Yes. I measured them extremely carefully.
1/6 scale, and the spaces between the white printing will be matt clear, just like a normal model kit decal.
If you look at the fourth image at the right, you'll see the Photoshop document;
It has a red grid. Each square represents 1 millimeter.
That will tell you exactly how big each decal is.

That fourth picture is vastly reduced in size, for posting here.
It appears a bit fuzzy because of that.
The actual document I sent to the printer is a huge bitmap.
All the edges are perfectly crisp, and the lines are perfectly straight.
I only wanted to do this job once, so I made sure it was done right.
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Centrocal, I said in my original post- I'm having them printed at the beginning of January.
believe me, I wouldn't have done all this work (and the cost) if I wasn't positive they were exactly the right size and proportions.
It has taken me five days to finish this, and I have already sent it to the decal printer. He is a professional modeler too, so communicating with him about exactly what I wanted was easy.

I'm not asking anyone to send me money before I have received the decals from the printer,
and applied them to my own WAR MACHINE.
When I have done that, I'll post fresh pictures of him WITH the new decals.

Also: On the lower left ribcage area,
the 'ED445' printed there will need to be sanded off
before applying the correct 'V' shaped USAF decal.
I'll be posting more about that after I have done it myself,
along with a little tutorial (for those who don't know)
on how to seal the decal with hardener,
and make the edges of the decals virtually invisible.

NOTE: The AF47 and 001 decals are optional.
The reason for this is that when WAR MACHINE first appears on stage at the Stark Expo,
these two decals were NOT there on his left shoulder guard.
Then he takes flight and the big battle happens,
and they have 'magically' appeared on his armor and remain until the end. (OOPS!)

Right now, I'm just letting all of you know- the decals are coming the first or second week of January.
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Hey guys, i'm wondering if any of u tried opening the battery compartment on WM's head? The eyes on my WM won't light up but it seems difficult to open the batt compartment with that extra plastic piece around the neck.. -.-"
tdk5, I've had that problem several times.
Just take the little 'function tool' or an Exacto knife,
and wedge it into the little slot where you removed the plastic tab.
Wiggle it around a bit, and it should make the batteries connect.
Works for me every time.

And rubio95, thank you!